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Valentine's Day

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My sisters are real girly girls that get very very very upset if their men dont make a big mushy fuss on Valentines. As for me I have been known as "just one of the guys" so my guy has it pretty good. If he forgets Valentines or our anniversary its ok because I probably did too.

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My wife and I do nothing. It is just a normal day. Not even a card.

We did this BEFORE we got married too. When we were first dating, I told my wife I don't get into VD (lol, that is what I call it).

We choose other days to show how we care about each other. Much nicer and lesser crowds too. Why do people feel they have to let a made-up Holiday show how they feel?

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 Originally Posted By: Hammer Handle
Why do people feel they have to let a made-up Holiday show how they feel?

I totaly agree. I told my husband when we first met (probaly on our first date, I didnt get into all the mushy stuff. My favorite is Christmas. Birthdays are ok.

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for me its normally a card. this year went all out, bought my wife a necklace. hidden agenda, id like to get an icesaw, selfsish isnt it. we always go out to eat never on the day, less people. id probably get icesaw anyway.

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Lisa - learn from us Lesbians - Valentines day is important - don't mess with valentines day !!!

Althought this year I'll be spending it with a bunch of guys out fishing eek.gif

But will be making up for it on Sat. night. We always do something special, even after 25 yrs. One year I did the 12 days of valentine. Each day was a hidden treat or note somewhere where she would find it before going to work.

We usually go out for a nice dinner and/or movie. Cards, small gift.

This year we're watching a friends house, tucked away in the woods with a real nice outdoor hot tub !!!

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HiYa from the Lodge, Well Valentines day is fast approaching. A problem for a few fellows here at the Lodge. Newly wed Hank and his wife Tess will be celebrating there first Valentine as a wedded couple. Last year at this time they were some what of a secret. This year there plans included eating out at a reserved table at the Sunshine Cafe. Hank has ordered the cloth table cloths and candles. The Dew Drop was already booked when Hank got around to finding a place for dinner. He said as we were sitting at the bar that Tess made mention of the day and that she didn't want him to go out of his way for her. The dummy was going to do nothing and was expecting to go home to a normal evening meal. Several of the guys quickly change his mind for him and helped him out with some of the double meaning that they themselves have personally experienced. "Not wanting something" translates to "you better bring me home something" Full blossoming roses will go over much better then a pack of seeds or a receipt from Big Earl's that roses bushes have been placed on order. Earl also has chocolates and for a small fee will change the price tag to reflect your love for your better half. Myself being married for over thirty years are pass the stage of threats over Valentines day. I pretty much have felt the effects of not bring home a gift or of recycling a past Valentines card. I always would sign in pencil so you can change the salutations. Chocolate does seem to work the best. With the Internet I can now pay to much for it from another country and have it delivered by UPS to her work site. Impresses the [PoorWordUsage] out of her fellow employees and makes her feel guilty about not sharing. This year she is off so I will send it a day early. Which also means in women's terms that I still have to get her something on Valentines day.

A few years ago I gave her a brand new clothes dryer, it still sits in the box on the front porch. 300' of perfectly good clothes line. Thinking about giving her it again as a recycled gift but when I open the box I noticed the end had been tied in a noose. Makes a guy have second thoughts. Well boat show is in town this week and since she is off on valentines day I might as well just take her to that. I 'll even spring for parking so we don't have to walk from a half mile away. I am sure while we spend time walking shoulder to shoulder with other married couples we will find something that we can buy and pass it off as a gift. I even have coupons for a dollar off that night. Besides what says love better then Corn dogs, mini donuts and a warm over priced beer in a plastic cup. From Lake Iwanttobethere

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Valentine's Day is my favorite holiday and I hear every year from the millions who hate it and attempt to explain to me why it's a waste of time and money. However, I think it's a wonderful chance for any couple, family member, friend to spend some quality time togther, especially in a world where everything is work work work. When it comes to couples; most women doen't expect men to drop a fortune on this holiday, just to acknowledge the bond between them. A simple card or e-mail (depending circumstances) are always great. If you want to step it up a notch, make the card yourself. For me personally, I like something out of the assumed ordinary. I like it when a guy avoids the typical chocolates and roses. Take me to a movie, make dinner, suprise me. One year my guy made his own coupon booklet for me. I didn't cost him anything and it was very romantic. Another time, I got a ring box (thinking it was jewelry) I found a picture of duck decoys inside. Yes, jewerly is nice, but this guy got me the decoys becuase I wanted them and becuase hunting was something that brought us together outside of work.

As for us girls, I usually shoot for something that he can use. Meaning, the gift has a purpose. Avoid the chocolates, the mushy gushy stuff. The men I've dated will never use it and probably won't get the emotional thought you've put into it. Not saying there aren't some men out there that like it that sorta thing, but from my personal experience it seems as though you'll get the desired response if you get them something useful. Depends the guy, but I once got my ex a new hunting knife, another time a DVD he'd been wanting, a dress shirt, etc.

Have a great holiday!

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Dang... I've been single for so long I've forgotten what Im supposed to do for valentine's day... Yeah I could've gotten out more but way I think... why spend money on things that probably would go down the toilet after it comes out of your body when it'll be better spent on things that would lead to wonderful memories such as fishing and camping... Maybe it'll come back after I meet my significant one... who knows...

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Sorry Smallie,

I really hate V-Day. Trumped up holiday in which I should feel bad if I don't buy my wife a gift. I find it more fulfilling to surprise her once or twice a month with flowers or a (relatively) clean house.

I bet there aren't many guys who expect a gift for Valentines, and I also bet that one of the best gifts would be for their wife to say "let's just go out to eat or something"

I guess it may force some guys to "show their hearts", but I'd rather do it on my own.

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I'm with Darrin. I've been married to my woman for going on 22 years now and we dated off and on for aboot 4 years before that. If she doesn't know I love her by now, one day in February isn't going to change that.

If my wife gave me a Valentines day gift I'd probably puke. Having said that, sometimes when I remember, I'll stop at the gas station on the way home and get her some Juicy Fruit or a lottery ticket or something of that nature. That way I can say I got her something if she decides to bring it up. I'm not a romantic. Never have been, never will be.

My wife and I celebrate the important holidays. St. Patricks day, Memorial Day, July 4, Super Bowl Sunday, Fishing Opener, etc.

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My son and I have been celebrating Valentines Day by going to the Boat Show for the last 10-15 years. This year he has a girl friend who thinks Valentines Day is "special", and meant for her. Told him to have her tag-a-long and I'll by her a bag of Mini Donuts, what more could a gal ask for? Looks like i'm stuck with the wife. cry.gif

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I am a non-believer also and so is my wife. I find this to be fortunate. It would be okay if there were true intentions, but the cost of flowers goes up 3-5X in the weeks before and after. If thats not scamming I don't know what is.

I am a romantic and got into the day before I met my wife. Its not that I don't mind it, I just think its a poor excuse for a national holiday.

When they create a holiday for men that drives up the cost of beer and steak 3-5x.....then we might have a problem.

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dtro and boilerguy~

Don't be sorry, I love the honesty and honestly I understand your frustration. It's not really the holiday itself, but the expectations (requirements) of it... right? Makes sense to me, but I'm still a huge sucker for anything romantic. I guess I like knowing that there may be something, even a card, coming my way on Valentine's Day. And if nothing comes, than I smile and find out he's got the same philosophy as not only you two, but millions out there. No worries though, next year he'll remember the card. grin.gif

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