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Wanted to get a post going on mounts. This is a bird that I mentioned in another post that almost had the last half of a wing shot off and was still able to get a flying mount. You tell me which wing was damaged.


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 Originally Posted By: Bryce
Wanted to get a post going on mounts.


Nice looking mount - But why did you have to start this post? I'm already having a difficult time, waiting for my mount at the taxidermist! grin.gif This is not helping!!! \:\)

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 Originally Posted By: Bryce
Nice. Your camera and/or photography skills bring out the colors better than mine.

Definitely not the easiest things in the world to photograph.

I've done a little Brightness & Contrast adjusting in Photoshop to make them "pop" a little more but thats it.

To really get a good photo, I guy should either bring them outside and photograph them in natural light, or get a good amount of indirect lighting to illuminate the mount inside. The wall the mount is hanging on always reflects the flash around the subject.

Anyway... that Can and that Ringneck or both nice! I've been after a nice Ringneck for many, many years now and still haven't got one worthy of putting on the wall.

Anyone else got some mounts to share???

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Was also going to comment on buffie. Almost a comical expression on it's face. Very nice. Picture of can doesn't do it justice. Huge bird. All MN birds except the mallard. Last ones I have are pheasants.

Mallard with pheasant framing photo of lab on her final NoDak trip. Picture007.jpg

Wifey liked this one enough to hang over the fireplace.


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Nice birds, I really like yours hanson. Just got back my white mallard today, I'll get a pic on here a little later. And I better not get any cr@p for mounting a farm duck grin.gif

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Awesome, I remember you talked about that white mallard when you got him, special bird forsure. Where did you have the mallard done? I have a perfect canvasback that has been in the freezer for over a year that I need to get into the shop, still trying to find a good place to go.

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Flyway Taxidermy. He's more expensive but I figure it'll last forever and he does better work than I've seen. His shop is full of awards he's received and the mounts in there are definately worth checking out.

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