JP Z Posted November 6, 2007 Share Posted November 6, 2007 Deer hunting tonight.........hopefully playing by 9ish after the kids are asleep. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Meaney Posted November 6, 2007 Author Share Posted November 6, 2007 Quote:Just got home with my copy. I will be hopping online and should be on most of the day/night today and tomorrow. Maybe we can get a game going later. Gamertag: Menace666 look for me: Meaney69I will be on! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JP Z Posted November 7, 2007 Share Posted November 7, 2007 Anybody else have a bugger of a time logging onto Team Deathmatch? I didn't even get into one game only Free for all..........sadly I am only level 3. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DTro Posted November 7, 2007 Share Posted November 7, 2007 no prob here, I played until about 10:30 last night. Haven't even started a single player game yet This is a very fun game, a lot like COD2 with better environments and some added bonuses. I made it to level 9 in about 2-3 hrs play. I played with "Menace666" for a while and was getting my rear handed to me, so I thought I'd learn the maps a little better on "free for all" first. I can see right now, I'll be selling Halo3 and playing this one ALL winter. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SomethingFishy* Posted November 7, 2007 Share Posted November 7, 2007 I (Menace666) didn't have any online problems. Sometimes you need to restart your xbox/modem depending on your connection. I know all the Charter cable internet customers in my area had a problem getting online for a little bit. Sorry I wasn'yt able to get play time in with some of you guys, I ended up with a full room and it stayed that way most of the night. When Dtro got in we were only able to get him on the same team for one round. The maps are a little challenging to pick up thus far. Sabotage is by far my favorite game mode so far. I made myself go to bed after I hit level 30 It only took (cough) 11 hours. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JP Z Posted November 7, 2007 Share Posted November 7, 2007 I played online for an hour or so then tried my hand at SP to figure out the blasted levels.........I love this game....but I'm horrible at it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bigbartguy Posted November 7, 2007 Share Posted November 7, 2007 I jumped into one of Menace666s games but found I was outgunned/outsmart/outshot but everyone in the game! decided to hit some Team games that I more evenly matched with instead. I'm a now a level 5. couple of things - you really cant shoot from the hip in this game, a good scope is absolutely neccessary. I picked up some dropped guns with the 'red light' scope and that is definitely the way to go. Now I just need to get 25 kills with 1 gun to get my own red-light scope. Can we pick our Maps/games with this game? the old COD's let you see which maps were being played and jump into an existing game that you liked. I really liked that option. instruction book - weak weak weak. It's about 5 pages long. Doesnt even describe the multiplayer games that are available. Of course I looked at it for about 1 min, maybe I missed it. I cant wait to level up and get some more perks available to me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SomethingFishy* Posted November 7, 2007 Share Posted November 7, 2007 The M4 with red (Contact Us Please) is my favorite so far. However use each gun to 150 kills to rank up faster. Sabotage is the quickest way to rank up. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DTro Posted November 7, 2007 Share Posted November 7, 2007 Once I got the MP5, that was all I used last night. I'm sure there are better, the guns seem well balanced so far. The shotgun really packs a wallop, but good luck getting a close enough target.I'll be playing again tonight, If I some of you on, perhaps I'll create my own game and invite you all over. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Meaney Posted November 7, 2007 Author Share Posted November 7, 2007 ok, I started playing at 7am this morning, played for 6 hours...make that 7 hours I believe I am at level 15. I NEEDED A BREAK, my eyes were getting a tad bit tired. But I will be on later again for sure. If you want to play, look me up Meaney69 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LMITOUT Posted November 7, 2007 Share Posted November 7, 2007 I've never tried XBOX Live. What are you guys doing exactly with COD 4 online? Are there "bad guys" you're playing against or just playing against each other trying to kill everyone on the level? Like capture the flag or what? I remember a bunch of us getting together at work and playing Quake where the last guy standing was the winner and then it was off to the next level to play again. We even downloaded custom players instead of the default ones to choose from so we had Darth Vader, Elmer Fudd, Sting (Wrestler), Bevis and Butthead, etc walking around shooting each other! That was a hoot! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SomethingFishy* Posted November 8, 2007 Share Posted November 8, 2007 We are shooting each other on live, similar to quake online. Game modes vary from Last man Standing, Deathmatch (solo or team) capture the flag, etc. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LMITOUT Posted November 8, 2007 Share Posted November 8, 2007 Ahh. I figured as much. I plan on getting COD 4 when I get back from my week of hunting (which starts tomorrow ). I figured it wouldn't do much good to rush out and buy the game, only for it to sit at home unopened. I may have to try XBOX Live one of these days. It would be kinda fun to get a bunch of FM'rs on there some night for a shoot out! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SomethingFishy* Posted November 8, 2007 Share Posted November 8, 2007 I have finally reached level 40, I have exactly 20 hours into this game on xbox live. It has taken most of the day to level up from 30 to 40. I think from 40 to 55 is going to take a while. Plus I have to go back to work tomorrow and friday Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DTro Posted November 8, 2007 Share Posted November 8, 2007 Nice! Fun playing with you last night. I still have a lot to learn about this game. I guess that's what happens when you just "jump right in" and don't take any time learn the ins and outs. Heck, just messing around last night, I learned how to run, equip all my special goodies, and call airstrikes. Still haven't figured out how to lay down. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JP Z Posted November 8, 2007 Share Posted November 8, 2007 And I still can't get on Live Was on charlieoscardelta and I guess it has someting to do with Infinity Ward programming and my gamertag or something. There are a bunch of folks with the same problem. Also, read the back of the manual it says you can download the full one on the Activision site (FYI, you can't not there yet) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SomethingFishy* Posted November 8, 2007 Share Posted November 8, 2007 Quote: Still haven't figured out how to lay down. Click the right analog stick once to crouch and hold it to go prone. If you are crouched and try to run it will automatically stand you upright. To use night-vision press up on the d-pad. The best way to learn the game is to jump right in on live, especially sabotage maps as your kills/deaths don't affect the team outcome, it's all about planting the bomb, the longer you can make the round last the more points you earn. Don't hesitate to ask any questions rather it be on here or ingame as most will be more than happy to help out. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DTro Posted November 8, 2007 Share Posted November 8, 2007 Quote: Quote: Still haven't figured out how to lay down. Click the right analog stick once to crouch and hold it to go prone. If you are crouched and try to run it will automatically stand you upright. you know, that's what I thought, and that made the most sense. Tried and tried to click the right analog. The only way I can crouch is to tap "B". I suppose if I hold "B" then I will lay down. I should really go through the tutorial and configure my controller. This early darkness has it's +'s Can get out after work and catch some walleyes, and still be home to play some games for a few hours. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SomethingFishy* Posted November 8, 2007 Share Posted November 8, 2007 Quote: Quote: Quote: Still haven't figured out how to lay down. Click the right analog stick once to crouch and hold it to go prone. If you are crouched and try to run it will automatically stand you upright. you know, that's what I thought, and that made the most sense. Tried and tried to click the right analog. The only way I can crouch is to tap "B". I suppose if I hold "B" then I will lay down. Switch your controller style to "Tactical" then "B" will become your melee(knife) attach and the right stick will be your crouch/prone. I forget that I changed mine immediately. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Meaney Posted November 9, 2007 Author Share Posted November 9, 2007 You better listen to your "Colonel!!" Colonel Menace666 that is... I just made Gunny Sergeant Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DTro Posted November 9, 2007 Share Posted November 9, 2007 He just made B General. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SomethingFishy* Posted November 9, 2007 Share Posted November 9, 2007 Level 45 Brigadier General 2. Tomorrow after 6pm Major General and beyond. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DTro Posted November 9, 2007 Share Posted November 9, 2007 Went from 11-20 last night. Thanks for the "challenges" tip SF. On one match alone, I got 1760 pts! I'll probably be on tonight, but I need to get my fishing fix taken care of first. This game is so much better than Halo3..... I guess if I had to change one thing, I'd slow it down "just a bit". A slower pace makes it a little easier on us older guys to slip on a ghullie suit and lay in grass and pick em off one by one. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SomethingFishy* Posted November 9, 2007 Share Posted November 9, 2007 Quote:A slower pace makes it a little easier on us older guys to slip on a ghullie suit and lay in grass and pick em off one by one. I'm glad your usually on my team, I hate snipers as I'm a little too much run and gun. I'm going to have to start using them though as I am running out of guns to assist with an easy level up, I have 5 or 6 sniper rifles that I haven't even tried, except for in the beta. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JP Z Posted November 9, 2007 Share Posted November 9, 2007 STop the TORMENTING!!!!! MAn this is ticking me off, folks on the boards are just saying give it time......I should have to dangit.....But yeah, hopefully by the live fire weekend here they will have it working....I hope. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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