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The color selector is a waste of time. When they first came out we used it extensively because it sounded like such a good idea but it doesn't work. Most times when we used the colors the machine told us to use, the guy fishing with the traditional colors outfished us badly. A better option is to do 2 things. First of all, carry a selection and don't be afraid to change fairly often until you figure it out and the other is to get good local information about which colors usually work on that lake. There are too many fun things to buy like graphs, GPS and cameras to waste money on something that's useless........

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Never heard of it and couldn't find any info on Google. I always try and carry at least a few different colors and use a trial and error method, usually starting with an educated guess considering my past experience with that lake, or similar lakes or conditions.

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 Originally Posted By: MattL
Never heard of it and couldn't find any info on Google. I always try and carry at least a few different colors and use a trial and error method, usually starting with an educated guess considering my past experience with that lake, or similar lakes or conditions.

I think I saw a new model in my new Cabelas catalog.

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I have a book called The Comprehensive Guide To Walleye Patterns written by Babe Winkelman (and Dan Nelson) in 1985. Babe devotes 4-5 pages to the Color-C-Lector. One paragraph reads:

The device works, really works! And it works on walleyes, as I know from my two days fishing with it. Time after time, the Color-C-Lector correctly predicted the hot color. It was uncanny.


I couldn't believe it when I saw that Cabelas still sells them.

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It's a really good idea that just doesn't work.

I bought one 15 years ago because I fish lake trout suspended an awful lot and I thought this thing would be the cats meow. It cost me $150 which was a lot at the time and I used it a lot. Complete waste of time and money.

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