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Is It Too Early To Get an American Idol Thread Going?

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Okay, alas, one more post on this subject, a subject that I feel is being blown entirely out of proportion. Maybe reply to two at once....okay, bombs away, here we go.

There is no 'Concept' not in my view anyways? If there was a guy or a gal with red hair, they might be refered to as 'Red', others may be refered to as Swede, or Irish, my daughters friend is refered to as Irish Luke....I think it's because he is Irish? Distinguishing features sometimes equate to nicknames, imagine that.

Jason Castro? His friend might even refer to him as 'Dreads' it's certainly not a derogatory thing? Someone may be try to make it seem so, but it's not the case, not in my opinion anyways...never entered my mind! It's an identification thing...

Quick forms of ID...The man in black, The pelvis, Old blue eyes,

I'm sure Fats Domino didn't get up in arms about being called Fats and he probably didn't need anyone lookin out for him, nor did Minnesota Fats....nor did Amarillo Slim, etc. etc.

As far as the 'Fatty' or Tokin, that was mentioned what, maybe 2-3 times in the passing...never seriously, just in fun....certain things are associated with certain things....like the word 'Ganja' which also has been used, where did that come from? What does it imply?

If one uses that word, are they profiling, Dreads, Rastas, Jamaicans, maybe? But probably not, just quick ID and most of the time used in a humorous way. But the correlation can certainly be made now can't it? Spicy food...Taco B, Chicken...KFC, Quarter pounder...Wendy's grin.gif I just can't help it sometimes.

And for round 2, I wore an afro as a younger man, when I had hair to do so and like most folks, I've iron out a few wrinkles in my life. I still wear a diamond stud in my left ear, I'm a proud granddad, have a number of tats, run a crew that are minorities and just happen to be my relatives, I'm self employed, deal with the public on a daily basis and I beg to differ that looks and actions don't mean squat, because they do make a difference, like it or not.

Case in point, just for the record, in going back, did anyone with thrusting hat pins make any derogatory and/or disparaging remarks about little Danny Noriaga? Common now, be honest with yourself!

Was it because of the way he looked and acted? Or, was it based solely on his performance ability? Or, did ya know him personally to be able to pass any kind of judgement on him, or make an in fun accessment? Probably not, probably just went on appearance....were ya profiling? I'm sure that no one out there did any profiling on little Danny Boy....did ya?

How about Hernandez? Anyone take any shots at him? The dude had a good voice...like some of the others that went before him, he picked the wrong song at the wrong time...right when the past came knockin!

Hey, this stuff isn't that serious, I for one am not pushing any agendas, social changes, political platforms, nothin, I'm just havin fun with a television program and a format to spoof it!

Next year you won't even know who these people are, we'll be loading the magazines with some new ammo to throw at the new contestants.

Well, alrighty then! That about does it... now I'm really done, really truely (I think? grin.gif) done with this....besides, my head is starting to hurt and my one finger is starting to bleed! grin.gif

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I can't wait for Neil Diamond. I want to be the Jazz Singer!

Of thee I sing......TODAY

Sweet Caroline..... Whaaaaa Whaaaaaa Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

I am gonna break out the scarf and the sequins this week, feather my hair.... ok, pretend to feather my hair and sing like a rock star!!!!

Of the hundreds of concerts I have been to while working in radio, BAR NONE Niel Diamond was the BEST show I have ever seen! The guy owns the stage! I am stoked, do they get to sing two songs yet, or when do they go to that?

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well written and thought out post Grebe.... On a side note.. My mother made me take typing lessons in 6th grade because my writting was so horrible.. I hated her for it, at that time i thought typing was for girls..

I thank her just about every day in my head now..

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Neil Diamond will rock American Idol. As Cheesy as the guy is, he has put out some GREAT music.

I can't wait to hear Cook rock one of his songs, I hope he does some serious rocked out version... Little Archie will be right at home with a cheesy ballod too. Castro has no voice so I don't know that he can do justice to any Diamond song. The girls will be interesting, I don't think Diamond fits Syesha as well as some songs could fit Brooke. Should be interesting!

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Very good Post Grebe, you are a great writer. Lets all just have fun and that's all it is. You can't always take stuff like this seriously our you'll have no hair left. I think Diamond will be great, better than last week. My wife got tickets to Barry Manalo last year and dragged me too it. Guy actually put on a really good show.

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I took my wife to Vegas a few years ago to see Barry. She loves him, I tolerated him. He actually put on a good show and at a very historic venue. Same stage as Elvis, Frank etc so it was pretty cool, and I tore up the poker tables so it was a good trip!


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"Yikes!" Three in the books and I have to say that Mr. Dreads is the best of the three! Four! Five! First round, Jason and Seyesha.

I believe them young girls got one look at JC's expressive eyebrows and they can't wait to start texting! Castro might knock off afew of the others before he gets deep sixed!

I'm not saying at this point who is going home...that Neil Diamond stuff is hard to do...at least it seems hard to do?

Gotta go...pizzas waiting, gotta catch the rest of the Idol.

Paula will be kicked to the curb next year blush.gif If not, she should be! Get someone classy in there like Rosanne Barr. grin.gif

Well, after that second go round, Cook ain't going home, that was pretty good! More pizza! Pizza Pizza!

Geeze???? I thought that bug in the post below was real...I let out a yell and slammed my monitor with a coffee cup...'Now shesa broke' thats the pizza talking.

Bottom 2, Brooke and Seyesha...that was a nice barefooted look she had, I likey, but them bare feet might be takin her home! I only say that because she has been in the bottom 2 and 3 a number of times and Brooke? Doesn't seem to matter, funky foot wear, funky looking dresses, forgotten lyrics, not so hot song choices, flat spots and still she's on to the next round?

Well, 12 slices of pizza down and 5 to go...I don't feel so good? I may not have room for dessert?

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I don't believe Geico's songs were anything to write home about tonight (or any night for that matter).

I still think Cook rocks the stage and has the ability to sing any genre quite well. (I do bat for the right team!)

I thought Brooke's 2nd song was better than the first by far (the first pretty much stunk the stage up).

Other than David A sounding like a goose on the WE're part when he sang we're comin to America albeit it was only one time, he did well. Sounds nasally to me but not to others apparently.

I think Sayesha has a beautiful voice and without Cook, and Archeletta hands down she would be the idol.

prediction: Geico and Brooke in the bottom 2

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 Originally Posted By: Deitz Dittrich
ok... Castro is gone..

White saved herself on song 2...

If castro doesnt go, its rigged.!

I agree 100%. You hit it all on the head bro. Everyone else did great, he was horrible.

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Absolutely agree DD, the dude is WAY overdue to be gone and tonight just HAD to seal his fate.

In my opinion it becomes more clear every week this is a David vs. David contest though so the rest probably doesn't matter...

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 Originally Posted By: Deitz Dittrich
ok... Castro is gone..

White saved herself on song 2...

If castro doesnt go, its rigged.!

I agree, but he won't cause I think rasta man shared some hits with Paula or something. "I really liked the second song you sang" Paula after they each sang one sone.

David A ruined America for me, wish David C would have done it. It needs some cahona's behind it. Brook saved with the 2nd song, first was brutal. Rasta boy was hard to watch for both songs. I think Syesha is good, but different for idol. Will probably be salimander boy that wins but I think it should be Cook. I think he could put that first song on an album and have a hit.

Most of the night was yet again boring songs though.

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 Originally Posted By: The Grebe
Seyesha isn't to bad and is pretty easy to look at!

I think she had the best vocal last night, just makes me nerves that she has been in the top a few times. Again, shes way better then Jason, who should go home.

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Ok, even though I like the dude, Castro needs to go go! Not in the class as the others. I was overall disappointed, mostly because I was eager to hear some people put some Niel Diamond emotion into thier performances, and Cook was the only one in my mind who delivered. I will give Brooke song number 2, I think she did that justice and David A was ok, making them into poppy type versions.

I think David Cook, could rock out a Diamond tribute album. He was perfect for the night!

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Toed ya dem dare expressive eyebrows would carry da day! Man, it's down to Seyesha and Brooke in the bottom 2....I'm sure Cook ain't gonna be there...I hope Seyesha stays, but I think she will be leaving? But not because she can't sing...she's good and she looks terriffic!

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I think Castro should have went home but I am ok with the results I guess. Brooke was a close second to last place anyways. I kinda think now and then they throw decoys out in the bottom two or three just to surprise everyone, kinda like tonight

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 Originally Posted By: Bass N Spear

I literally turned it off and walked out of the room when they announced Castro was safe. Just irritating beyond belief! I did come back just in time to see the uncontrollable balling from Brooke (wife turned it back right away after lambasting me for turning it off when others still wanted to watch, OOPS). At any rate, its a David vs. David show, but this Castro should have been gone weeks ago, its simply pathetic!

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