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Best auger to Buy?


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I have never heard of any SOLO problems until this thread! I own one and it has been a dream. I also have buddys who own them and they have nothing but good to say about them too. SM is the way to go. As far as recoil problems on the solo...try not pulling so hard. And if you read the directions and do the steps it tells you to the engine will start no problem.

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Nils are the best. Old Strikemasters with the Tecumseh engine are tough, reliable , engines. Stay away from SOLO . I got one and it has been a nightmare. Re-coil problem and hard to start. Yes, I read the directions on starting the SOLO. I fixed the re-coil and that is no longer an issue.

You must have gotten a lemon. Bring it in to SM in Big Lake and get that baby fixed. Mine has been nothing but a dream. Starts, runs, and cuts like an absolute dream machine. Best investment I've made since buying a flasher.

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Originally Posted By: cabin
Nils are the best. Old Strikemasters with the Tecumseh engine are tough, reliable , engines. Stay away from SOLO . I got one and it has been a nightmare. Re-coil problem and hard to start. Yes, I read the directions on starting the SOLO. I fixed the re-coil and that is no longer an issue.

You must have gotten a lemon. Bring it in to SM in Big Lake and get that baby fixed. Mine has been nothing but a dream. Starts, runs, and cuts like an absolute dream machine. Best investment I've made since buying a flasher.

Ditto what tsande00 said!

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Good grief I honestly would like to know what the average age of these SOLO ers is and how many augers they have actually had in their lives or ran that they can consider themselves an authority to make the call of "Whats Best" ? . All I read is how the Solos are the greatest although this is only their first public year on the ice and many of them running the brag can't even explain in any detail of why they think this latest and greatest is the best from Strike Master " EVER " .

Two or three holes here or there or even fifty or a hundred just is not going to cut it here in these threads . Not for me anyway and I doubt for many who are no longer green behind the ears .

You know when I move about on the lake I think I can tell the real diehard icefishermen almost immediately just by the way they carry themselves and by the look and smell of their gear .

Sure they get some shiny new stuff here and there and do look after their gear but it just doesnt have that new car smell for long because they actually do practice the craft of icefishing beyond a pc screen .

I'm sure those who do know also know I respect their opinions even if mine differ at times but we understand and know the old bull smell of experience based on real EXPERIENCES garnered from actually putting in the time .

Some real cracker jack young lads have that experienced smell too or air about them but so many in this thread young and old don't have it but act like they do .. I personally can smell the shine that may forever be there for some . LOL

If you disagree with me show me pics of your coats ,augers etc while your telling me what is BEST .LOL Make me a believer .Give details beyond the professional done ADS that you plagiarized. That shiny airbrushed Pic and b.s AD sold you, but can you as a consumer sell me because you truly KNOW .

I'm an old bull open to new but I'm not green . I smell . LOL


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Been fishing for a lot of years. Certainly not green behind the years. Been around long enough to know that just because your old and smell doesn't mean you know it all. grin

lol . No nor do I make that claim either and would not be here if I thought I knew it all . You do have that smell though bud . grin


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Good grief I honestly would like to know what the average age of these SOLO ers is and how many augers they have actually had in their lives or ran that they can consider themselves an authority to make the call of "Whats Best" ? . All I read is how the Solos are the greatest although this is only their first public year on the ice and many of them running the brag can't even explain in any detail of why they think this latest and greatest is the best from Strike Master " EVER " .

Two or three holes here or there or even fifty or a hundred just is not going to cut it here in these threads . Not for me anyway and I doubt for many who are no longer green behind the ears .

You know when I move about on the lake I think I can tell the real diehard icefishermen almost immediately just by the way they carry themselves and by the look and smell of their gear .

Sure they get some shiny new stuff here and there and do look after their gear but it just doesnt have that new car smell for long because they actually do practice the craft of icefishing beyond a pc screen .

I'm sure those who do know also know I respect their opinions even if mine differ at times but we understand and know the old bull smell of experience based on real EXPERIENCES garnered from actually putting in the time .

Some real cracker jack young lads have that experienced smell too or air about them but so many in this thread young and old don't have it but act like they do .. I personally can smell the shine that may forever be there for some . LOL

If you disagree with me show me pics of your coats ,augers etc while your telling me what is BEST .LOL Make me a believer .Give details beyond the professional done ADS that you plagiarized. That shiny airbrushed Pic and b.s AD sold you, but can you as a consumer sell me because you truly KNOW .

I'm an old bull open to new but I'm not green . I smell . LOL


Regarding the Solos:

Nobody can speak for longevity of the units, as you stated this is only the first season.

I can only vouch that this thing rips through 18" of ice in a matter of seconds, smooth as butter. Every other auger I've used (yes I've used lots in my short 20+ years of ice fishing)doesn't even compare. Many you have to exert force downward to make it cut, or it shakes your arms around. This Solo of mine starts on the third pull EVERY single time. All I do is pull the trigger and let it do all the work.

My old man (68 years old) was grouching at me when I bought it. "You should have bought one of those new electrics", he said. My brothers condemned the purchase as well. First time out I shoved the auger in their hands and I said "try this". Grudgingly they accepted and I could see the look of impressed in their eyes. (They wouldn't admit it, didn't say a word in fact, lol).

I'll readily admit I'm young, but on the same token when I praise this SM auger it's not because of some brand loyalty (never owned a SM before), but instead because of how fast and smooth this thing shaves the ice...and what other reason to gauge the quality of an auger besides how well it starts and cuts through the ice?

The recoil issue that a few poor souls had has been resolved...the only thing undetermined at this point is longevity of the head units. Time will tell in that department, I won't speculate.

I'm sure the other manufacturer's new augers are great too...can't vouch for them, never used or tried another new auger by the competition. All I know is this auger blows me away every time I start it...and not just me, but several friends who have used it as well. We don't even bother bringing their augers out on the lake anymore.

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The good part about the Nils is that you already have the auger for a hand auger for light ice conditions. Next, which is even a better part of the equation is that you can mix the nils down to a 100 to 1 ratio for the oil mix. That alone eliminates much of the gas smell in the permanent. I have one and love it. They are a little longer than the other augers on the market so that sometimes gets rid of the extension. They are also very quiet in relation to the others. You also have skinnier handles which makes it easier to maneuver in tight areas in a permanent

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You see Tsand those are the kind of posts that you and a couple of others have posted are ones that us smelly guys appreciate and respect . Its beyond an AD OR brushed photo . Still a new thought on the SOLO but at least it has a history behind the thought .Methinks you all are getting that smell about you too . LOL

Im just a cranky trapper that has no patience for B.S , shine is [PoorWordUsage] ..a working tool loses that smell in short order .

If things break or are not dependable in any situation back in the bush I personally get leary . Just imagine me 20 to 30 miles back in off any road thinking an auger that started at home but the recoil quits because of grease or whatever when out after .

For me an auger can be life or death if I stick in slush going across a frozen lake . It has to be there as any of my tools have too . I'm usually alone and not within a cell tower range . And yes I always carry an axe or chisel for backup .

Talk to me about Solos next year or the latest Jiffys after they have some hours on them . So far I hear dependability is an issue for both . SM solo the best this thread claims . OK lol


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To be completely fair I should have mentioned that the augers I'm comparing this too were all 10+ years old and probably had dull blades and needed carb cleanings, etc. (and I'm talking old Jiffys, Eskimos AND SMers (never tried a Nils). This is my first season using a brand new auger. I do think that the Lazer bit helps make for a faster cut.

First time out this year I had my trusty 6" hand auger (el cheapo HT brand from Wally World. I was cutting through the ice faster than the guys nearby with their gas auger, lol. Just thought I'd mention that (keep in mind I had brand new blades on). I thought it was hilarious at the time, granted we were only cutting through 5" or 6".

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Oh yeah i just purchased the strikemaster lazermag 10" augur last week ive drilled twenty holes with it and that thing is a BEAST wouldn't dream of a better functioning augur than the Lazermag. I was just on lake of the woods last wknd you won't need your extension yet its about 28" up there at Gull rock..

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Touche ' I own both a ten year old plus 3hp jiffy Legend and a Nils for almost 4 years . Both have treated me well and continue to .

I would take either out anywhere anytime and be confident that they will do the job and get it done .

If my buddy gives up his old Sm lazer to go to to this new solo I will own it too . LOL .I want too try a six inch bit . No composites does it have and I'm not worried about the tecumseh engine that all powerheads other than Nils had at one time . 1/4 turn is all it takes on most . lol


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I'm an old bull open to new but I'm not green . I smell . LOL

Trapper...... Nice rant..... set dem der young whipper snappers straight.

Where the heck is Burks Falls ONT.?

Keep your stick on the ice, and remember if the women don't find you handsome they should at least find you handy.

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don't be fooled by people that don't know what they are talking about there is nothing wrong with the new SOLO engines on the strikemaster augurs. Buy the lazermag 3hp augur and you will know what i am talking about. The first time i started it, you need to pump the primer till fluid comes back on the return valve and then decompress, pull and she fired like a champ. Don't rip on the recoil it is not needed simply easily draw back on the recoil and she will fire.

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I have a newer Jiffy 10" and a jiffy electric, both are nice but I wish I would have go an Icegator. They look awsome.

I wanted an Icegator, but due to gift certificates to the Big 'C', and not completely trusting SMs electric, I ended up with a Solo Lazer.

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My Nils runs a 1.3 or 1.5 HP motor( cant recall what one for sure) and keeps up or beats a 2-3hp of any other brand with an 8" auger. I like the fact that it's made of steel not alot of plastic. Light, quick, quiet and reliable. I see no need to ever buy another auger and see my grand kids using this when I no longer can. If you want to know whats the best on the market, see whats not for sale in the want ad's. This is true for about anything out there. Only 2 reasons people don't sell things either they last or they don't last long enough for resale.

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Originally Posted By: trapperdirk
Good grief I honestly would like to know what the average age of these SOLO ers is and how many augers they have actually had in their lives or ran that they can consider themselves an authority to make the call of "Whats Best" ? . All I read is how the Solos are the greatest although this is only their first public year on the ice and many of them running the brag can't even explain in any detail of why they think this latest and greatest is the best from Strike Master " EVER " .

Two or three holes here or there or even fifty or a hundred just is not going to cut it here in these threads . Not for me anyway and I doubt for many who are no longer green behind the ears .

You know when I move about on the lake I think I can tell the real diehard icefishermen almost immediately just by the way they carry themselves and by the look and smell of their gear .

Sure they get some shiny new stuff here and there and do look after their gear but it just doesnt have that new car smell for long because they actually do practice the craft of icefishing beyond a pc screen .

I'm sure those who do know also know I respect their opinions even if mine differ at times but we understand and know the old bull smell of experience based on real EXPERIENCES garnered from actually putting in the time .

Some real cracker jack young lads have that experienced smell too or air about them but so many in this thread young and old don't have it but act like they do .. I personally can smell the shine that may forever be there for some . LOL

If you disagree with me show me pics of your coats ,augers etc while your telling me what is BEST .LOL Make me a believer .Give details beyond the professional done ADS that you plagiarized. That shiny airbrushed Pic and b.s AD sold you, but can you as a consumer sell me because you truly KNOW .

I'm an old bull open to new but I'm not green . I smell . LOL


Regarding the Solos:

Nobody can speak for longevity of the units, as you stated this is only the first season.

I can only vouch that this thing rips through 18" of ice in a matter of seconds, smooth as butter. Every other auger I've used (yes I've used lots in my short 20+ years of ice fishing)doesn't even compare. Many you have to exert force downward to make it cut, or it shakes your arms around. This Solo of mine starts on the third pull EVERY single time. All I do is pull the trigger and let it do all the work.

My old man (68 years old) was grouching at me when I bought it. "You should have bought one of those new electrics", he said. My brothers condemned the purchase as well. First time out I shoved the auger in their hands and I said "try this". Grudgingly they accepted and I could see the look of impressed in their eyes. (They wouldn't admit it, didn't say a word in fact, lol).

I'll readily admit I'm young, but on the same token when I praise this SM auger it's not because of some brand loyalty (never owned a SM before), but instead because of how fast and smooth this thing shaves the ice...and what other reason to gauge the quality of an auger besides how well it starts and cuts through the ice?

The recoil issue that a few poor souls had has been resolved...the only thing undetermined at this point is longevity of the head units. Time will tell in that department, I won't speculate.

I'm sure the other manufacturer's new augers are great too...can't vouch for them, never used or tried another new auger by the competition. All I know is this auger blows me away every time I start it...and not just me, but several friends who have used it as well. We don't even bother bringing their augers out on the lake anymore.

"The recoil issue that a few poor souls had has been resolved... "

How were you able to fix the recoil issue on the Solos?

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