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Suppressor for 25-06

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I've been doing a lot of prairie dog hunting and the dogs we shoot are pretty educated. Once the shooting starts they go real quiet. I was wondering if any of you have tried suppressors on high powered, high velocity rifles like my 25-06? Maybe someone with military experience that has put some rounds through a suppressed .300 or 7.62? Do you think it would make enough difference at 300 meters to justify the cost? I've only shot a suppressed .22, which was AWESOME, but I know as velocities increase so does noise by a lot

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That would be interesting!! I am pretty sure prairie dogs hear better than humans. They would probably be confused for a day or two then they would become accustomed to that sound as well. Who knows. Any way sounds like a fun way to waist some money.

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Gordie is correct... All or in parts, suppressors in Minnesota are currently illegal for the common civilian.

As far as suppressors on just about any high powered rifle is not the initial report out of the muzzle. "Cans" take care of that quite well. It's when the bullet leaves the "can" and goes super sonic (CRACK!!!) that the device is no longer effective. For suppressors to "work" the round needs to be "sub sonic". then the report is muffled and the crack of the projectile going supersonic has been eliminated.

There's been some action over on a popular AR15 site trying to get suppressors legal in Minnesota. Thus far.... No joy. And with the current and newly elected politicians... Don't count on it in the near future. frown

If ya ask me... It's just another way to protect your hearing. The Euros have been hunting with them for years!! Even most OTHER states they're legal... We're soooooo behind.

(Note: I've shot .22, 9mm, 45acp, 5.56 and 308 through suppressors. My buddy down south has a BUNCH of cans and they are so nice to shoot with!!)

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Well, you may think MN is backward when it comes to this issue-it sure seems to be on some others!, but it just might be that folks here realize there is no justifiable reason for people to be using silenced firearms. And don't believe for a minute they will make any difference to little rodents or big 12-point bucks. If you want silence to protect your hearing, get a good set of ear plugs.

There are quite a few lifetime shooters and sportsmen who agree there is not much reason for a civilian to own full auto weapons, military "style" weapons with 60 round magazines, or other quasi-military weaponry. If you want to play soldier, secret agent or SEAL man....there is probably a recruiting office close to you. LOL.

Now, get out there with that 25-06 and blast away at those poor little rodents if it makes you feel good.

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Well, since I'm a NoDak resident now, where it is legal, nanny state laws no longer apply. smile Ear plugs are terrible for hunting. I usually wear em since when I dog hunt cuz of the large amount of shooting, but for game animals, no way! I need to hear the ducks wings whistle, the pheasant running through the grass, or that big buck breaking a twig.

I've never heard the difference between the report of a rifle with the crack, and the suppressed report with just the crack. Would you say it cuts it by 50%? 70%?

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Well, since I'm a NoDak resident now, where it is legal, nanny state laws no longer apply. smile Ear plugs are terrible for hunting. I usually wear em since when I dog hunt cuz of the large amount of shooting, but for game animals, no way! I need to hear the ducks wings whistle, the pheasant running through the grass, or that big buck breaking a twig.

I've never heard the difference between the report of a rifle with the crack, and the suppressed report with just the crack. Would you say it cuts it by 50%? 70%?

Best and really only examples would be on you tube. Do a few searches and see what you come up with.

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Wow ... Captain liberal jumped in on this one eh?

First off, there is NO SUCH THING as a silencer. It is merely a sound suppressor as a muffler is on your car. Is your vehicle silent? Nooooo... Didn't think so. As stated earlier, the sound suppression will vary based in numerous factors; including barrel length, caliber, loads used, atmospheric conditions, etc etc etc. again, as stated, a supersonic load (one traveling over the speed if sound, will still have the sharp crack you normally hear, however the muzzle report can be reduced. I have heard that the proper rim fire rifle equipped with a suppressor and subsonic loads can be incredible... Literally to the point of hearing little more than the firing pin contacting the primer and the action cycling. However this is incredibly unlikely to be the case in a "big bore" center fire load.

A suppressor could be a great thing for those who frequently shoot, whether for fun, competition, or what have you ... In conjunction with other means of hearing protection, not only is the operator more effectively protecting his/her hearing, but it drastically reduces the noises associated with shooting, which can go lengths to alleviate the aggravations of residents nearby in a rural setting.

In a hunting environment, I'd say it could benefit the hunter if a follow up shot is required, however I merely suggest that it increases the likelihood of the possibility of a follow up shot at distance, not guarantees one.

I'd like to see MN pass a law allowing civilians the opportunity to apply for the tax stamp allowing us to legally own a suppressor, however I won't hold my breath, and I can think of other things I could spend thousands of dollars on in the meantime lol.

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Where does a guy come across a sepressor for a .22??

They're all over, super easy to find. I used my buddies suppressed .22 to do a little sneaking on pdogs. Put on a ghillie suit and was able to creap to within 20' of em. Many times I was able to take 2-3 before they even raised their heads. With subsonic ammo, it sounds like someone quietly snapping their fingers. I can't think of a better way to introduce someone to firearms!

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Vexilar ... You CANNOT own a suppressor in MN. I thought that was pretty clearly stated already a few times in this thread. To answer your question, yes .... Suppressors can be purchased online, however you are ineligible to purchase one being that you are a MN resident.

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Btw, moose if I ever meet you, I owe you a beer. You seem to have YOUR head on straight ...

Now Ufatz, if you'll excuse me, I have to go play Army for a while. :P

nsnutter... You sir, are on! We're not so far apart. And now with the new F.F., I'm not that tough to find. LOL!! Shoot me a PM if you're thirsty sometime. Maybe meet up at Cy's... burgers n' beer and talks of a zombie invasion!! What could be better? grin

And speaking of "cans"... Wouldn't this gal look good with a "silencer"... (LOL!! Had to say that ya know. wink )


POF Lower, Vltor upper/hand guard, BCM 11" Ion barrel, Larue mount with a 1-4 Accupoint, Larue fore grip, Magpul furniture, timmney trigger with Daniel Defense guts. She's my light weight NFA coyote popper.

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