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Sound Bar

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I've wanted to get a sound bar for my family room TV for a long time, but can't justify the prices. I have a nice setup in my basement so I don't need anything fancy in the family room, just something that makes the occasional movie or listening to music sound better.

Do any of you have the $100 versions and like them, or should I just man up and pay $250-$350 for a decent model? Any recommendations?

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Wouldn't a decent set of computer speakers with a sub sound just as good for a lot less?

I was looking at the Vizio sound bar last year, but then decided to wait. Probably going to go with some decent computer speakers instead.

I guess it depends on if you want more sound coming from different sides of the room and not concerned about quality or if you want that crisp sound of Bose.

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I think they are more style than functionality.

To a large degree, maybe totally, that's true. I don't think anyone, other than perhaps Bose, markets them as a substitute for a full-fledged surround sound system.

They're a special/niche market item where people want some form of surround sound but don't want to deal with all that goes with a big system.

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I think they are more style than functionality. A cheap one will probably work, unless you are an audiophile. However for roughly the same price you could get an entire home theater in a box set-up.

Yes and no. Soundbars in general have better quality speakers and are much clearer than what are in TV's, which are about as cheap as you can get. They also do a much better job of directing the sound to where you are, whereas speakers on flat panel TV's generally are on the back of the TV and have to reflect off of the walls before the sound gets to you. Most also include a sub, so the range of the system is better on the low end, and due to the better speakers, on the high end as well.

Home theaters in a box will give you better surround sound, hands down. Not as good as a put together system, but better than a soundbar. If that's not what you are after and just want better sound, then a soundbar is the way to go. You should be able to get a namebrand one for somewhere in the $300 range, and make sure to get one with a sub.

BTW, there is generally a good markup on speakers, so you might want to watch the Christmas sales and see what you can find. They will probably go on sale again around the SuperBowl, which is when TV's have their highest markdown of the year.

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Good call CJH about the sales.

I definitely don't need surround sound, and most sound bars admittedly only provide a simulated surround. If you want surround don't go with a sound bar.

I'd still like to know if anyone has any positive experiences with them.

As for the computer speaker idea, don't most of those use a 1/8" jack and not higher quality audio connections?

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I have a Vizio VSB200 HD Sound Bar, that I got as a refurbished unit for $50. It works great, it sounds way better than the TV speakers. And the refurbished unit came looking as new. It has optical input, the remote sucks but it was easy to program my directv remote to control it. Tigerdirect has them for $59 right now.

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