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Do the electric anchors work very well??


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I am thinking about buying a electric anchor & I would like to know what you guys think of them? I have a 17.5 ft IO so I think I would need to get one like the Minn Kota deckhand 40. Please let me know what you think & if anyone has seen them for sale cheap I would be interested.


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I had one on my 17.5' boat and took it off. Absolutely hated that thing. Always was binding when winding up and ended up pulling up the anchor by hand anyway. I would advise against purchasing one.

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I agree, my dads boat had one and you spend alot of time digging the rope out of the winch housing. We went to a larger diameter rope and had better results. The other thing is that you will end up running up to where it is mounted and pulling the anchor inside the boat prior to running across the lake or it will play out line and bang around on the front of the boat. Lastly, it reduces the effectiveness of anchoring because then you are still fiddling around with playing out slack ect to tie off on a cleat when you want to position your boat sideways.


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I can do a lot of pulling on the rope for 400 smackers. I troll most of the time and don't achor all that often. IMO, I would save your money, unless you have everything and want to buy a toy. I'm sure they can be usefull if you have the money to spend on them.

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I put one on 9 years ago and it was the best thing that i ever did I have an 28 pound anchor and it has no problem with that i fish mostly panfish when i use the anchor but I have to bring it in the boat when i cross the lake . One thing that I had to do was where the rope pivots there is a little pully make sure that there is no extra room for the rope to work its way on the side of the pully I took a big hammer and a big mall and tapped on the shaft that the pully is on until the pully has just enough room to move i did this the first year I had it and it still is good at this point. It reallt can be a pain to get the rope pulled back out. If you plan on holding your boat in some heavy winds don't even consider one. At the time when I got mine i paid $149.

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I have one picked up at a garage sale for like 10 bucks, had it on the last 5 years and dont have a problem with it other than it doesnt hold the greatest. I wouldn't buy a new one, but i'll keep this one on the boat. (It makes me lazy)

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I have one on a larger boat with a cuddy because I almost have to. Do I think they work very well? No. Would I put one on and open boat? No. One of the biggest drawbacks is you can not use any of the better anchors, richter etc. because the shank has to come up into the bracket thing. So you are limited to anchors like the mushroom and river. These are fine in calm water but do not hold well in any type of waves.

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