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TB? am I reading this right?


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I was taking a look at the rod section, and was considering getting a few more Sweat Pea 16" Glass rods. Can someone plz explain how the price of these rods can go from $26.99 three months ago to $44.99? Was this covered already and I missed it?

I love the rods, have six of them, but no way will I ever pay that much money for a 16 inch glass rod. Starting to think that the ownership is getting a bit out of touch with reality.

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I noticed that the prices on a lot of the rods throughout the entire lineup changed. I don't know why, but it did seem as though the Sweat Pea took the highest jump. I actually picked one up right before the price jumped. It is my favorite rod and the first one out of the bag every time.

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The price of cork and glass/graphite has jumped quite a bit. The glass rods did take the highest jump due to cost of materials.

So the actual reality of situation is that the cost of the blanks is rising which is the main reason for the increase... Thorne Bros is not raising the prices for the sake of putting a few more bucks in the owners pocket, that's the furthest from the truth... if we could give rods away for free and not take a hit in the bank then we would, but things don't really work that way... it was a shock to me as well, but we have to work with what we're dealt and some things are out of ones control...

If you want to talk to the head rod builder or the owner at Thorne Bros I'm sure they would be more than happy to help answer this question as well... [email protected]

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Thanks for the reply Matt. I figured the reason was justified. The cost of everything is going up, not just rods. Thanks for the clarification. I will hopefully be able to pick up another Thorne Rod over the summer for next ice season. There is something to be said about the quality of the products you guys have there.

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Matt, have the email and the number. This isnt my first rodeo with Thorne Bros rods. Besides my "peas", I also love my 7 Pwr Noodles. I was the first if not one of, to order them without the flo. paint at the tip to increase its action. Also love the outdoor eyes I get on them. To go from $47, all the way up to $62 is a bit of a shock too. Guess I was just a little flabbergasted at such a dramatic increase. My first Sweet Pea was $24.99 in '05, so I was used to a few dollars here and there in the years that followed.

I realize that costs go up, profit margins have to be maintained in the outdoor businesses, but WOW. My 8' glass trolling rods from Wisconsin went up too, but for an 8ft rod, 20 bucks added to a $120 is bit easier to swallow. I work with 9 companies involved with fishing both open water and on the ice, I know costs out of China are going to be going up dramatically this summer from the feedback fed on down the chain. Guess this is just the tip of the iceberg to what we will be seeing for next season. Its a shame to say this, but I am glad I got mine already.

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Having been to Thorne Bros often and talking with they guys, they aren't into gauging. They are they to help the fisherman. As Matt said, the material went up so they had little choice but to pass that on. Gotta keep money in or there will be no store.

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Hi guys, being a sponsor on this site I would like to throw my opinion in. I have been warned by my supplier that prices will go up big time. Look at the way our economy in going. Prices are going up on everything. You can't blame a company for raising their prices to make up for the cost of producing a product. I've been told the majority of graphite production is going to the war. The product that worries me is cork. The price of cork is going up and the quality is going down. If you compare the grade of cork from 5 years ago to the same grade today there is a big difference. There is a lot of filler in todays cork. On the positive side I think we will see new products to replace cork. Synthcork being one of those. I'm just a little fish in the custom rod pond in this area. Like any businessman I buy in bulk when I can. The more you buy, the lower the cost. Last year at this time I looked at where prices were going and ordered extra. With that in mind, I don't see any price increases in my custom ice rod prices until I run short of components, possible well into the next ice season. I too will have to increase my prices when my costs go up. Thank you for your time and I look forward to your opinions.

Thanks, Scotty

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X2 on the cork. I have some decent cork but it's getting north of 5$/ring to get good cork (not the junk on every factory rod out there). For most things I prefer the manufactured cork products (real cork chopped, colored, and then glued together into rings or true synthetics). It's works well, has a great look, and can work better in inclement weather.

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Getting back to the 50% increase. That kind of a jump seems extreme. I own alot of gear that "you get what you pay for" meaning that I tend to spend alot more to get quality on all of my outdoor gear. That kind of increase no matter how you slice it wouldn't fly with most consumers. I own nothing but TB ice rods and that kind of increase stopped me in my tracks. I am now forced to look at more options when it's time to replace and upgrade.

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The prices of our ice rods have all gone up,some not as much as others, the costs of everything involved in the rod building process has gone up. We are approached every month or so by someone trying to take our ice blank buisness overseas, but that its not what Thorne Bros is about. We buy all of our raw graphite here and pay a U.S. company to grind the blanks to our specifications, simply because these are the best ice rod blanks that money can buy and haven't been bettered or duplicated by the countless companies that have tried. It is much more expensive to do this but we are not interested in cutting our costs to put out an inferior product. We take pride in the fact that we haven't sold out. The rods are priced at no higher margin than they have ever been, the prices reflect increases on costs on everything from the blanks to the cork and also components. We would like to thank everyone for their continued support and Thorne Bros will continue to produce innovative and quality products.

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I will agree with Lonnie that prices on all items will be going up in the near future. If one wants the best, that will come with a price tag.

One needs to compare apples to apples. We cannot purchase a Mercedes for the price of a VW.

For Thorne Bros to simply just jack up the prices would only hurt there great business. No reason for a quality business like Thorne Bros to do something like that.

I own numerous TB rods and they are nothing but the best in craftmanship and quality.

I also believe that in the very near future one will notice the price of every item for sale going up in price due to the fuel costs. This effects all products manufactured.

One also needs to factor in the costs of doing business and not just the price of materials. Fuel costs to heat the building, wages and insurance all play a part in the final cost of an item.

Todays business world is very tough and these businesses need to raise their prices or they wont be around for long.

To continue to build the quality rods TB does, the prices will need to increase.

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I started to convert my "other" ice rods over to TB rods this season. I like the handles, the feel of the rod and the Powernoodle for perch and pannies is awesome (no need for a stinkin spring bobber). Keep up the good work.

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I can't frankly understand why this thread still has a life.For those of you that hunt, or shoot firearms,and maybe there are those here at the ice fishing forum that don't, but for those that do, have you seen the price of ammo these days? There may have been a thread on the increased prices of ammo somewhere at FM.com, but I don't see wholesale ranting and raving about the cost of ammo.The point is the price of an item, and what a guy will spend on it to buy it are all relative. Enough has been said to back up Thorne Bros. already, but all I can add is I have at least a dozen TB ice rods, and all of them are worth every penny I spent on 'em. I will be buying more ice rods from them in the future,price increase, or not.Again if you have a case of 'sticker shock' from a TB rod,go and buy a case of specialty shotgun shells, and then buckle your seatbelt.Enough said for now.

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The cost of everything is going up and our wages dont come close to keeping up with the cost of living. Employers want us to pay more every year for our benefits and we get less benefits for the $.

Unions are being watered down, the middle class is being squashed and the rich get richer.

I hope whoever winds up in the office has a plan. Talk of the US turning into a 3rd world country doesnt seem too far off sometimes.


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 Originally Posted By: Rick
Thorne Bros makes a sweet rod and worth every penny.

You got that right!!!! I've got 6-7 ice combos but for some reason i always end up using one of my 2 thorne bros rods. They must be doing something right. Thanks TB, Keep up the good work ;\)

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Does Thorne Bros rods have life time warrenties like Shimano or Fenwick lifetime open water rods? I have taken advantage of the fenwick warrenty (no hassel/questions) and hear good things about Shimano - you end up getting a brand new replaceement if one breaks. Makes it well worth spending the extra $$'s.

If TB has this type of warrenty, it is worth spending the extra money to get not only a top quality rod (imo), but also a warrenty to protect your investment. I have their dead stick rod and love it. With out this type of warrenty, I would be hesitant to spend the money on the higher prices considing all the other good rod options out their at the lower price.

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