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Buck chasing a doe.......

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This morning on my way to work I saw a nice 8 pt. (full headgear) with his nose right on a doe. His flag was up and he was chasing her accross the golf course looking for love. Do you think he could have been looking to breed, or was it just a coincidence?

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Back in the winter of 96-97 while going to college in Ely, I witnessed a buck "mount" a doe in the wintering yard up there. I don't know if she was in estrous or not but she stood for him. This all took place last week of February. So I think it possible.

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 Originally Posted By: lawdog
he is a guy after all, looking to slip one past the goalie whenever he can!!!!

Good one lawdog!!!! \:\)

These late breeders are probably doe fawns that are coming in heat for the first time. Do the math, the fawn will be born in Sept....

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I would be not surprised at all.

In 2006, I had some trail cam pictures of what I thought was a dry, very fat doe in late August. Around September she lost a lot of weight and was accompanied by two new born fawns. I never thought a doe would breed that late in the year, but I guess it happens.

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