McGurk Posted February 10, 2010 Share Posted February 10, 2010 I know that I should be greatful that this is still on, but I guess I'm expecting more from these episodes that what I'm getting. If we only have 15 hours of show left to tie all of this up, why are we taking a full hour to talk about such little contrivances? I mean; that much time was devoted to what Claire and Kate's potential relationship could be, and more about how mysterious this temple is, and that the Others are a ruthless bunch of people with a common goal that they will not discuss with anyone. I'm pretty sure we all know that by now. The pace was so fast and fun at the end of last season; I guess I was just hoping that it would stay more along those lines (well, maybe a little slower). I personally enjoyed the whole 70's Dharma Initiative development, but I don't see that storyline coming back with so few precious hours left and the curent emphasis on the "flash-sideways." I mean, they took 3 years to cover 108 days on the island to where things got buggy; how are they going to do it in 15 hours, all while following the current island inhabitants?Sayid's torture: what's that all about? Testing for what? Jacob's reincarnation? Giving him a taste of his own medicine? I think it was to see if he was indeed alive, or if he could be another apparation of smokey and not Sayid at all. But killing by giving him poison him would only make him a stronger candidate for actually having the latter happen, so I don't think Dogen was indeed poisoning him. Did Jack actually swallow the pill, or did Dogen beat it out of him? A weakened Jack was sipping tea with him later, but I don' know if it was to recover from the poison or from whatever else was in it. Jacob specifically wrote out that Sayid was to live, but then Dogen tries to poison him anyway. If that is indeed what was written, anyways. The Others tend to lie CONSTANTLY, so who knows.(begin sarcasm) Yippee. Claire's alive. (end sarcasm) I forgot that Aldo was played by one of the actors from "It's Always Sunny in Philapelphia" (a great show, BTW). He added some welcome comic relief. Oh yeah; I love that Arzt is getting some more screen time, too. He was a slap in the face to what the show had been up til his appearance (and then his quick and untimely exit. BOOM!) And another thing; Ethan was in the hospital the day the plane lands, and that made me think all of the "recruited" Others and a lot of the Dharma-ites will be on the mainland, continuing to lead their lives oblivious to any other way. Booooooring.So, it seems in the "Flash-sideways" that certain events happen regardless of where these people are. Jack gets a cut. Kate's captor gets hit in the head. Claire has premature labor, that gets pushed off. He will be named Aaron. This makes me think that all of the people that will die on the island will indeed die here, too. That includes Charlie, Michael, Shannon and Boone, Ana Lucia, Libby, Eko, Arzt, Nikki and Paolo, Neil "Frogurt," and Locke, of course, presumably at the hands of Ben. I'm also looking forward to seeing Ben in the states, without having gone through the whole spa healing treatment" that supposedly changed his life. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pinkfloyd4ever Posted February 12, 2010 Share Posted February 12, 2010 With you on the Sayid torture and the why's, other than to make sure that he wasn't the snake, but yes, why then kill him unless another part of the test was a test of 'faith' on Jack's part, I don't know. Ethan at the hosp was a shocker too, but what else do you expect. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mrklean Posted February 15, 2010 Author Share Posted February 15, 2010 i have a feeling at the end of the show were all gonna be pretty mad because nothing will be answered Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MedicineMan Posted February 15, 2010 Share Posted February 15, 2010 mrklean, questions will be answered. That said, Cuse and Lindelof have said that not all the questions will be answered. They pretty much said that little stupid inconsequential things won't get answered. From what I've read it looks like from Ab Aeterno on we'll get a lot of answers. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MedicineMan Posted February 15, 2010 Share Posted February 15, 2010 I was sent this yesterday... LOST Valentine's Day cards. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pinkfloyd4ever Posted February 15, 2010 Share Posted February 15, 2010 I have a favor/question to ask: I don't surf around the net looking for LOST clues or anything, but can we all make an agreement that if we stumble upon anything we note it in our posts before proceeding with the post? I saw the movie SEVEN in the theatres and as the box got delivered to Brad Pitt the woman behind me spoiled the ending LOL still traumatized by that til today Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mrklean Posted February 17, 2010 Author Share Posted February 17, 2010 another good one last night i thought it was kinda slow though, i liked when locke tossed the white stone away, i saw it as the changing of powers type thing nice to see ben show some remorse for killing locke Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
McGurk Posted February 18, 2010 Share Posted February 18, 2010 Mystery revealed: So the numbers are...(wait for it)(this is going to be good)(I can't wait!)...just the placement of people on one of Jacob's lists. "He has a thing for numbers."Lame. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rosspj59 Posted February 19, 2010 Share Posted February 19, 2010 It's interesting that Sawyer is playing along so well, and that he noticed right away that Locke was not really Locke. Does Locke need Sawyer to get off the island some how or is he going to off him? Why is there so much emphasis on Locke's life at home after the plane not crashing? Looking forward to next week. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pinkfloyd4ever Posted February 20, 2010 Share Posted February 20, 2010 yes, the symbolic tossing of the white stone. Locke's life at home is something, but it isn't following what we knew previously, because his woman left him remember? Island events changing world events? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mrklean Posted February 24, 2010 Author Share Posted February 24, 2010 pretty good one tonight, i had a feeling when she said she wasnt alone it was going to be Locke that was with her, i dont know maybe im wanting to much from the show but im getting kinda frustrated Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
McGurk Posted February 24, 2010 Share Posted February 24, 2010 Review in one word: Meaty.This was an episode that I liked. After 2 snoozers, I was getting a little frustrated. I know it seemed like they opened up new questions last night, but I think they were done in an effort to hone us in on the answers that we are going to get throughout this season. Nice to see Jack struggling in his side-life, and getting somewhere. We were also treated to a heavy dose of "Jack-face", too. It seemed like almost half of his screen time last night was devoted to him looking like he was about to cry. My wife commented that they should have picked a different actor to play his son, he has no expressions at all, unlike his dad and his ultra contorting face! Who's his mom going to turn out to be, anyway?Claire, while seemingly sane when she's talking, turns out to be a little off of her rocker when checking out her lifestyle. That fake baby in the bassinet was a haunting image. I thought she'd be rejoicing that Kate had Aaron, but obviously not. When your only buddy for 3 years in ol' Smokey himself, I guess you are going to get pretty demented. Question: was Smokey taking the form of Locke the whole time during that 3 years? I think we can presume that a person must be dead for Smokey to assume their form, but Locke hasn't been dead for more than a month in the overall scheme. He was in the states when Ben killed him in Dec '07, and the Ajira crash happened in late '07, and they have only been on the island for 6 days since the crash. Has Smokey knowingly been other forms to Claire? The last time we saw Claire before the they left the island, Locke saw her in the cabin with Christian Shepard (presumably Smokey). She only claims to have one other friend on the island, could she mean Smokey in all of his forms? If Locke-monster was the only form she knew him as, she has been on the island alone for 3 years! -edit- After some reading, Claire said to Jin that it wasn't Locke, but that it was her friend. She knows that this apparation isn't Locke, so Smokey in his true form has probably helped her the last 3 years. Another "recruit" like Sawyer?Another new location- the Lighthouse. Some mystical candidate's life-showing mirror system, that Jack promptly destroys. Way to go, Jack. Good Hurley scenes this week, I like how he can ground an episode and ease all of our frustrations (for a time) and keep us watching. I also like that Jacob is still an active member of this season. Sounds like some answers are coming next week. I hope the pace does indeed stay at this level. It's good enough to keep you satisfied, but not to fast to not allow you to comprehend what's going on. Like I said: Meaty. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pinkfloyd4ever Posted March 2, 2010 Share Posted March 2, 2010 I am with you that the smoke monster takes the form/body of someone deceased and uses that vulnerability in an attempt to recruit them, to borrow the lost theme of smokey. I am starting to think there is some heaven & He!! link here, mistakes made when alive and circa 2004. The Oceanic crew are getting a chance to make amends. For example good deeds locke did after the crash are turning his stateside 2004 life around, as with Helen. But the balance of power, for the island and perhaps control of their lives now is in the hands of smokey, hence the throwing of the white rock. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mrklean Posted March 3, 2010 Author Share Posted March 3, 2010 and now the evil is starting to take over the island Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pinkfloyd4ever Posted March 3, 2010 Share Posted March 3, 2010 Now more and more, Ben's statement as Michael and all were at the dock and getting on the boat makes sense "we're the good guys." So, for next weeks, it shows Ben digging at a hole? Is he digging one or digging up Locke in an attempt to resurrect him to save the island/balance the island. Claire, or her actor, did an awesome job acting freaky last night, WOW! Where are the other survivors? Notably the inter-racial couple? Last seen they were just living in the woods also.Where did Sawyer go, he was recruited but not seen since the cave. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
McGurk Posted March 3, 2010 Share Posted March 3, 2010 Mediocre episode last night, even with the huge ending. We're starting to see an obvious division in the Losties. Jacob gets Jack and Hurley, probably Richard, and possibly Ilana, Miles, Frank, Sun, and maybe even Ben. Locke-Monster gets Sawyer, Claire, presumably Sayid, and possibly Jin and Kate. There is still plenty of time for maneuvering, but I think sides are being taken for a battle at the end. More players to be announced, I'm sure. Desmond? Widmore? Maybe even Walt?It seems a little too obvious that Sayid did Locke-ster's bidding, and may have been there on his own valition to take care of the Others' camp due to all of the hardships they had caused the Losties on the island. It's not like they haven't had issues before. Also, Dogen had tried to kill Sayid three times using help, but never by himself. Remind you of someone? Jacob could not be killed directly by Locke-ster, but needed someone else to do it. Maybe Dogen can't kill "candidates" by himself and needs someone else to do it (drowned in the pool under his instruction, told Jack to give him a poison pill, told him to go on a suicide mission to kill Locke-ster). Dogen just let Hurley do what he wanted after Hurley said he is a candidate and can do what he wants, much to Dogen's distaste. So, I'm not sure if Sayid did what he did for Locke-ster, or in a large scale revenge move with his own interests in mind. Sayid is a man that cannot escape his past, no matter when or where or in which timeline he is in. He still tortured people in the Repubican Guard, and is haunted by his heinous actions. Good to see him come alive in front of Keamy (one of my favorite characters, BTW) as I thought he was kind of a wuss in his new life. Couple of quick questions for next week: Why do bullets bounce off Locke-ster, but he can be stabbed by a dagger pretty easily? What is the relationship between the Ash ring's effectiveness and Dogen? Did Ben get out of the Temple alive? (I'm sure he did) Where the heck is Sawyer? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pinkfloyd4ever Posted March 3, 2010 Share Posted March 3, 2010 Maybe I missed it, but I think the bullet fired at Locke appeared to have hit him, but no effect, similar to the dagger. Is Richard 'dead' also and that is why he never ages? Though I miss some of these things, notice how Jack and Locke will swap personalities? Locke-ster now is speaking of everything being a coincidence and the island will be the island. Now Jack is staring out at the ocean and becoming the philosophical thinker vs the man of science A few posts back I recommended never ever upset Sayid Are you him brotha? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
McGurk Posted March 3, 2010 Share Posted March 3, 2010 Warning,Crazy Theory ahead:Locke-ster has been able to promise this crazy things for people to help him, such as Aaron's return to Claire, Nadia's return to Sayid, and Sawyer's release from the island. Could it be that the sideways flashes are a glimpse of what Locke-ster's manifestation of their promises are? The sideways timeline is what he can give them, via 815 not crashing there to begin with and allowing their lives to continue as they'd like. Think about it: Claire is still carrying a healthy baby Aaron and the adoptive parents backed out, Nadia is still in Sayid's life (in some form), and Sawyer is back in the states doing what he wants. Locke-ster hasn't promised anything to Kate (yet), but we all know that she just wants to be free, and with what we've seen so far she is. He could also promise that Sun and Jin are together (we think), as they have landed together safely. He just got pinched somehow by Keamy's guys, to be rescued and released presumably by Sayid. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pinkfloyd4ever Posted March 3, 2010 Share Posted March 3, 2010 I'm with you on the theory, mine was that re-doing the wrongs in the former life to correct things in the present. Sun/Jin: She was leaving him and the crash brought them back together, so that will be a twist, or the final push to separate them Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
McGurk Posted March 3, 2010 Share Posted March 3, 2010 As far as Sun and Jin being together, it could be Jin getting taken and beaten by thugs to get him to appreciate Sun as a wife instead of treating her like a sideline to his job for her father. He could get her to love him again and have their kid in a similar timeframe, as she conceived after the crash. Stranger things have happened in the sideways world. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mrklean Posted March 3, 2010 Author Share Posted March 3, 2010 notice how all the lost members are showing up in the pairs at some point, locke and jack, Jin and sayid etc, do you think that is a bit of a preview of something to come? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rosspj59 Posted March 3, 2010 Share Posted March 3, 2010 I have a question, didn't jack have his appendix removed on the island? From last weeks episode his mother said it was removed when he was child, hmmm. Funny how he didn't remember that or the scar. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
McGurk Posted March 3, 2010 Share Posted March 3, 2010 Yeah, Juliet removed his appendix after over 3 months on the island. It seems there are a lot of differences leading up to the flight of 815, and presumably they are due to the fact that Jughead was detonated in 1977. Events should all be the same leading up to that date, but can diverge afterwards to the present. That's how Jack can have a teenage boy, Nadia was married to Sayid's brother with kids, and Hurley has had a successful life after the lottery. There's more, too, but those are the big ones. One person I'm curious about is Locke's dad, the con man who caused Sawyer's dad to commit murder/suicide and may or may not have turned Sawyer into a con himself. He has turned up in a few of the Losties' lives, but it sounds like he and Locke are on OK terms from his episode. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
McGurk Posted March 9, 2010 Share Posted March 9, 2010 Great ready for a big ol' plate of Ben tonight. I, for one, am really looking forward to this. He has kind of fallen into the background after returning to the island (well, I guess Jacob was killed by him).Speaking of being killed (and coming back like a bad penny), I was going through some of the seemingly dead characters a little bit. First and foremost, we got to see Sayid get his hands dirty last week. He was shown trying to kill Locke-ster, Dogen, Lennon, and sideways Keamy. We all know that Sayid has killed his share of people, and knows what it takes to do that job and do it well. But my question is; has he indeed killed them? Follow along here: He shot Ben as a kid back in 1977 (single gunshot) and left him for dead. This happened only for him to be taken to the temple and healed, changed forever, but very much alive. Not a confirmed kill.He tried to kill Locke-ster with knife in the chest, with no ill effect (that we know of) to him. It didn't even slow him down. Makes me wonder if this is what Ilana was talking about when she said that he is stuck in his current form, although I don't know how she would know. Definitely not a confirmed kill.We see Sayid tackle and drown Dogen in the same pool where he himself was drowned, but somehow came back (possibly a changed man). He also slit Lennon's throat (funny how he was Dogen's voice as a translator and was killed in that way) and dumped him into the healing pool, also. In my eyes, we aren't done with Dogen or Lennon yet. Possibly not confirmed kills.And Sideways Sayid made the mistake of spending only one bullet to kill Keammy. If you remember, Keamy was thought to have been killed twice and still came back fighting (stabbed by Sayid, then came back and was shot by Richard) only to be finished off by being stabbed by Ben. A single shot didn't kill a young and fragile Ben, why would we think it would kill Keamy? Sayid should know that a double tap is pretty standard in that kind of a game, and we've seen him do it before in his backstory. So, I don't think were done with Keamy yet, especially due to the fact that we have a Ben episode tonight, and some more Sun and Jin stories coming soon. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rosspj59 Posted March 10, 2010 Share Posted March 10, 2010 Apparently Jin is sitting out there in the woods with a bad leg still? Funny no mention of him. Also, what happened to Claire after the lockemonster took care of business at the temple. Did she leave with him or she still in the pit? I don't remember seeing her with locke's crew? It seems Jack now knows he has a purpose on the island. When will Sawyer show up again? Knowing only 9 episodes are left sure makes things more interesting. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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