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1st time spearing in 25 years!


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My brother and I took my two kids out spearing pike in ND a little while ago. I haven't been spearing for at least 25 years. What a hoot that was! My kids thought it was cooler than heck. Here's a pic of my five year old, Morgan, in the house.


In spite of my best efforts, I couldn't get her to pitch the spear at anything. She'd say she would do it, but then she'd chicken out for some reason when a fish would come in. I think I finally convinced her to do it, but then we didn't see another fish.

My eight year old son, Ryan, however couldn't throw the spear enough! He managed to get three fish on the ice and thought it was the greatest thing ever! It was a ton of fun. Here's Ryan with one of the fish he speared.


Lots of fun and can't wait to go back!

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Geez, apparently this is where all the bowhunters went!!! laugh LOL

Nice pictures, did you strap the little one into her seat?!

Yep, you can see in the pic of my son that his rope has slipped down around his thighs a little bit. Both kids were tied with a rope so the furthest they could go was right at the edge of the hole. No way I was going to lose one of them down a spearing hole...

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