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Wild have really struggled the last 2 weeks. Another loss tonight 3-2 to the Hurricanes. Tied in points with the Flames and Calgary has a game in hand. These last 15 games or so will be interesting.

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They'll be lucky to make the playoffs. They are choking it away they had a 6 point lead a couple weeks ago. Just making the playoffs isn't good enough they need to start a series at home there not a good road team in the playoffs.

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I just think some of you wait for the Wild to go on a skid, and jump all over them! I didn't hear a peep from anyone when they won those 3 games in a row!!

The wild will be fine, They will pull together and make a nice run into the playoffs! There are to many leaders on this team to let the team fall apart. Go Wild, Big game tonight, one game at a time!

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Really, thats what I was thinking, they are in good shape! If they were in last, then moved into second everyone would be happy, but since it is so close in the standings, with alot of teams from both conferences, the ranking have changed many times, I havent been to excited about it. I would rather they slid now, then in the playoffs! It really isnt going to make much difference if we are 3rd, or 8th, everyone is playing hard, and the teams we would play can change many times in the next 15 games.

Go Wild!

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 Originally Posted By: 4wanderingeyes
I would rather they slid now, then in the playoffs! It really isnt going to make much difference if we are 3rd, or 8th, everyone is playing hard, and the teams we would play can change many times in the next 15 games.

Go Wild!

Great Point!! The western Confrence is so close, It really don't matter to me who we play in the playoffs, I guess I wouldn't wanna see Detroit or Dallas, but we gotta beat the best to hold the cup!

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I love the Wild I'm not trying to jump all over them but Jeez last year they lost the division by 1 point....... What did they do in Anaheim nothing. They had a 6 point lead two weeks ago is what I'm saying and as there losing two games in a row Calgary won the other night and moved into first place last night by just being Idle those are the nights you gotta win to get some separation in the division. Team is just not as good on the road and I think the only chance they have to win a playoff series is it has to start at home. And Colorado won last night there back 1 point from us and Vancouver won last night there 3 points back. Let's hope they go on a little run and gain first place back. ATL has lost 8 in a row is tonight a must win????

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 Originally Posted By: Fishing_High
They'll be lucky to make the playoffs. They are choking it away they had a 6 point lead a couple weeks ago. Just making the playoffs isn't good enough they need to start a series at home there not a good road team in the playoffs.

They have had a tough stretch as of late, however; I belive it is 5 or 6 points seperate 5 teams...a lot can happen very quickly, if the Wild turn around the special teams that will help take the pressure off of Beckstrom and will definitly aid in their playoff hunt, which I believe they will make, just wonder how far they will go this year...if hitting on all cylinders at the right time they can be tough to beat...

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1-3 against the worst division in hockey. Wild are going the wrong way. How can you say nothing is wrong with the Wild when they can't beat teams they are suppose to beat. Same old story, get up a goal and hang on. I think the Wild will miss the playoffs.

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Yep. That was another great Wild game. How long was it since Atlanta had won a game? I love hearing the announcers excuses too. We keep playing desperate teams and hot goalies.......

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it seems as though the wild go through these scoring slumps every now and then. we lose to atlanta, that was bad, at least we got a point, we needed two. we have lot of divisional games to close the regular season, they better get hot now.

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If and that is a big if, they make the playoffs, it will be like last year. They will get pushed all over the ice, hammered in the corners, etc. Last year they went into the playoffs with the best second half record in the league-and look how they got done by the Ducks. They are nowhere near last years level of play right now, so I would also be amazed if they even made the playoffs. Flames, Nucks, Avs all playing better that we are over the last 15 games or so. No creativity, grit, hustle, etc. Good idea to sit Parrish when you can't score, too. Much better to put Radio out there who takes a stupid penalty with 6 minutes left which of course they scored on. Brutal.

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It was a tough loss lastnight, and it has been a tough stretch of games but WOW most of you guys just want to hang it up, season over! The Wild we make the payoffs, I don't know how far they will make it in the playoffs but aleat they will have a chance to get on a roll! I have never seen so many fair weather fans, not even in the Vikings forum!

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I'm definitely not a fair weather fan. That's why I'm so fed up-because this team has the most talent on paper as Wild have ever had, and should go deep into the playoffs but they are not getting it done. You can see it on their faces during interviews, their demeanor on the ice, etc. Watch another game on TV and see how other teams are skating, hustling, pounding the opponents into the boards in their end, crashing the net,etc.This team does none of that and there is no reason why they can't. But, they won't. That is the frustration. This isn't the Lightning or the Thrashers. This team is better than it is showing but they just won't work. I'm with them through thick and thin but lets get honest about their level of play. It sucks. Lemaire has lost them. He's tried every trick in the book.

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That was the most boring first 19 minutes of the 3rd until Rolston's shot tied it. Gaborik should have won it in OT if it wasn't for Marleau batting the puck out of the air just before it was going in.

Backstrom has to be the worst shootout goalie there is. I will lookup some stats and see what his W's and save pct. is in shootouts.

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