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Strikemaster laser vs chipper


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I finally got the clearance from my wife to get a power auger, thank god. I have an option to get a strikemaster auger in either the chipper or laser. The laser is $30 more. The guy at the store says the laser is the one to get because it will cut a hole much faster, but the chipper will cut even when it is dull and the laser won't. What do you guys think?

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I think you are correct! It depends on your circumstances, if you fish mostly clean water lakes, with clean ice and you take good care of your stuff, and carefull with it, buy the lazer! If you fish the river or current areas, like to fish on the lake roads, or throw your auger around and dont like to waste your time putting the cover on, buy the chipper!

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I've never used the Mag with chipper, however I used a Lazer last weekend and I would definitely recommend it. It cut through 24 inches of ice so fast and easy, I could not believe it. Borrowed it from my neighbor. I also noticed that I did not have to clear a lot of slush out of the whole after cutting it, if I kept it running as I pulled it out.

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 Originally Posted By: Realtor Boy
If you are using it to drill different holes each time the lazer is worth the money. If you are using it in a perm house which you have to recut frozen holes, then definetley go with the chipper blade. Chipper cuts refrozen holes much nicer.

I 100% agree! Hole hop with the Lazer, and fish out of a perm with the Chipper. It all depends on what type of fishing you do most of the time. I own a lazer and have always known someone who has a chipper blade to re-drill my perm holes.


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Being a 61 year old gal with limited muscles, I had the SM XL 3000 lazer that I had to get rid of because of weight. We did buy it used and I think the blades were dull or the pitch was off, but two holes and I was exhausted. I went back to using our 12 year old Mag III with a chipper blade, (which I also think needs resharpening) and I can get at least 10-12 holes drilled before falling on the ice with exhaustion. I also run the auger while I am pulling it out and it also clears the holes nicely. Next year we are going to replace it with the SM 2000 with the chipper blades. SM's service has always been top notch and I am going to stick with them till I am too old to drill anymore holes. (Then I might have to hire someone to do it for me, cause I don't want to give up icing)

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it seems to be alot of these guys are going with the lazer. and i will have to agree with them. i have one and its awesome, a friend of myn has a chipper its not a bad peice of a equiptment but i like my lazer juuuustt a bit more

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Well being a 61 year old man I got me a SM Lazer Mag this year and still got a few muscles to pop them holes with it. Really like it and strikemaster has a good reputation. I think the Lazer blades will stay sharp and last longer than the chipper if not abused.

lambjm you go girl. I'm proud of you.

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I started out with the chipper blade, but I couldn't pass up a cheap used Lazer auger unit. It is unbelievable the difference in the effort it takes to drill a hole! I'm also going through far less fuel, as the holes are drilled so much faster. As previously stated, if you're not planning on re-opening old holes, and don't typically fish on 'dirty" ice, go with the Lazer. Especially for only $30 more. Good Luck!

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I prefer the chipper. You don't have to worry about getting an extra set of blades because you won't need them. If you are in it for a race, then I would say a sharp laser will definitely be faster. With a laser you would need an extra set of blades in case you hit bad ice(sand blown in ice). Those blades are about $45 dollars for a set and if you get the 224 you will need two sets. So in the long run you will save with the chipper. Just my 2 cents

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Seems to me the chipped is a more durable blade all around. Sure it probably isn't as fast, but really how much time does it save? So you're fishing 30 seconds sooner. And I don't think my chipper requires that much effort to cut (8" hole)...

All this being said, I've never used a lazer to compare it to...perhaps if I would I'd be sold on it? But I have no complaints with the chipper.

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I have owned both, I now use the SM 224 8" for everything and I have drilled (No Lie) well over 1000 holes in the past 2 years and I am still good to go. It is no slower now then the day I bought it.

BUT, As:

4lander said, You have to take care of them.

You have to treat the end of the auger as if it was your nads.

This is very importment...

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 Originally Posted By: S.D. Ice Angular
I have owned both, I now use the SM 224 8" for everything and I have drilled (No Lie) well over 1000 holes in the past 2 years and I am still good to go. It is no slower now then the day I bought it.

BUT, As:

4lander said, You have to take care of them.

You have to treat the end of the auger as if it was your nads.

This is very importment...

Treat it like your nads, that is good.

I like my chipper but how long do you guys think the blades last on them before replacing or can you sharpen them?

I would imagine that new blades would cut faster for the chipper?

Good thread

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Honestly, how much faster can it be, and do you really need it to be that fast? I've only had a power auger since January though so maybe I don't have the experienc to chime in. My Eskimo with two blades cuts fast enough for me. Is there that much of a rush to cut a hole? Are we racing our buddies?

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Lazer deffinately for cutting fresh holes. It will smoke anything out there and requires little to no effort at all. I have a Lazer (2 HP) and I cut way faster with it than my buddy does with his Jiffy (3 HP) chipper. Not to mention the Lazer is one of the lightest augers out there.

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I have an older chipper blade auger, cuts great, just had some engine issues this winter. So I bought a new SM lazer mag 2000, it sure cuts faster, and with less effort. Would I go back to a chipper blade? Sure, I am not in a race to cut holes, but it sure is better on your body if you like to cut 20 holes and search for the fish, then if they arent there, go cut another 20! I plan on getting my old auger going, so when I fish the river, I dont need to bring the lazer.

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Well the decision was made for me because the laser was purchased since I last visited the store (2 days ago). I think I would have gone with the chipper anyways just because of the fact that I fish the mississippi on a regular basis and it would not be uncommon to be drilling and find a branch, sheepie or a few dozen frozen minnows. I got the last one so I think I got a pretty good deal all said and done I walked out the door spending a little under $250.

Thanks for the information guys!

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I'm all for saving money. My experience has been nothing but positive with the Mag 2000 with chipper blade. I've had it for about 4 years and it's been extremely reliable. And the cut speed is not that much slower than a lazer. Like some have said, once a laze blade is dull, you might as well melt a hole in the ice with a magnifying glass, while the chipper blades will still cut when dull, though even they have their limits. Either way, you'll be happy I'm sure.

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ok heres my opinion. chippers are a thing of the past..no offense intended. but if u think a lazer wont redrill holes, strap ur hands around a 224...it will redrill any hole 10 times faster then any chipper. Not speculating...actual tests done!!! I love this 224 and as far as sm cust serv....top notch!!! Mine needed a new carb...they gave me a new powerhead! Mine has also drilled about 1000 holes, fresh and reopening combo..and no sign of slown down!

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 Originally Posted By: ChrisT
Well the decision was made for me because the laser was purchased since I last visited the store (2 days ago). I think I would have gone with the chipper anyways just because of the fact that I fish the mississippi on a regular basis and it would not be uncommon to be drilling and find a branch, sheepie or a few dozen frozen minnows. I got the last one so I think I got a pretty good deal all said and done I walked out the door spending a little under $250.

Thanks for the information guys!

Nice purchase. You won't regret it!!

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I will put my vote in for the chipper blade. We have an old mag III and the thing ran easily on 1 set of blades for 4 years! we just sharpened them again this year and now it is running like a champ once again. My friend has a lazer and has some trouble with keeping the blades sharp. seems like it cuts good for the first half of the year but once it starts getting any bit dull its game over... I can consistantly cut faster with my chipper blade than the older model lazers.(havent seen the newer models)

I also like the older model Strikemasters because they have metal handles which adds a little weight but it much more durable than the new composite ones. Whatever you do as long as you go with Strikemaster i think you will be very pleased,


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I have them all and for new holes the lazer can't be beat but for re-opening holes the chipper or an electric lazer is best. Never put the 10in lazer on the electric auger, but the other blades work great for opening old holes. The slow turn is the key. The gas powered lazers sping too fast to open old holes, not enough digging power.

On tap are 2 lazer 7in, lazer 8in, chipper 8in, and lazer 10in with a electric head and two gas heads. Plus a 3hp Jiffy 10.25in auger. My next will be either a Eskimo or Nils. The gas heads are always haveing problems The handle broke on the 2 year old Strikemaster and the six year old Strikemaster has had the throttle cable replaced three time. My brother bought a 9in triple blade Strikemaster when they first came out and it was junk out of the box.

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