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Lake Superior

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I hit the lake this morning for a few sunrise shots. I haven't had a camera in hand for a while. Despite the cold (-15F), it was still nice to get out and take a few shots. Here are a few images of the same scene - all taken with the Rebel XT and either the 70-200 f/4 or 17-40 f/4. Hope you enjoy.





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Hey good to see some of your photos again Michael! That last picture I hope will be hanging on your wall, excellent shot! Very nice work, number 2 really draws my eye in as well. Stay warm.

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Hey X,

Things have been pretty busy lately. I'm supposed to be writing a dissertation right now - which I've been working on very slowly. Along with that I'm constantly revamping and submitting resumes all over the state for school admin positions. That's pretty much eaten up all of my time lately. I'm going to make a concerted effort to get out a few times a week when the migrants make there way through this spring. I may shoot over to eastern South Dakota in a month or so to hit the waterfowl migration. If I'm in your neighborhood, I'll be sure to let you know.

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Those are really great Mike. I also like the last one the most. If you don't put it on your wall can I put it on mine. grin.gif Kidding of course. Thanks for sharing!

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 Originally Posted By: mcary
I may shoot over to eastern South Dakota in a month or so to hit the waterfowl migration. If I'm in your neighborhood, I'll be sure to let you know.

Be sure to do that. I'm only 38 miles from the SD border.

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