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Is It Too Early To Get an American Idol Thread Going?

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Well, no outfits, but some mighty pretty girls! Talented to! I would have to say that the Mortisha looking rocker will go and also the last girl to sing.

There were several of them that were about the same, so I guess it's a toss up on 3-4 of them, but I definately will choose the biker nurse to walk the plank!

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There are tons of great song choices from that era and the ladies managed to miss most of them. I think Amanda the biker chick will be deep sixed as well as one of the blondies. I was not impressed at all with the ladies last night, terrible song choices and some very scary hair/outfit choices. The boys were much more on their game this week. We shall see.


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 Originally Posted By: gonefishin11
How hott did Kristy Lee Cook look in that Browning hat??? I am in loooovvveee.


As an aside, I can't stand that Carly...

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ha, did you see the minor fit the last chick threw when she got word she was done? that definitely confirms my thought that she is a spoiled little brat. and what about the two young guys sobbing like my 2 yr. old when the girls were getting the boot.

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I was 50% called both the guys right and missed on both the girls. I surely didn't think the blond was gonna go? Lushington maybe, but not the other gal...maybe it was that hideous blue dress she wore?

If Yeager had gave a performance Tuesday, like he did tonight, I think the young dude would still be around and that Noriaga kid would be gone.

You know, they are utterly passionate about what they are doing and to get up there in front of the millions of viewers and be sent home has to be gut wrenching...takes alot of determination, passion, drive and courage to do what those kids are doing and they wear their feelings on their sleeves...they are all in it to win and they are no different then any other top echelon competitors.

As far as those young kids sobbing, even hard core UFC and WEC fighters sometimes sob when they win or lose and I believe it is that very thing, the intangible something that separates champions from also rans, the desire right to the very heart, to sing, or fight, or excel to the highest degree at anything....and it hurts them to lose and to see their friends lose!

Things is heatin up now!

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understood about the time, effort, determination that these contestants hold but honestly, they've known each other (well) for a month or so. the 2 little boys were acting like elementary school girls when the two girls got the boot. are they going to bawl with every female that leaves? on the real, they can't even think they have a chance at gettin' a piece, they're not even 18.

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OK now for my two cents, or maybe more!

I agree with most assesments so far. I nailed the blonde chick but the black girl was a bit of a surprise, I had Amanda the rocker chick picked for the gallows last night but I think her 15 minutes of fame are just about up, people are tired of her one trick pony routine. As for the guys, Yeager was a no brainer and the long haired rocker was not a huge surprise and I had the Dawson Creek guy Luke in their as a possible and he was third.

There is also way too much wailing going on for my taste. The rocker guy took it like a man but everybody else was too much of the "Lifetime Channel" for me. What is with that super wuss Danny, his time can not expire soon enough for me! Blondie who got axed was way too whiny as well, quit with the blubbering and sing your feeble last song and get on with your new career sugar britches!


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Rocker dude needed to go. He is a poser, considering he was in a boy band when he was younger (Boyz N Girlz or something like that). Yeager was boring.

Not surprised with the girl choices. Along with those two, the rocker chick, Kady Malloy and the girl that sand last are all on the same level.

I am with the rest of you in thinking that Danny needs to go. He bothers me with him over-the-top feminine attitude. He will be gone with the Eze dude next week.

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