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The Darndest thing (cute kid story)

Shawnny B

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I have a 3 year old that is just the darndest kid, she always manages to sucker candy or something out of the guys at the gas stations, the bait store or even the hardware store, but last night she took it up a level. Heres the Story below..( I know that Im not as good as some of you are about telling stories but I know youll get the jist of this!!)

I got home late from work like I do on a regular basis around 1030ish and go into her room to give her a hug and kiss good night, I put my arm under her and she says no daddy its too big, My first response to her was to say Shhh..its alright go back to sleep, but I realized she was asleep, I asked her what was too big and she had stated that the fishy was too big :). I asked her if she needed help with the big fishie and she said "unhuh" So I told her, Daddy was helping her get the fishy and had asked her what kind of fish it was ( she only knows Crappie and Bass) she stated it was a BIG CRAPPIE, and that she needed HELP! I told her that I got it for her and asked what to do next she said, I want to hold it daddy, my response, Alright here you go, hers Whao its too big daddy let it go, So I proceeded to tell her that I was letting it go, I asked her what next and she said, Love you daddy thanks for the help and out she went sleep.gif

I think shes hooked on fishing, and her younger sister is well on her way! Aint I just the luckest Dad??? grin.gif


Grace stole my Fish!



Thanks Dave AKA Hovermn Without ya around Iwoudlnt be able to take these girls out. Now I just need your help in about ...oh ...14 years or so, you still got that wooden bat right??

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Who says you're not good at telling Stories! That was great! I have the bat hanging on the wall. Maybe we can pull off what Will and Martin did in Bad Boyz 2. Now that was funny!

This summer, we'll have to build her vocabulary out in the boat. She needs to know Northern, Walleye, pannie and Trout! hehe

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