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Brandy slush recipe??

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Frozen orange juice, water, tea bags and chipped ice. In a glass, one shot of brandy over chipped ice, one tea bag and fill with frozen orange juice that is mixed with water, poke the tea bag around with a mixing straw. you can sub. canned orange juice, canned pineapple juice, apple juice and the list goes on with the juice to use.

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I've got it for you. I love this stuff. My parents have made it my entire life and us kids use to sneak tastes too. Now they make it for us. Here it is.

Cranberry Slush

1 pint apricot brandy

1-48 oz. cran-apple juice

1-12 oz. lemonade concentrate

3-16 oz. 7-up

Combine and put in ice cream pail.

Put in freezer.

Allow 24 hours to freeze.

Serve with 7-up.

This is how my original recipe read. I find it takes more than 24 hours to freeze and I don't use an ice cream pail.

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Thanks bartman, I am going to try that too. It is the simplest one I have seen since looking last night.

So I need to mix in 48 oz of 7up? Probably just get a 24 pk.

I think I will just set it on the deck and let it freeze outside. I hope its good, cause I might make a batch and take it to Red Lake Christmas day.

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Frozen orange juice, water, tea bags and chipped ice. In a glass, one shot of brandy over chipped ice, one tea bag and fill with frozen orange juice that is mixed with water, poke the tea bag around with a mixing straw. you can sub. canned orange juice, canned pineapple juice, apple juice and the list goes on with the juice to use.

YUP! This is pretty much the one I use. I have the exact recipe at home if you want specifics on amounts, etc. I'll try to post tonight if I remember. It's one of those drinks that's awesome on a 90 deg summer afternoon or 10 below winter's night! Thanks for reminding me, I may have to whip up a batch for xmas myself laugh

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We always make this stuff in the summer.

2Qts strawberries.

as much sugar as you like, usually about 1C

enough white rum to keep it from freezing hard, usually about .5L

One can of lime juice concentrate

Blend it all together, freeze and scoop. Pour 7up over it and cool off in the 90F heat.

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Here it is! Make it at least one day before you plan to drink it:

1. Mix 7 cups water with 1 cup of sugar in a large pot, bring to boil and let cool

2. in a separate smaller pot, boil 2 cups of water and soak 4 regular tea bags, and let cool and remove tea bags

3. In an ice cream pail, pour both pots of water together along with 2-6oz cans of OJ concentrate, 2-6oz cans of lemonade concentrate, and 2 cups of brandy ( I use a little splash or two more wink ) Mix it all together until concentrate is dissolved

Put in the freezer for a good 24 hrs. When ready to serve, scrape some of the slush mixture into a glass and pour 7-UP over it. Enjoy!

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Just tried some of Bartmans loose juice. It was pretty darn good. The gf just came home from work and she really liked it too. Its still not frozen all the way but I couldnt resist. Looks like I will need around a 5 gallon pail to get through the hollidays.

Thanks again Bartman.

Oh, btw. It took me about 3 mins to get it all together and put away. No boiling water etc etc. Really nice and simple

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