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Does DNR officer have the right to come into your ice house?


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i am as strict when it comes to following rules and regs as the other guy, but i don't see it as a big deal to have out an extra tip up. if a guy brings out his 2 young kids and he knows that they will only be able to fish one line but he has out six lines realisticly he is responsible for 4 of those 6, thats two extra for him. is that wrong?

Plain and simple, it's against the law to do what you admitted doing. To say you are strict when it comes to following rules and regs and then to say that you use three lines is not being strict, it's breaking the law. I agree, if you bring your kids out and they can only fish one line and you use a tipup, that is wrong and I believe, that is also agains the law.

i don't see anything wrong with 2 lines in the house and one outside thats why i do it,

You don't see anything wrong with this? So you don't see breaking the law as doing anything wrong? We would all love to have more lines but we don't.

heck i'd love to put 5 tip ups outside but that would cross the line for being moraly acceptable. think what you want but don't say i lie or cheat and you wouldn't want me to work for you.

So breaking the law is moraly acceptable if you don't go overboard with it? I'm sorry bearbait, but that is not only breaking the law, but it is cheating.

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Ok, everyone inhale deeply. And again.

We're getting off topic. Issue is can a CO come into your fish house without knocking. No. They have to ask permission.

In my response to the original post I indicated that you can cause things to escalate. "Knocking him on his arse" falls right into that category. You will buy yourself a vacation if you do that, no doubt about it.

As for acting nervous as a basis for further investigation - it is a factor that could be used as a basis for further action, but not the only basis.

The rules for entering a car are different, and I'm sorry, but your house is private property - mineral rights or not.

Just in case someone is wondering I am not some Commie sympathizer - I was a prosecutor for years. In making my comments I merely want to try and correct mis-statements on a subject. I would do nothing to block a CO from performing his duties, but if he/she exceeds their authority I also wouldn't accept it or allow it to continue.

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Bearbait, I don't think anyone is attacking you. But you are running on a slippery slope and that is what people are pointing out. You say one over in the house so you can use a tip up is ok. How about the kid using weed. He thinks if he only uses it once in a while whats the big deal?? Well "slippery slope" tells us more use maybe harder drugs are to follow. So back to your addmition, while only go over by one?? Private lake, no one around put out more tip ups. Most on this site want to protect our resorce, so when you admit to breaking the law more then a few will end up with ruffled feathers. CO's are there to actually help us and protect our fish for our kids and their kids. If we have people doing what they like or feel is right, well you could see the problem with that thinking. Just my .02

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 Originally Posted By: Wanderer

I learned. Further, I know people take advantage of this hinderance for the C.O.s just because they can.

A thank you goes out to talltines and bearbait for making my case. ;\)grin.gifgrin.gif

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I thought mayhap Tom was an attorney from his first post. I'm a little suprised by the former prosecuter part.LOL

I lived in Minnesota in the late '60s when the Miranda warning first came about. All Law enforcement personnel thought it was the end of all convictions. My local sheriff remarked that the Supreme Court may as well have put handcuffs on him!! Well guess what? For many reasons the Miranda warning has worked out very well--especially from a law enforcement point of view.

I'm also like Tom--I have no problem with a CO doing his job--I have a real problem with a CO who wants to do more than his job.

A CO has to watch out for guys like bearbait with his mickey mouse stuff as well as potentially very dangerous and much more serious situations--human nature being what it is a lot of CO's tend to push the envelope a little bit as far as rights go.

Far as I'm concerned you have no rights unless you are willing to stand up for them.

I'm not a big fan of the Ried tecknique of questioning either.

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I do NOT condone breaking laws. There are there to be followed not interpeted. The laws go both ways. Law says i cant drink and drive. law says i can tell him no he cant come in. I have never not let a warden in but it would be my right not to. Us having rights is what seperates us from Iran, Iraq and all the rest. If a warden flipped up a house on my daughter and exposed her in partialy clothed state i would reach out and touch some one or the very least put him in his truck and send him on his way in a not so nice way. I belive lawbreakers should be punished and to walk in without permission is breaking the law. I had a cop tell me that he hated my having a loaded pistol in my truck while i was re-tying things down in the back of the truck. He was really laying it on me. I told him i really did not care what he liked that he has to follow the laws just like i do. I told him i think it sucks that i had to throw back so many walleys that were going to die but to bad thats the law. and its legal for me to CCW and if he did not like it to bad! he laughed and told me i was right. After a bit we parted with a handshake. He was a good cop and a good man!

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i realy don't see what the big deal is and why everybody is so upset. it is like i am comitting murder or something, almost every single icefisherman i know has done this also so i figured people on here would agree with me about puting tip ups out along with the lines in the house, people even refering to my tip up as the same thing as a kid smoking weed, for crying out loud. i'm sure that no one on here see's a tip up as a problem but because it counts as 3 lines some people are acting like i am sining. i do follow regs strictly, i am 90% catch and release anyways, i can even say i never filleted a walleye this year, probably a total of 20 crappies and 15 bluegills and one northern, how many have you brought home this winter Sandmannd?

Most on this site want to protect our resorce, so when you admit to breaking the law more then a few will end up with ruffled feathers.

just because i go over by one line doesn't mean i don't want to protect our resource i cpr almost all of my catch and to be honest i am not the best fisherman in the world so if i have a fish in my hole i want to give him to baits to look at and 75% of the time my flag doesn't even go up but with it out there it is a chance for me to get a huge pike cause i usually use huge whole dead smelt and little pike won't inhale those like the little shiners or suckers.

let me ask a simple question, how many of you use 2 lines in your house? probably most to all, so sue me if i want a tip up out also, i'm not hurting you myself or the fishery AT ALL. i was brought up doing it in wisconsin and i am to used to always having tip up out, i will do this for the rest of my fishing days so please lets stop this, ice fishing is over, i'm getting [PoorWordUsage] and i am no fun to be around when i'm [PoorWordUsage] so for my fiances sake i'm done with this topic

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also i have the highest respect for co's cops sherrifs and fireman etc.. i have been pulled over 3 times in my life, all for stupid things like touching the center line, turning to fast??? anyways every time i got pulled over i shook their hands and told them to be safe out there and thank you for what you do. my aunt is a police officer and my uncle is a police officer as well as one of the lead men on the minneapolis swat team, so don't think i don't respect them, i have more respect for law enforcement than anybody i know.

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 Originally Posted By: Iambjm
Personally I think that this is a subject that should be locked. Enough has been said.

And now you know why on page one of this post I asked "who rolled the grenade into the room?". It never ends well.

It's a thankless position those that have to make this decision are put into. C'mon, there's no Owellian Big Brother plot to usurp your rights by accessing your [PoorWordUsage]-dunk ice shack. This is the method they opted for when they felt that if they couldn't see your harvest, they couldn't enforce the laws and limits.

Until x-ray goggles is an option, they are limited in their policing methods.

Lock this puppy up before regrettable things get said....

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