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Twins on the Radio


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 Originally Posted By: IFallsRon
You can get radio for the whole season on mlbdot for $14.95.

The games are on in St. Cloud on 1390 AM. Unfortunately, it's a pretty low signal and I can't get it in my building.

And the games are cutting into GL.

That's what I dislike the most about 1500 having the games. At least when they were on 'cco, you could switch over to GL during the day games.

I wish KSTP would drop GL to another signal during the game, much like KFAN does with certain things on the Score 690, so you can still hear it.

Or like 'cco did a couple years ago with the playoffs, they moved them to 104.1 if there was a hockey game on or something else.

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 Originally Posted By: IFallsRon
And the games are cutting into GL.

What is GL? I can't think if what this acronym might stand for.

Also, don't suppose anyone from the Alex. area knows what station the games are on this summer?

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