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Deitz Dittrich new avatar


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Don't know why i always feel the need to pick on ya bud. But what is that gross fish you are holding. That better not be a walleye. That is like an infection in the bass forum. But i must say you do look good in red. ike

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Dude, its a very nice Catfish I caught at cool cats this last weekend... I would like to think of myself as a multi species angler. You really do learn how to fish your targeted species by learning how to fish other well too...

Ike--its funny, I havent changed my avit for a while.. and figured, change it today..and you saw it..

OK.. just for you chris(cjac)...

Here is a 1 of 3 ski I caught prefishing for a bass tournament last year.


and since we are talking about me and rough fish...


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Nice pic Deitz, best one I've seen yet'! I knew you had it in you!! Yep, I think Flake, and I think I know exactly where!!

Turnabout is fair play, here's a brown and greenie from my parent's lake.....not big but fun and pretty fish!! Hey, at least you now know I have some bass "skills"! grin.gif These are from Rice Lake out west by Paynesville. Always open for a "day trip"!




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Hey now, the right outfit makes the pic!! You're all just jealous of those of us with a sense of style! Put a big green largie against a nice RED outfit like that and you look like a million bucks!

Deitz, I got your back on this one!


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 Originally Posted By: cjac
Hey now, the right outfit makes the pic!! You're all just jealous of those of us with a sense of style! Put a big green largie against a nice RED outfit like that and you look like a million bucks!

I'm just glad you had a shirt on blush.gif

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