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DNR Curiosity


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Well, my point was summed up better than I could spit out on my post. The CO/Wardens are so very essential. I'm sure we all know one that is a .....well for lack of better word pompous ast!...but we also know doctors, nurses, sporting goods store employees, construction employees, etc., etc., that has there share of pompous astes. Just like any profession, you cant let one bad apple ruin the bunch...otherwise every bunch would be spoiled. JMO

And.....Correct me if I am wrong, but don't you have to show your hunting/fishing license to ANYONE who asks to see it? Even joe bloe fishing next to you. Again, I am under this assumption, but maybe I am wrong.

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You do not have to show your license to anyone. If approached by a LEO with proper identification you must show your license.

There was a case a couple years ago of someone impersonating a CO on Tonka. He was scoping out fishhouses.

If you're unsure feel free to ask for identification. That is your right as a citizen.

If anyone would like to learn more, contact your local CO, Police Dept or County Sheriff. Almost all will allow ride-alongs. Spend a day in the car/truck with them.

As far as needing to invade privacy to perform checks, there aren't radar guns that indicate if someone is keeping too many fish or too many birds. TIP phone calls are helpful and they do work, but by the time those are made, the damage is done.

Having CO's doing "routine checks" on the ice/water or in the field may be an inconvenience for some, but its the only logical way to find those violations and then some.

A drunk driver may be driving erratically, but what does a poacher look like?

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All you need to do is read the "CO reports" weekly to find out how many fools are out there and why the CO is checking on all of us. These reports aren't monthly or semi-ammually, they are weekly. Many of them are amazing and most of the time the person caught has multiple violations. \:\( It is sad, but somebody is always trying to get away with something, and most of the time, it isn't just one perch, or small sunnie over the limit, it is a gross violation. CO's, keep up the good work.

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I might be wrong on this but my gut instinct says I have it correct, at least sort of.

I do not believe that a conservation officer has a right to just pick a house at random and search the freezer for illegal game or to stop any vehicle on the highway at random and search for unlawful activity. I believe that we are protected from that type of unreasonable search by our 4th US Constitutional ammendment. They still must have probable cause or a warrant issued by the courts. The question in either case is in the definition of probable cause and that is where our court system would come into play. Probable cause might be as simple as a tip from the TIP line or observing what appears to be illegal activity.


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CO's have an extradorinary amount of power under state law. That said, state law cannot contravene the bill of rights. CO's still have to follow the rules of evidence. Some CO's tend to push the envelope so to speak on search and seziure and I don't generally have a problem with that cause I don't break the law and have nothing to hide. I know it's a crappy job and I don't mind a guy doing his job-but!- some CO's try to do more than thier job and I do have a problem with that.

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CO's are not allowed to search your house with out probable cause or a warrant. But if you are seen fishing, hunting, ect. they have a right to check your lic and bag limits if you have any. This includes your boat, truck, atv whatever it is you are using out in the field. As previously stated fishing and hunting is a regulated activity which is why they can check randomly. I wish their was more CO's. I go out fishing or hunting around 100 times a year and get checked less then 5 per year. That is why once they get a poacher, more and likely that poacher has done months or years of damage to our resource. mad.gif Likes others have said what does a poacher look like?? There is no answer that is why they check everyone. If you are up and up and legal what is the big deal. Most CO's I talk to just ask how the fishing is going and give my kids a free cone gift certificate from DQ for having their life jackets on. \:D

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I think what you're referring to BobT is the part that a patrol officer like local PD, Cty Sheriff and State Patrol can pull you over just to check for licenses. They cannot. There is a list of violations that are considered primary violations and then there are secondary violations. Checking licenses or insurance is secondary and you cannot be stopped for it alone. Seat belts are also still secondary.

All moving violations are legal as well as most equipment issues.

I certainly don't think that Law Enforcement is infallible because there will always be a percentage of bad apples. I've been on the wrong side of poor cops and a bad CO. I've been ticketed before for a hunting related issue that should've been a warning. I'm was only 17 but the law is the law.

I'm in school to be a CO (hopefully) so I can help with the problem rather than just preach about it.

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I have no problem with dnr checking my license and if i am on the ice they can ask me anything and check if i am doing anything illegal...no one should have an issue if they are acting within the law...

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my 2 cents, if your not doing anything wrong who cares what the dnr does. i get checked i invite them over. tell them you appreciate seeing them around. the only ones that need to fear dnr are the ones not being legal. reallyquite simple.

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I agree glenn, I've had them looking at me through binos. I waved at them (not knowing it was the CO) they thought it was funny. We need to realize most of them are also sportsmen, and feel the same way as most of us when it comes to illegal activities in the field or on the water. Any one of them can read my posts, WELCOME!! I think if some of them were on here they could answer alot of questions, there should be a informal ask dnr forum.

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As far as winter fishing - I'd welcome the CO...I'm not doing anything illegal and wouldn't mind the conversation.

In the summer I spend a lot of time on Minnetonka. If I go out with 5-6 friends and we are just cruising around we'll get stopped at least once. It seems like I am stopped everytime on that lake if I don't have my fishing poles in plain sight. I have never been stopped when fishing on Minnetonka in the summer and thats great.

The first time I took my boat on Minnetonka it was still brand new and I didn't know that it wasn't ready for travel (my dads boat). Also had the plug out of it so the bilge was working pretty hard. Had 7 people on board and only 3 life jackets...6 more were in the back of my trunk at the landing. Didn't have the decals on the side of the boat yet either. At home on my dads desk. It could have been an absolute nightmare...but the CO was very understanding and just wrote me a fix-it ticket...Said I had to prove ownership and have 8 life jackets in the boat and show to any law enforcement.

A very nice man and he saved me a lot of headache and money that afternoon.

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