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Red Breasted Nuthatch

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We only get these guys as they migrate through, so I was happy to have two of them last weekend. This guy jumped up on one of my Cardinal perches (I only say that as I set the branch up here because the BG would work with a reddish bird)


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Nice picture, I have quite a few who visit my feeders, but I have yet to have a whitebreasted show up for some reason. The male red-breasted are starting to display to their mates and they are putting on quite the show now bouncing around with their tails straight up like a wren.

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 Originally Posted By: DMN
Nice picture, you really do plan ahead- choosing the background color for the bird you intend to shoot.


Not always, but sometimes. I figure if its a setup, you should atleast make it look nice. I figure it makes my images or some of them anyways stand apart from others. maybe its working and maybe not.

Thanks, Mike... we'll said! \:\)

Thanks, Finn! grin.gif

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