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Bob Costas anti-gun rant on Sunday Night Football

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Did anyone else just watch this!? He came right out and blamed handguns for the murder/suicide tragedy in Kansas City. Absolutely sickening! I just wrote my disgust on the SNF facebook page, and to my surprise I was not the only one, many had wrote already. If you feel strongly about this I urge you to do the same and pass the word, we do not need this kind of thing to become the norm.

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Yeah I doubt this NFL player bench pressing 425 pounds, I really doubt he could've strangled her to death, so Bob come live with me, Friday night had a really suspicious vehicle lurking in the shadows near midnight, wife and I were finishing a movie, we're the only ones on the road, the 12 gauge got loaded just in case, hoping it was high school boozers but today you never know there's a few driving these mobile meth labs in our county we're hearing, I just don't want to be sitting there unable to defend my family either Bobby. I think most of the blame needs to go to the individual who pulls the trigger Robert.

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Hold on new Reality TV...........Bobby C. Goes to Cicero to collect firearms on Friday night at Midnight in dimly lit neighborhoods. He's got this great idea, this idea is poor, like everyone gets but he won't be involved in the ground work of getting it done, someone else right Bobby can go risk their life while I rock Rockefeller central. Must be Big City pollution that gets to some of these guys, they forget where there wheaties come from. I'd watch Robert in Swat gear collecting firearms from hard core criminals in a second. His bullet proof gear would look like swiss cheese.

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Just to be clear, Bob is quoting the writing of a Kansas City author of some type. He clearly says he doesn't always agree with what the author "Whitlock" (?) says, but he does seem to agree with "this" article...which is what he is "reading aloud" during the broadcast.

Also, he (Bob Costas) certainly didn't create this segment of the broadcast on his own. This was done with the writers, producers, owners, and teams consent from all the NFL, and NBC sports. To point fingers at Bob in this is simply foolish, and short sighted.

I'm not defending the broadcast, but I am not opposed to it either. There will always be anti gun folks out there. It's a fact of life. There are certainly way too many inner-city, gang-related, senseless shootings, but banning hand-guns will not put a stop to that.

Education, respect, and appreciation for the lives of fellow man will go a long way to curbing senseless violence. But it's a nearly impossible task to educate people who don't want to be educated.

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Yep. If I were in "that" tax bracket I'd definitely be following the Democratic party...not!

Not that this has anything to do with this thread, but just for the record, these are the folks that Pres. Obama wants to stick a higher percentage of the taxes with. Ever wonder why he's not getting much support for this reform from the Republican side?

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