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Chris Simon


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Not yet! He looks like he hasn't played in awhile. I didn't catch the game lastnight but he hasn't showed much of a physical presence. ( I thought thats why we brought him in) my opinion, waste of a draft pick, unless he shows somethings, and give us a boost in the playoffs with "clean" physcial play!!

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Last night he tried dropping his gloves with someone (I don't remember who), but the other guy wouldn't go. The announcers were joking that he had them hanging from his fingertips. I would agree though, he looks pretty sluggish so far and hasn't been much of a factor.

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you can tell the players on the other team know hes out there. So far its his presence that is keeping the other teams from any rough stuff. Same thing when boogyman is on the ice, they always know were he is.

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Yeah, He looks a little sluggish, but hopefully that will get better with time. It was funny though when he had his gloves hanging there, and as soon as the other guy realized what was happening, he turned away fast. The guy probably figured it been awhile since Chris stepped on someone. So the other teams are certainly aware of his presence.

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He wanted to go a few different times last night as soon as he makes that move to drop the gloves the other guys will skate away. Like the other guy said the players on the other team know any time he's on the ice and keeps them from trying any rough stuff. On the other hand any body see the hits Fedoruk and Radiovivic or how ever you spell it laid down?

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Simon has played on the power play, camped out in front of the goalie. As much as I like Mark Parrish, I like having a bigger, tougher guy out there. Or at least an option to get a bigger, tougher guy out there.

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