CSP Posted October 14, 2007 Share Posted October 14, 2007 My cousin had some trouble with wolves taking his cattle....the federal trappers came in. They've got two to date, this is the second....weighed in at 103 lbs.http://www.gutpilestyle.com/gallery/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=1618&g2_serialNumber=2&g2_GALLERYSID=8cb23c013aab5d9842f88ff51f373e14http://www.gutpilestyle.com/gallery/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=1621&g2_serialNumber=2&g2_GALLERYSID=8cb23c013aab5d9842f88ff51f373e14http://www.gutpilestyle.com/gallery/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=1624&g2_serialNumber=2&g2_GALLERYSID=8cb23c013aab5d9842f88ff51f373e14 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gofishleech Posted October 14, 2007 Share Posted October 14, 2007 Are these from Minnesota? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CSP Posted October 14, 2007 Author Share Posted October 14, 2007 yeah, in extreme nw mn Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shack Posted October 14, 2007 Share Posted October 14, 2007 Props to your cousin! At least he did the right thing and calling it in! This way things are handled proper! Better than him doing things on his own, like so many other have done in the past! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
big drift Posted October 15, 2007 Share Posted October 15, 2007 As i understand if they are taking stock you are legal in making them stop, shouldn't have to call someone to protect what's yours. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TrophyEyes Posted October 15, 2007 Share Posted October 15, 2007 I had a little run in with one in Northern MN a couple years ago. I was Muzzleloading and had a pack of 6 at about 30 yards and the lead wolf at about 15 yards. I didn't want to fire one off because it was the only one I had and if it didn't scare them, I was in a world of trouble. I ended up yelling at them, and the 6 in the back turned around, but the Alpha male just stared at me. Let me tell you, I almost shot out of self preservation, but slowly he turned away, and I headed back to the cabin to change my pants. Those Timber wolves are getting way to comfortable with humans and there are going to be more incidents in the years to come. I commend your friend for handling it the way he did. Its not easy being calm headed and and law biding when these things threaten your safety or you property (live stock). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kyle Posted October 15, 2007 Share Posted October 15, 2007 Just because you happened to see some wolves in your deer stand doesnt mean they are a threat to your safety. I saw three of them at 20 yds 3 years ago. It was early in the morning, and about 10mins after they moved past me, I shot a nice 8 pointer. They can smell blood and hear humans from a long ways away. If they wanted to, they could attack at anytime. so just because you saw them doesnt mean they were out to get ya. They roam around just like any other animal. In this wolf's case, I see how it needed to be removed though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
northerndave Posted October 15, 2007 Share Posted October 15, 2007 good to know there ar 2 less up here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TrophyEyes Posted October 15, 2007 Share Posted October 15, 2007 I was walking on the ground with my wife. If that one hadn't stared me down, then I would have thought nothing of it. They are getting way to comfortable with humans though and aren't scared of smell, noise or human presence. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kyle Posted October 15, 2007 Share Posted October 15, 2007 I wasnt there, and Im sure it was pretty earie(?spelling),I dunno, I guess to me it would be just like walking around and stumbling upon a deer. The deer will run, but alot of times will stop and get a good look at ya before hand. They are just trying to decide what you are. With the number of wolves in MN now, and the number of people in the outdoors it is inevetable to have an encounter. I dont think that means they are comfortable with humans. Infact, there hasnt been a credible documentation of a wolf attack in MN, ever. I think its really cool seeing an animal of that caliber in its natural habitat. It doesnt happen very often to me, so for me its kind of a joy. (if they arnt drooling from the mouth, or licking my ankles) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
northerndave Posted October 15, 2007 Share Posted October 15, 2007 couple of years ago we had a bow hunter up my way trapped in his stand overnight. got up in the stand just quick enough to escape a "documented wolf attack" or would be "documented human killed by wolves"He was trapped up the tree with his bow down on the ground with the pack that tried to wait him out. He had to tie himself in for the night to wait them out.hunter4life, those puppies didn't want to play, they wanted to eat him. It's cool that you like seeing them or like the thought of seeing them, but don't let "credible documentation" blind you of there ability & intent. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
vitalshot5 Posted October 16, 2007 Share Posted October 16, 2007 i've encountered them in the woods twice...both times I just gave a stomp and holler and they were gone...I was feeling pretty tough until 3 years ago....walking back to the shack under the moon light I could hear something crunching in the snow next to me....i'd stop and listen and hear nothing...start walking again a little faster and heard it again....I started on a dead run to the shack and had an awful feeling.....the next morning I got up and walked the trail back out only to see me tracks covered with wolf tracks.....i'm not so brave anymore. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HunterLee Posted October 16, 2007 Share Posted October 16, 2007 I ran into that trapper up at the Minnesota Trapping Convention. Good guy, at that time he had gotten 14 so far for the year. He gets about 20-25 a yeah he said. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kyle Posted October 16, 2007 Share Posted October 16, 2007 Northerndave-Im not saying that some people have not had some pretty close encounters. The fact of the matter is that there is not documented case. Whether thats by luck or whatever I dont know... On the rare occasion people have gotten charged by rutting bucks too. It doesnt happen often, but it has happened. Same thing goes for black bear. It doesnt mean that every wolf in the state is getting comfortable with humans. Im not disagreeing that there are probably some pretty darn close situations out there, I have heard some too from family and friends. I just dont think its a good idea for people to make more a bid deal out of this than it is. People are always talking about the worst things. How many people have gone into the woods knowing there are wolves, and either never saw them, or when they did, the wolves either ran away with there tails between there legs, or just moved through the area? A heck of alot more... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bubs Posted October 16, 2007 Share Posted October 16, 2007 they are getting less weary of humans. In northern canada a year or two ago my father-inlaw told me about two guys from a mine went for a walk and had wolves follow them but nothing else happend that night. The next night they were dinner for the wolves. This happend where you can shoot them. I would just be carefull with them. 90% of the time they leave. It is just like when you run across a bear. Remember they are also prediters just like us. BTY: he also has picts of a black bear in his mine ( a big wharehouse type of structure) he said every one ran. It took them about 15 minuites to get it out. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bigbucks Posted October 16, 2007 Share Posted October 16, 2007 Go figure those things can take deer. They're about the same size as a yearling doe & they got a whole lot more equipment to attack with. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kyle Posted October 16, 2007 Share Posted October 16, 2007 Maybe Im reading it wrong, but I dont understand your first statment? "Go figure those things can take deer?"can you elaborate? just wonderin what that has to do with anything? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bigbucks Posted October 17, 2007 Share Posted October 17, 2007 Just commenting on how huge wolves are & what a predator they are. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
uplander Posted October 17, 2007 Share Posted October 17, 2007 Hey bubs, that story was on the National geographic chanel. They still are not sure if it was the wolves or a bear that killed that guy since both tracks were in the area. It's just important that everyone remeber they are out there, and moving further South..Saw a pack of 4 just North of Mcgreggor, tracks in Milaca and my buddy swears he saw one just north of Hudson in Wisc. Until the law says otherwise they are protected, and by the way were here long before we were. So shoot one if you have teeth marks in your arm. Other than that just steer clear and enjoy a glimpse of one, if you are lucky enough to get one. If someone gets taken by one which may happen eventually.....isn't that just the natural order of things. I don't want it to me or someone I know, but I guess if it happens oh well...I don't think I'll go on a mission to erase the timberwolve from the planet. Just my .02..If they are taking livestock I do believe they should be trapped and killed and if and when a person ends up on the menu I would do the same......Have fun in the woods ...and watch your back....uplander Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
big drift Posted October 17, 2007 Share Posted October 17, 2007 Only problem with the National Geo show is the reconstruction was poorly done and goes against the agenda. The reconstruction done by the Canadian Game authorities was by the book and not filled with theories the bite patterns matched, the location matched, the tissue matched, the prints matched. All Natl. Geo did was try and push it off as a possible bear attack the wolves cleaned up. Only problem no bear tracks and no bear bites to the remains and no den site. When it comes to wolves certain groups refuse to admit they are capable of doing anyting wrong.Thanks for bringing that show up I almost forgot about it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
uplander Posted October 17, 2007 Share Posted October 17, 2007 In that case I retract my statement about the bear being involved.....everything else stands.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
northerndave Posted October 18, 2007 Share Posted October 18, 2007 I remember that show too. it brings up a good question... just what exactly qualifies as a "documented incident"? Is a newspaper story good enough? I guess it's documented if it's written in print... Or is there a special file someplace for "wolf attacks", "Wolf attempts on humans" & this sort of thing? And if so, who controls & watches over these empty files? It rubs me the wrong way, the whole idea that they are incapable of attacking or intentionally pursuing a human... They are plain & simply eating machines that will sense & capitalize on weakness. The story I talked about, the guy that was chased up a tree & had to tie himself in for the night while wolves waited below for a chance at him, that was in all of the news papers up my way & I'm certain the DNR investigated the scene & observed the tracks etc. But maybe it didn't get filed in the empty file cabinet for documented attacks/attempts on humans. Somebody must have forgotten to file it.... I think maybe there must be a filing fee that is simply too expensive for most to bother with something? I'm just saying, what's it take? Does it have to be captured on film & then the film has to be verified as unaltered etc? even then there would be debate from the wolf lovers. speculation of provocation... possibly a mental illness on behalf of the wolf... insanity plea? You are right Drift, there are those that will simply refuse to entertain the idea that there beloved wolves are capable & will execute there abilities to attack/kill a human given the opportunity. they would much rather believe that they are all naturally born with the strong instinct to respect & fear the humans, all humans, under all circumstances. I do not consider myself a wolf hater, more of a realist is all & therefore I am simply irritated by some peoples inability to accept the idea that it is good to have some fear of the powerful killing machines that the timber wolves truly are. To me it’s like handling a loaded gun with the attitude that it can not hurt you, nothing to fear here. Worse yet would be teaching our young people your same beliefs, “don’t worry about this loaded 30-30, it won’t hurt you, they only kill deer.” I’m beating a dead horse now, I’m simply saying it’s a good idea to have some realistic understanding of there ability & respect/fear to go along with it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tealitup Posted October 18, 2007 Share Posted October 18, 2007 I was very suprised this past weekend in Park Rapids. T-Wolves are up there - spotted 2 in an open area in a forested lot.I have seen many (20+) from my land in the N.E. part of the state. They were timberwolves. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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