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I cannot contain my excitement! We only have 9 days before the orange army hits the woods and changes the deer and their movements. I love these last few days before the gun hunters hit the woods. I spend my prep time in class thinking about Big whitetails instead of correcting papers or perfecting lessons. I'm not sure if the rut is harder on the deer or myself.

I am not sure about this wind they have projected for tonight and tomorrow but it should make that calm Saturday morning that much better. Hopefully everyone gets the chance at the deer of their dreams these last few days.

With the newly wet leaves on the ground I think I may try doing some still hunting tonight at a place I don't usually hunt. Once this rain/snow quits it may be a good time to sit over that primary scrape in hopes of that buck returning to freshen it up.

Thanks for reading all these crazy thoughts that are flying through my head. Please tell me I am not the only one who is going nuts sitting at work right now!! laugh

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try being the student with mid-terms going on and all i can think about is big bucks running in front of me. I got a 60% on my Stats midterm not because i did not know the information but because i was thinking about the big bucks and my shot placement. College the first time was so much easier because I did not care as much if I as well. Good luck for all those who can get out there tomorrow while I sitting in 3 midterms.

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The deer have already changed their movements to completely nocturnal in my area(s) what deer are there or at least with dozens of us scouting we're seeing next to nothing within shooting hours. The orange army will just drive them in deeper although they can't get any deeper than they are in our farmland country. It's all about the right place at the right time now, good luck.

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I swear, my neck swells every day now until its over. I can think about nothing else. Don't try and talk to me about politics, religion, school, or anything else. If you don't want to talk about deer hunting, just keep your mouth shut.

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I think I have scoured every inch of my hunting lands by Bing Maps looking for that one different spot that migh just jump out at me. My buddies keep sending me pictures from trail cams and I just created a scrape in the middle of the office floor. Bad thing is that I can't get out hunting until Sunday, but then I have everyday next week to hunt before the orange army decends upon the deers.

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I am glad the weather has been crappy, otherwise, it would be killing me to be in here. Can't wait until this weekend, also have next Tuesday off.

Completely agree... if it were anywhere near tolerable today I'd be like a cat on a hot tin roof but it's so nasty out there that I want nothing to do with it right now. It does make me want tomorrow morning come very quickly though.

I just set a new stand over an open area in our normally buck thorn clogged woods that has 7 different scrapes on it and I'll be in it tomorrow a.m. I am definitely excited about that.

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Work is gonna be miserable for me tomorrow. I have a lot of loose ends to wrap up before 9 straight days of bow hunting. I've been checking the weather religiously to try and plan where and when I'm gonna hunt particular spots but the wind changes every time I check the weather.

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I work for field logic in the Rage broadhead department, and yearly layoffs are coming up next week (only lasts a month). So ill have plenty of time in the woods. Hope to spend as much time possible in the stand this weekend. Time to freshen up the batteries and the SD card in the cam. Buckle down boys, its gonna be a bumpy ride!

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I work for field logic in the Rage broadhead department, and yearly layoffs are coming up next week (only lasts a month). So ill have plenty of time in the woods. Hope to spend as much time possible in the stand this weekend. Time to freshen up the batteries and the SD card in the cam. Buckle down boys, its gonna be a bumpy ride!

Seriously do you have any job openings? I have some skills that just about every company could use!!!

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I'm trying to decide if 4 mock scrapes in a 10 X 12 office is enough or if maybe 5 would be better...

Seriously I'm with whoever it was that said they're checking the weather & the yo-yo wind forecasts, micromanaging which stand to sit each hunt, which property to go throw up another portable. I put out a climber last night for tonight's hunt while looking for a dumb turkey with my son, preferably a REALLY dumb one. He missed a couple times last week at home & spooked the one's out of there for a while.

Can't wait until Thursday & Friday which I have off, but am going tonight, am & pm tomorrow, & pm Sunday. Full Moon coming Monday sucks, but it's still that time when you got to be out whenever you can. Just hunt as smart as you can & hang in there. You know you're going to get some chances, just depends on whether it will be a deer you want to take.

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