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Practice please!!!


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Was informed today that 2 really nice bucks in my hunting area have arrows sticking out of there backsides! Same thing happened last year. I know we all have made a bad shot or missed, but this is missing vitals by a few feet! Please take ethical shots at deer and practice before taking the field. Sad to see 2 mature bucks walking wounded.

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I hate when people don't practice and grab some old bow that should have the string cut in half and then think they should go hunting !! the same guys do the same thing with there rifles and wound deer too!! If you practice and practice you won't make bad shots , you can hold horns high in a pic , instead of holding your head low from a lost deer .

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lol, lets not be throwing rocks in glass houses now. In 1996 I had been shooting for 30 years. Shot 3 to 400 arrows a week for a couple years practicing and having fun. I still screwed up and shot a huge 11 in the hind end. Arrow slid off rest is all I could figure out. Found him in the spring while cross country skiing. dump happens in archery. It's always gonna be that way. So who knows, maybe the person who shot those deer practices day and night and just screwed up. :>)

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I had a really good shot on a very nice buck, was on him dead to rights at 14 yards and hit a branch that I didnt see and stuck him high in the back. Felt and feel real bad about what had happened. That branch is no longer there. Hope he is doing ok because it was no where near a fatal shot

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I have taken 4 shots this year. My first shot hit my shoot through screen, that I had rolled down, not thinking my sight was a few inches higher then my arrow, arrow missed the deer at 20 yards. I had 2 shots, veer 10 feet left at 25 yards, figured out the string caught my coat sleeve, both arrows missed the deer by 8 feet or so, both arrows stuck into trees. The 4th shot, was a bulls eye. I have shot 1000's of arrows through this bow, just stupid mistakes. Stuff happens. But I will agree, practice does cut down on bad shots, but they will still happen. Luckily for me, my mistakes, were big enough, so the arrow missed the deer.

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Practice with your bow may not be the sole reason for a bad shot but practice of a different sort could very well be to blame. I am talking about the practice of taking good shots. When the buck of a lifetime shows up in a bad place, bad angle or just out of your effective range and seemingly about ready to walk out of your life forever the restraint to hold off and wait for a better opprotunity can very hard to rationalize at the time. The temptation to thread an arrow through or take a shot that is just too far may be to blame for poor shot placements too.

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Practice with your bow may not be the sole reason for a bad shot but practice of a different sort could very well be to blame. I am talking about the practice of taking good shots. When the buck of a lifetime shows up in a bad place, bad angle or just out of your effective range and seemingly about ready to walk out of your life forever the restraint to hold off and wait for a better opprotunity can very hard to rationalize at the time. The temptation to thread an arrow through or take a shot that is just too far may be to blame for poor shot placements too.

Well said!

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Yes, koonie- well said indeed! I had the biggest buck I've ever seen about ten yards past the distance I felt comfortable shooting a number of years ago. It was wide open and nothing between me and him. I ranged him, put the binocs on him, and knew I couldn't get any closer and he wasn't going to come my way. I watched him slowly walk away from me and never saw him again. It was really, really tough to show that restraint, but I have to admit that I'm pretty proud of the fact that I did.

...man was he big!!! I counted 18 points and I know I missed a bunch, he was thicker than my wrist nearly all the way through his mainbeams, and he was skyscraper high. It was tickled pink to get such a good look at him.

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