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Firebright LED's vs BHK Leds...


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Hey guys I was just looking at the firebrights, and they seem alot like the b h k lights we use to rave about back maybe 3 or 4 years ago. Are they alot alike, they seem identicle?? just wondering what everyone else thinks, are they the same or is there differences??


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  • we are 'the leading edge' HSO Creators

They are not the same. Good luck with the b h ks. You will have lights you need to do work with, are yellow compared to FireBrites, and are "not designed for ice fishing".

The FireBrite LEDs are clear bright and designed for ice fishing ready to go right out of the package. Nothing rigged up by hand like you have to do with the bhks, with nice solid state design on the FireBrites. Waterproof as well.

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I've never tried the Firebrights so I can't comment on them, I got the BHK several years ago with no issues, I use them a lot and they are as bright and clear as the day I got them. The wires definitely are thin and hard to work with. I don't know if you can even get the BHK lights anymore and I do know some people has issues being double billed among other things.

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I own several sets of each. The cheapo ones, work, and they are cheap, and do break. I have Gotten the long strings, and they came coiled up, and were about as hard, and brittle as frozen taffy. They broke taking them out of the package. I had an order that never showed up. The CS is non existing, and if, and when he gets back to you, they are all empty promises. I fell for the mail back the bad one, and if it is from poor quality, they will ship me a new one. Ha, shipping the old one back, and getting the new one in the mail, ended up costing me more then buying 3 new sets. The wires are so tiny, they break, and are almost impossible to repair. They have led's that dont work in the string from new. I can handle, and cope with a cheap product, having issues, being they are cheap, but the poor CS, and flat out lies that the company dishes out, were to much to take.

I am not the only one here that had these issues, which is why this site does not support them. My opinion, I dont want to speak for the site.

The Firebrite sets, I also have about 10 sets of them. They are heavy duty, they have large wires, and aligator clips on them. They are very soft, and pliable, and when you have 2 sets side by side, you can easily pick out the better quality set, without even turning them on, or touching them. I also want to add, that of the 10 sets I have of the Firebritess, not one concern with them, I have them in my ice house, my hunting shack, and use them for tenting, camping, etc.. They have many uses.

You can make your own decision, I prefer quality, over cheesey product, with very poor customer service, then being lied to on top of it. The choice though, is yours, but I know if you bought the Firebrites, you will be satisfied with your purchase.

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No issues with my Chinese lights. Going on 3+ years attached to the house. I did have to go through the process of attaching mine to larger gauge wires. Keep in mind if you go that route, beyond the poor (no customer service), they take a couple months to show up, so Ice season may be done when they arrive.

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I have been using the well-known cheaper version since all of the hullaballoo about them here that you mention. The firebrites come with a beefier wire to connect to your power source and ready-made clip ends. Mine came with wire the diameter of a hair, so I subbed in my own wire and female spade connectors for my 12v batteries and wound up with basically the same set-up.

That said, I'm sure that if they ever do fail, I'll buy the ones from here.

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My suggestion is to pick a different style of LED light all-together. I've recently picked up some LED wide angle spotlights and waterproof rigid bars that are more durable, cheaper and offer a better light spectrum for tying knots.

The rubberized LED lights are monochromatic which lends to poor depth perception and they are breakable.

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great responses, i have some sets of the bhks from a few years ago, but are on the way out. The bigger gauge wire sounds awesome as i would put larger gauge wire on the bhks to keep from having any broken wires. I think i will go with a couple firebrite sets, thanks for all the replys guys!!

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You can strip the thin BHKs wire and add speaker wires and connect them with alligator clips. Although you still have the thin wire break point between the connection spot and the light.

Make the thin wire length (not too) short and wrap electric tape around it, anchoring it all the way from the lights to your splice.

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  • we are 'the leading edge' HSO Creators

Even then the BHKs have the breakpoint as they go into the flextube. Then you also have the attachment point where you have to buy and attach alligator clips, buy and attach wire not designed for it and hope it doesn't pull apart or break at the break points when you need it most. The bhks are a dingy yellow color plastic over the lights. It's also not waterproof when jury-rigger for ice fishing.

There is a big jump in quality and FireBrite LEDs are ready to use out of the package.

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My B H K's lights are still working. It depends on whats more important to you saving money or customer service. If you are only going to run one light it is not that big of a deal money wise. Back when the B H K lights were discovered they were pretty much hands down the best option. Now there are all kinds of options. You can find any type of light you want in any size and color.

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