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Bass Fishing in spring


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Like Smallmouth Bass Fishing? You NEED to try Big Turtle Lake in Itasca County. It offers the best in Smallmouth Bass fishing in the county. I usually go just after the spawn in june, i'v never caught so many fish before.


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 Originally Posted By: river rat316
 Originally Posted By: LEECH21
Sounds like someone wants company! grin.gif

either that or he fishes eyes and thinks that smallie are "ruining" his lake

Funny! You must read the Willmar/Spicer forum!

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 Originally Posted By: river rat316
 Originally Posted By: LEECH21
Sounds like someone wants company! grin.gif

either that or he fishes eyes and thinks that smallie are "ruining" his lake

I love the people that think bass ruin a lake. Something has to fill the role of eating baitfish and perch, and if fisherman are keeping the walleye and throwing back the bass I wonder which there'll be more of... It isn't like those fish haven't existed in a healthy balance for thousands of years prior to our arrival here...

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