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xmas wish list!


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What's on your hunting/bow hunting wish list?

I've been trying to put together a list of wants, the only thing on my list right now is a trail cam. I have none and think it'd make a great toy to have around our land!

Mainbutter... if you PM me your address id be happy to send you a camera. I have far too many and I have a few that will work great on mineral sites or water holes, etc. If you get a nice one for xmas, then this would give you an extra. If not, then this would get you started! If that interests you, contact me. -Slim-

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Ive asked for a meat slicer to aid in jerky slicing. try to make it a little easier and more consistent.

Maybe a couple magazine subscription renewals, or some new duds from legendary whitetails? Theres a lot of neat stuff out there, oh well, I tell her to spend it on the kids!

Rippinlip.... thats always at the top of every years "wish list"!! grin

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I want a nice pair of binoculars and a trail camera. Anyone got recommendations on a nice pair of Binolculars? Also a winning powerball ticket so I can buy my own land, that would be a dream come true. Just wishfully thinking smile

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quality meat grinder, a tree saddle, a double ladder stand so I can take newbies out with me, a blackout trail cam, a safety vest harness, and oh yeah a job in a state with great deer hunting

that's not too much to ask for.... right? smile

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I want a nice pair of binoculars and a trail camera. Anyone got recommendations on a nice pair of Binolculars? Also a winning powerball ticket so I can buy my own land, that would be a dream come true. Just wishfully thinking smile

I have a pair of Leupold Yosemite 8x binocs. They are affordable and I have no complaints.

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