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Some signs of Spring>FINALLY!


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Saw a great number of Fox Sparrows today. When these guys show up and are rippin' and kickin' with both feet,spring is almost here. It was 50 degrees today,so before the work at home started, I slipped out for an hour and got a few shots in.

Canon 30D,100-400L IS




Also saw my 1st Meadowlark [about my favorite bird] of the year. He was a long way off,so this is a 100% center crop. His legs are pink!


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Great shots, MM. I always like fox sparrows. They are so cool, and you got some very nice captures.

But, uh, buddy, I thought spring ALWAYS came in Iowa the first week of March. I mean, it's not like you're in the NORTH or anything. grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

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