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Slug gun for bear

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I am planning on going bear hunting for the first time this fall and don't want to buy a new gun for the first time going. I was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions for different types of slugs to use for bear. Last year I used hornady sst for deer hunting which performed great but i dont know if i would want to use something that came in a 3 in. to give it a little more umph.

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I don't know anything about slug guns, but I'll put in my 2 cents. I hunt deer and bear with the same American Eagle 250 gr. hollow points out of the same 5 1/2" barreled Ruger Redhawk. Out of the two bear I've gotten, the first went no more than 10 yards and the second went a little farther...maybe 15. Now, I'm only shooting maybe 20 yards back. Kind of like a bow-hunter. If you put it in the heart/lung area I don't know why your deer slugs wouldn't work with bear hunting.

Having said all of that, I'm always looking at new, or trying to find better ammo for bear (that I'm comfortable shooting), but I haven't found it yet. Good luck!

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Think about going with open sights for bear too. Most scopes have a black reticle that's hard to see on a black bear especially in low light conditions. A bird barrel would probably treat you fine since your shots will most likely be close and in the thick of things.

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Since I already have the slug barrel I am just going with that, and I wasn't planning on putting a scope on it, if i can hit a deer at 125 yds with open sights, I think I will be ok on a bear at 30 that is if im not too excited.grin.gif

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I've shot 2 bears so far with my 12ga and first year was a lesson learn, it took 6 shots within 30 yards to drop my 260 pound Teddy... i would suggest not using a hollow point slug/sabot for better penetration.. Especially going against an animal with thick skins...

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6 Shots? The first shot must have hit him pretty hard to keep the bear around to be able to get off 6 shots, unless you have one fast trigger finger! I'm a "shoot untill its down" guy too, but you have me beat.

A 12 gauage slug will have no problem puting down a bear. Just find out what brand of slug shoots best through your shotgun and you will be set. Even the $1.99 remington slugs will pack more than enough punch to put down a bear. A shotgun with a reddot scope (like mentioned earlier)would be a great setup for bear.

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I've got a New England single shot 12Gauge.

It's been the perfect slug gun for me the last few years.

Breneke KO slugs will put some maximum whoopage on anything

and will fly excelent through smooth and riffled barrels.

I used it with my smooth bore and my son used it in his Mossy-835 rifled barrel. Very economicaly friendly too.

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Shot placement is more important than just about everything else with a bear. They are not a deer. If you double lung one with a slug gun you will more than likely lose the blood trail before you find the bear. If you break the shoulders...no problem.

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I agree with InTheSchool. I would go one step further and say that large mature boars are almost a separate breed. Tougher to locate, attract to bait (during shooting hours) and harder to kill. One mistake with a mature boar (or sow) is all you get. You will probably never see him again.

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