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I got this old photo from my Mom, Dates back to mid 70's. A pair of snows and 5 juveniles landed in our frontyard pond, and I was sneaky enough to get the juvies, not the trophy snows. The pic survived a house fire, most did not. I believe I was 8 at the time, shooting a Coast to Coast Master Mag 20 guage, or a model 50 Winchester 12 guage, can't remember, oh well, it's been 30 years! My old German Sheppard "Coacoa" was not much of a hunter, lost many birds, they'd usually end up in the yard the next morning, eaten! If you have old pics with a story, please share em. Brent>

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Great pic BLB. A lot of old racks deteriorated on the barn, granary, corncrib... I remember a huge set on my grandpa's corn crib. As a kid they fell down, we played with them and eventually they were gone. From memory they were very big.

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Go to the Photography/Photo Sharing Forum - it's under the Outdoor Activities section; at the top there is a thread with the explanation about how to post. I'll try to put a link here, not sure if it will work though.


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Great Pics everyone. Really makes you wonder where time goes sometimes. At least with all the hustle and bustle and change in the world, somethings are still the same. Great to hear he is still hunting at 85. I hope I am that lucky.

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