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MarCum LX-3 Test Report



I caught 7 keeper crappies 10 - 13.5" and kept a dozen nice gills and 3 big perch. Caught alot of small perch today. 5" any where we walked on the lake with 4" of snow on top. We fished 8' to 16' best depth was 15'. Crappie were riding at about 10' along with the nicer gills. You had to keep it off the bottom on that lake or you'll get nailed with dink perch. Not a great trip as far as bluegill action but it was great to use my MarCum and we can fish close with Vexilars and no problems 1 I.R. off, 1 on I.R and one on I.R. plus one no problems. I had the zoom on 10' when I was fishin 15' and it was awesome. Funny seeing your jig and fish on both sides of the screen. Gotta train my eyes a little more to stay on the left side. What the zoom feature allowed me to do was keep the bait away from the smaller fish and the decent gills and crappies when they popped on the zoom I thought they were bass or pike, awesome machine. I am glad it's compatable with Vexilars that was a big issue.

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Just mounted the FL-18 on the USL Blue ice box, and an HT Sonar Light and insulated the battery and I have to say one thing.
Dark Cloud
you were absolutely right about having just barely enough room to slip that 12 deg. transducer in the with the battery in the storage area. I managed to slip some black pipe insulation in there so it fits in there nice and tight. Did the 24" off the table test and got a line at 9' on the button. She's ready to rock-n-roll. Then it was Vex 18 class with Tyler told him the basic things you told me and handed him the manual.
I will let you know when I hear from Mike about Friday.

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Another view of the FL vs LX issue - the companies.

Marcum - I met Marcum at the Ice Fishing show. His name is Dale. Marcum is being run from his basement in Monticello. The company has 2 engineers and 2 salesmen. Manufacturing and support are outsourced. Dale stated that he had no desire to expand the company, by moving into a building and hiring a normal staff of company people (techs, shipping, buyers, etc). More money in his pocket this way.

Vexilar - Is an actual company in Minneapolis, in a building with a walk up service/sales counter, technicians, sales folk etc. They don't seem to actually have engineers, however. The company was started to sell the Japanese built flasher, that became the FL8. The Mpls. folks added magnifiers, cases, lights, etc., but they don't do the design work.

So, what conclusions can be drawn from this? Vexilar has a stake in the flasher market. In fact, they are the only company to consistently build this product. Lowrance, Hummingbird, et al, have written off this market. We should be thankful Vexilar stuck it out, else we probably would not have any flashers. However, their committment does not extend into innovating a better product. The FL8 has weaknesses that were only marginally improved by the FL18. The design team in Japan is probably 2 guys in a basement in Toyko. Vexilar is not spending R&D dollars on truly improving this product, they are basically milking the cash cow.

Marcum being run out of a basement does not actually bother me. Many startups begin this way, and a couple of good engineers can oversee a product line. The fact that they don't want to expand does bother me. This tells me they want to be bought out (again). I would guess that the LX-3 will survive, but that Marcum will not. I do believe that the LX-3 has design improvements, because the 2 engineers they do have appear to be quite good.

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I remember the fl8 being bought out at least a few times. Remember the Si-tex fl8,Micronar fl8, or the Hondex fl8 anyone smile.gif
I hope the lx3 stays around awhile under some name, I will probably get one sometime next year for icefishing, though I like their name now. Marum sounde like Mark em, and that is what it does wink.gif

Were not people like Dave Genz involved in designing the fl18? What would the Japanese know about ice fishing anyways? wink.gif

Set the hook!

><}}}("< ---><!>

[This message has been edited by Cyberfish (edited 01-08-2003).]

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Polarbond...That would explain why my warrenty card has a PO box in Monticello! Basement or big building I did not buy my lx3 thinking it would be around for ever so if it ever peters out and Marcum screws me...oh well...home owners insurance in play and new flasher in hand wink.gif

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Fished this afternoon with CNY Tim and tried out his Marcum for only a little bit and it is nice. We were fishing shallow gills that I was sight fishing so I didnt get to really use it much. Overall it looks good. That pack it comes in looks slick and is functionall. The display is real nice. A little crisper and finner lines than the vex. Seems great but im not gonna sell my 18 yet... smile.gif Need to try it some more on deeper water

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Dark Cloud - Glad you liked the MarCum LX-3. Lots of weeds we fished today. Tyler is going with me Sunday whereever we end up I will be spending sometime with the new FL-18. The LX-3's thin line display is nice and clean can't wait to see the FL-18's.
Good luck to you Steelers today...

Note for LX-3 users check your set screw on your depth knob. While turning the unit off last night the knob came off. Checked the metal post that the knob goes on to and there is no flat spot for the set screw to hold it in place, design flaw I think. If I have the same problem again I am gonna file a flat spot on the knob so the set screw won't slip.

Fished 10- 17' of water today. Weeds were as high as 7' in spots. No zoom today, did not need it. Lots of little gills, a dozen keepers 2 crappies, a nice perch, 3 largemouths and 22" pickerel.

Dark Cloud if you get the HT Sonar light from NSN remember to super glue a 00 black plastic washer where the the base of the tube is to center the wires. The reason for this is the base of the telescopic rod works better when the line is centered if not it will just be a matter of time before the wiring frays. I also coated the wire's with a light silicon grease.

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Love my LX-3, (will I open a can of worms again, heh, heh)
fishing wallys last night,
who said you cant catch more fish using a flasher?
keeps you on your toes when you have to be.
caught only a couple and missed many,
lost a nice one at the hole.
I bought a very cheap rod because my dog chewed up my fav. wally rod.
I have learned my lesson.

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Ventured on the ice yesterday with my FL-18 and found out right away that I will need a 19 degree ducer for it. Other than that the colors are brighter than the FL8 most definitely but that 12 degree in shallow was too tight. Not used to having a fish pop up on the display so fast, the wider beam allows for a little early warning. The zoom works very well as good as the MarCum but the wider bands on the FL-18 are just like my FL-8. The thin line display on the MarCum allows for better separation in shallow water but this may change after I get the 19 degree or maybe not.
Fished 6 - 17', two different bays and caught alot of little perch and bluegills, all released.
Anybody know where I can get a decent price on a 19 degree ducer for my 18? Thanks

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CNY tim
I just got a LX3 and i am having trouble.The display will just kinda move up and down a foot(Bottom signal as well as fish in the water colum)it kinda is like looking through real watery eyes.Is this normal??I sure hope not.My vex never has done that . Marv

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This doesn't sound normal to me, mine doesn't do anything like that unless the gain is turned up too high,
or maybe theres weeds and some current,
have to wait to see what Marcum man tim says.

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Hey guys,I just found this thread and WOW.I just bought an lx-3 this winter and have used it several times on a lake that has just gills,crappies and bass.I was going to buy the 18 because a friend had it last year and I was impressed.I was into cabelas and they don't carry the vexs anymore but carry the lx-3s.I decided to try the lx-3 just because if I didn't like it I could take it back.I'm very happy I did.I have fished side by side with the 18 and both of us agreed the the variable zoom is a great feature.The 18 is a great unit and no one could go wrong with buying one but I have to say I'm glad I got the lx-3.GREAT FISHING GUYS.

[This message has been edited by WildFanFisherman (edited 01-13-2003).]

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My buddy just got the Marcum and has about 20 hours on it. This weekend it was already making noises like the brushes are going. He wasn't very happy and is thinking about returning it. The display would also get dimmer during these episodes.

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My buddy just got the lx-3, We did fish them side by side.I like the zoom the the lx-3 has BUT, The colors seem to blend together to much for me. It's all in what you like. I'm a Vex man all the way. I have the FL-18 & thats where I'll stay. GOOD Fishin tongue.gif

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I finally made a choice and jumped on the LX-3 wagon and so far I am very impressed. The multiple zoom options will take a little time to get used to as I am a new flasher user. I did use it in 35-40 foot range and even without the zoom on could see the "flicker" on the bottom and clear clean separation as the fish would rise up off the bottom. Awesome unit. My buddy bought the FL-18 and we will be running them side by side very soon. Both look like nice units and have already improved our fishing success. The LX-3 seems to have a cleaner displayand is definately quieter than the Fl-18.

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Was fishing the Ice Challenge in Alexandria last weekend and finally got to see a Marcum in action. The display is definitely sharper than my Fl-18 but the display colors are less easily read in bright light. He also got some interferece with it while I didn't with the vex. The Yellow-orange-red color combination wouldn't be my choice, especially in bright sunlight.

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Had a productive day on the ice with my LX-3 a dozen slob perch 11" - 13 3/4" and 5 small walleyes. Fished 27' to 37' of water with 2 FL-18's and nobody had any problems with interference. As far as the benefit of a narrower cone on the LX-3 in fishing 40' or less , it is not needed in my opinion. I could pick my jig up off the bottom an inch and a solid mark showed. The colors don't bother me at all the yellow is brilliant in bright sunlight. I will take the FL-18 out on the same lake in the next couple of days.
Used the 5' and 10' zoom today as the walleyes came up higher than the perch did, funny how that goes. Glow perch buchshot rattle spoon did in the eyes and my most effective perch bait was the small glow chartreuse perch shearwater thumper. Banged a couple perch on the glow glow rat finkee.
Fish were aggressive in numbers and had to be coaxed when they were solo and believe me I had alot of sniffers too.

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This is not meant to sway anyone to one product or another but I returned my FL-18 to Gander last night because I was experiencing a loud noise from the wheel from time to time.

I returned it and got a new FL-18, but I talked with the manager for a bit about the Marcum LX-3. He had one statement for me, "I have sold one unit all season and it was returned within 2 weeks." The fact that he has only sold one unit all season shocks me, but that says a lot for the sales support and customer support that the Vexilar name carries.

CNY Tim, I guess its not hard for Cablea's to sell out of FL-18s when they don't carry them.

[This message has been edited by Grabs (edited 01-15-2003).]

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  • we are 'the leading edge' HSO Creators

In my opinion:
The MarCum LX-3 is a legitimate contender in the flasher marketplace with a distinct edge in crispness of display, zoom flexibility, low sound level, and a slight edge in IR.

Vexilar holds the edge in the other areas at this point. I like their green color over the orange MarCum color, reliability, controls, and proven customer service. I'm a Vex guy and change isn't easy.

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