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Is It Too Early To Get an American Idol Thread Going?

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Johns is going to get booted I think as well!

Kristy always makes the bottom 3 so I agree with that as well Grebe. Best vocals of the night....David Cook Best performance... David Cook

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I thought most of them were kind of lame, only a few stood out (Both Davids). Amanda was terrible, Rammelle was boring, I thought Chekeeze pulled a Kristy Lee from last week. I don't have a good feel as to who was the worst but almost anyone could

go and I wouldn't be to surprised.

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Again I have to agree with the committee!

I thought the overall performance level was weak. I think it was a mistake to go with Beatles 2 weeks in a row, even though they are my all time favorite band. I think it further pointed out just how good they were and how hard it is to cover their stuff. That being said, I would have to pick Amanda, the rocker chick, Kristy Lee (me likey too) and Michael Johns as the bottom three with Michael getting the boot. I think Kristy will get enough of the "Hooters Hord" vote and will hang in there just so the guys can enjoy the eye candy. I don't think Michael has that much appeal and will come up on the short end of the stick. I was glad that somebody finally picked my favorite Beatle song (Chickeze) but he butchered it up pretty bad. Again, just shows how special the Fab Four were!


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Boy it was a disappointing night of performances. Aside from Saisha and the two Davids I wouldn't have felt bad not hearing any of them. I really don't like that Carly at all but the judges are all gaga over her, I thought she sounded terrible trying to sing in that low range. Chickeze I thought was fun, not great musically maybe but fun.

Bottom three, Michael Johns (whom I've not liked since the beginning), Kristy Lee Cutie and Ramielle. I hate to say it, but I think Kristy Lee Cutie will be going home or maybe Ramielle. Amanda hasn't even been in the bottom and I bet has a real strong core group like Taylor did who'll stick with her. Weak weak show though all around, several could go if it was based just on last night's performance. That dread lock guy is another candidate for elimination, if not now SOON!

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Is it just me or does David A just bore you to tears. Yea, he can sing, but he does boring songs. That salimander licking he does drives me nuts and the fact he looks like a half bread of Ben Stiller and Eddie Munster doesn't help. He'll make it a ways cause he can sing, but I hope he doesn't win. Most performances were shotty at best.

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Sandman... love the David A rip. It made me laugh. I personally think he is a fantastic singer and did well last night.

I agree with Windy that it was a mistake to do Beatles two weeks in a row. They were just too good. I also didn't like how all the songs got arranged. If some of the contestants would have sang them like the original version, it would have been much better.

I really liked Brooke White last night, even though no one else did. She has such a warm smile. The only thing that bugged me was when she kept interupting Simon afterward.

Does anyone else dreadlock guy always appear to be stoned out of his mind? Maybe its just the dreads but he looks messed up...

My bottom three: Johns, Amanda, Kristy Lee

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 Originally Posted By: Sandmannd
That salimander licking he does drives me nuts

I laughed so hard...I was wondering if that drove anyone else crazy. Poor show overall.

Bottom three:


Kristy Lee


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Little David had better pick up his game, quit with all the sappy love songs. He is kind of a 180 degrees from Amanda the rocker chick, everybody is waiting for her to bust out a ballad and everybody is waiting for David to just bust out! Pick up the pace, man!

Lawdog could be onto something with the rocker chick theory, I know there are a lot of classic rockers out there but do they get off their Harley's long enough to watch American Idol? Only time will tell.


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I agree with you gonefishin. Brook is good but I hate when they think they can pick fights with Simon. I agree with what he says about 98% of the time. If they would listen to him and do what he says they would get better.

Dreedlock boy lookes like he belongs in nightbreed.

I'm about sick of all the sappy songs to "Show your voice". Get up there and have fun for the cripes sake.

Anyone else just plane sick of Paula. I'm getting to the point where I can't listen. She just goes off what Randy says and then stumbles. Hey, maybe Dreed boy and her smoke a bowl before the show.

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 Originally Posted By: Sandmannd
I'm about sick of all the sappy songs to "Show your voice". Get up there and have fun for the cripes sake.

Anyone else just plane sick of Paula. I'm getting to the point where I can't listen. She just goes off what Randy says and then stumbles. Hey, maybe Dreed boy and her smoke a bowl before the show.

I agree with you, she is on something to be so dang dense...come on...your how old and can't think for yourself...and heaven forbid you say something negative to someone.....I vote for Paula to be booted

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I agree, vote Paula off! I hate how she's always dancing when they are singing and mumblin stumblin fumblin and loving up the contestants.

I was glad that the dread dood did Michelle. It's not my most favorite Beatles song (I do like it), but I was thinking of which song I would have done and that was it. I thought musically it was pretty good, but nothing spectacular and the performance was plain jane.

Simon showed off his lack of Beatles music knowledge when he described it as a "messy English/French version". The original lyrics are French and English and that's how it was recorded. It sounded to me like he got the French pronunciations correct. (But I don't speak French...)

I like the Amanda chick, but her voice sounds old. The thing I like about her is while everyone else is all like "best friends" and all, she always has a look on her face like she really can't stand any of the other contestants, so her and I would probably get along.

David A is boring as heck and I agree with the salamander thing or whatever that was. grin.gif

Eww I posted in an American Idol thread, I think I feel ill... sick.gif

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Like the rest, your comments made me laugh out loud. Some in the bank wondered what I was doing, thanks for the giggle. My vote tonight is that Ramielle is gonzo!

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WOW Amanda and Carly both first timers in the bottom three and Amanda goes home.

Glad to see Carly in the bottom she is so overrated. Definitely missed my bottom three guess by a mile this week though...

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I was fine with Amanda going. My dang DVR messed up and got the first two minutes of the show. Caught it in time to see her go though. I also got to see flippin Fantasia. Can't stand that rag. I'm not saying she's got a big mouth, but chick could eat an apple through a picket fence.

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the right one did go home, and yes, pickler did look very nice. Shes a good looking girl i might add.

I think there is alot of work to be done with these idols. Its really hard to pick the top 2-3 people for me. Last few years, you could really pick them out of the crowd, but we will have to see what happens.

its such a great show.

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I agree the right one went home. I never did buy into the rockin nurse theme. She sort of sounded like a stoned elvis at the end of his reign....I thought pickler looked really good in her red high heeled shoes. I wonder what car Simon paid a million bucks for.....

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I was extremely surprised to see Carly in the bottom three but I had the other two right.

It will be nice to see, not necessarily listen to, Kristy Lee for another week. Unless she does something unexpected to wow everyone, she will probably be gone next week.

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