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Is It Too Early To Get an American Idol Thread Going?

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 Originally Posted By: Mike412
That feminine looking fella with the long black hair needs to go!

Whose that 16 year old kid that put Paula to tears? Is he really that good?

David Archuletta...I would say he is definatly one of the top 3 best right now. But you know how Paula gets..she gets all hyped up over good looks..and you know the rest. \:\)

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American Idol contestant David Hernandez was a stripper at an all male strip club in Phoenix called, Dick's Cabaret. He appeared on stage fully nude and did lap dances for a mostly male audience.

Idol execs are reviewing the situation to decide whether he will be booted off the show.

More to follow!


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You can bet that if he does get booted, the light foot brigade will don their feathered boas and storm the bastilles! "Common girls, let's get em!"

This could get interesting? If they boot him, they will probably have to boot the pretty little Asian girl and the biker woman....they to have back grounds and who knows what else?

They might have to get the title back from Fantasia and give it to the runner up, cause Fantasia had a kid, but no husband, tsk! tsk!

Paula will have to go also, cause she was reported to be keeping time with a couple of them young bucks from past shows...can't have that kind of stuff going on now can we...tain't right don't ya know?

No more dresses, or skirts above calf high, no more tight jeans, no more provocative performances, no more sultry looks from some of them drop dead gorgeous contestants.

I say let the viewing and voting audience do the deed and get rid of him straight up and they will, no doubt! Seems to me that something like this could be the first nail in the coffin for the integrity of the show?

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We just heard that they are not going to give him the boot, maybe the spiked heel but not the boot (insert rim shot here).

I agree, he will be voted off but he may make the top 10. I guess we will have to wait for the under cover (or under the covers, insert second rim shot here) of him and Danny! LOL


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Some of them dudes can have a good cry on Thursday cause I think little buddy..."The cute little red tomato" as he called himself during the embarrassing moment segment, is going home. Danny Noriaga, hesa no sounds to goot tonight! I don't care what Paula says, I pick him to get the hook on Thursday.

The other one I think will go home is that Luke guy? I think thats his name? He sang second, or third? Has a whiney voice, looks like a man and has a kids voice...seems like he would be more suited for soaps, or the modeling scene, then the music world?

That Hernandez might have some baggage, but give him his due in regards to his singing, he can bring it! He is gonna be tough to beat! Him and Archculeta will probably get down to the final two and it's anyones game from there.

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haha. i hadn't heard that about hernandez. i figured something was wierd after watching his video clip before his performance. talking about a boog in his nose during a "photo shoot." wonder what the title of the photo shoot(video) is?

i think mr. menard might be one to go. chickezie sounded horrid to me last night, although the 3 stooges seemed to like it.

right now i would have to say the males or should i say "people who sing first every week," are heads and shoulders above the females.

i sure hope the rocker chick tones it down tonight with her overall appearance. i had to turn the channel last week with that hair-do.

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I just don't care for Chickodee. I don't think he sings well at all. Yea, Danny drives me insane. I think he should actaully be going on Wed nights and not Tuesday's. He's way more feminine than most of the chicks on there. Twinkee, I agree with you, that chick was hard to watch last week and I like her, but she picked the wrong song. When you got a whole decade to pick from it's hard for me to understand some of the music they do. That kid that everyone loves, the one that played the piano, he's good, but I think he's a little overhyped.

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If Danielle Noriega makes it past this week I swear I might quit watching. Good grief its like a nails on a chalk board when that he/she is on there. The one who really impressed me last night was that David Cook dude who did that Lionel Ritchie song. Luke, "only at Menard's" annoys me some, but I don't like Michael Johns that much either for some reason. I don't mind Chikezie at all. The male stripper I really didn't even know what he was signing, I had no idea someone could pick a song from the 80's that I couldn't even recognize what it was... Archiletta was not as good last night as he has been, but is still head and shoulders above the rest of these guys.

KRISTY LEE COOK on tonight!!!!!!

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 Originally Posted By: lawdog
If Danielle Noriega makes it past this week I swear I might quit watching. Good grief its like a nails on a chalk board when that he/she is on there. The one who really impressed me last night was that David Cook dude who did that Lionel Ritchie song. Luke, "only at Menard's" annoys me some, but I don't like Michael Johns that much either for some reason. I don't mind Chikezie at all. The male stripper I really didn't even know what he was signing, I had no idea someone could pick a song from the 80's that I couldn't even recognize what it was... Archiletta was not as good last night as he has been, but is still head and shoulders above the rest of these guys.

KRISTY LEE COOK on tonight!!!!!!


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Kristy Lee was good, but so was Ramiele (could be cause she's cute). I haven't been able to catch the guys yet since they are singing on Tuesdays and I've been working. Do they go to singing on Tuesdays and voting on Wednesdays when they get to the Top 12? I can't remember.

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Yes but which two do you think get the axe? I would say Kady and then it is a tough choice but I think it will be between Aisha and Kristy Lee (I know that will break many hearts on this thread) but at this stage all the singers can blow! I think that the final cut of two is the toughest one because after that they go to the top 12 and then only one gets cut each week. Aisha did not wow me tonight and I think she might be vulnerable and I had picked her in the beginning to go all the way. Raimy the oriental girl did not wow me either but I think her rep will carry her thru this week.

So my four votes are Danny and Luke for the boys and Kady and Aisha for the girls with Kristy Lee sneaking by in next to last place.


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