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Applications out West: who's going?


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I struck out for elk in WY this year. I've got an application in for NM and MT. My MT app is for a limited entry area and I chose to accept the general tag if I didn't pull the limited entry tag. Given that general tags were a 100% draw last year, I will almost certainly pull a tag somewhere. I'm hopeful on NM or the limited entry tag, but we'll see... Even if I don't pull any of the tags I applied for, I'm heading to CO or ID to chase elk! I haven't elk hunted since '08 and I'm itchin' to get back out there and chase bugles! I've literally thought about elk hunting every single day since the last time I went, so I've got an itch that seriously needs scratching!

Who else is headed West this year? What are you chasing and in what state?

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It's not his fault he offers his house in Hamilton and the hunting cabin in Darby every fall for me to stay for free and him guiding however the tag fee has stopped me every year which it shouldn't because it will be the cheapest guided hunt I will ever find. frown

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Sounds to me like you've got a scouting trip planned for this Summer, Sniper! Good news/bad news: the good news is that that area is awesome! Breathtaking views and ridiculous country. The bad news is that the elk herd has been desimated by wolves. Muleys have been impacted similarly. Also, brown bear numbers are approaching out of control in much of the Bitteroot Valley. There's been a mass exodus of hunters from that area of the state in the past few years- many have bailed for other states or other portions of MT, where the wolf and bear numbers aren't so high. I've got two friends whose families are from in that same neighborhood and also North of there- they have basically quit hunting in that area. It's pretty sad what's happened. I sure hope the predator control efforts can further ramp up and get the hunting back to what it used to be...

OK, I can't be the only person trying to get out West to hunt this Fall! Who else is going?

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I have an application out for a Big Game Combo license in Montana for this fall. With that I also applied for a limited entry breaks tag for elk. In the very, very, very slim chance I draw the breaks tag, I'll be hunting elk and deer. Otherwise I should have a good shot at drawing the general tag in which case I will be hunting mule deer in SE Montana come November and will get a refund on the elk portion. This is for a rifle hunt, though.

Come summer I will be buying points for Wyoming elk, and possibly antelope in the hopes that in a few years I can draw a good area. Next fall I am determined to do an archery elk hunt somewhere, even if it is just a cow hunt. The time has come to quit sitting around dreaming about bowhunting out in the mountains, and make it happen.

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The time has come to quit sitting around dreaming about bowhunting out in the mountains, and make it happen.

That's the spirit! I waited another five or so years than you did, Jim, and I really regret it! I would have enough points to draw some great tags at this point, but instead I'm in the waiting process. Heck, I'd be looking at a premium elk tag in AZ in the next couple years if I'd jumped in a the point when I could/should have. Instead, I sat back and simply "wished" I could go elk hunting. Wishing and dreaming are great, but they don't get you tags... Start buying points and play the game- set aside $300 - $500 per year (depending upon which states and species you want to chase) and before you know it, you'll be eligible for some great hunts. It's a lot of money, but you have to decide if you want to dream about hunting out West or go hunting out West.

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Even if you are a few years out from actually being ready to do a hunt, I would definitely recommend doing some research now, and building up preference points somewhere. Inspired by Scoot, I started doing some heavy duty research about a month ago and found that I am a few years out from hunting a decent unit for elk (with the exception of OTC tags in Colorado and Idaho) in most states. The regulations are very confusing for each state, and the sooner you can understand them and prepare, the better off you will be when you decide you are ready. It may be too soon to hunt for you, but it definitely isn't too soon to start planning on hunting, and building up some points.

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Yup I'm with the others go west young man. I'm going to be 32 in just over a month yet feel like a old man most morning and don't think I could handle the hills. Dang deer ticks mad So jump on those opportunities and do everything you can now,their might not be a tomorrow and health can change fast.

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My group has our apps in for Archery Antelope by Douglas, WY again.

My dad, brother, good family friend, and I are headed back to the same ranch as last year.

Hoping I can top my 75 1/2" P&Y goat from last year.

Would MUCH rather do the spot/stalk/decoy hunt but it's not allowed on the ranch we hunt. Sitting a blind at a waterhole is still a fun time though, just gotta make sure the water in the cooler is cold and there's a new book or two in the backpack.


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