Grant Pearson Posted October 11, 2007 Share Posted October 11, 2007 Zone 2 opener: 22 days and counting!!!! anyone else getting pumped??? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Code-Man Posted October 11, 2007 Share Posted October 11, 2007 heck ya! less then 48 hrs for early season!!!!!!!!!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
northerndave Posted October 11, 2007 Share Posted October 11, 2007 I'm in pre rut status.I got it bad & early too.see, i'm in 2 & my cabin is in an early antlerless area.... we get to shoot does with boom sticks in 2 days!!!!!woooooooo!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grant Pearson Posted October 11, 2007 Author Share Posted October 11, 2007 great! I'm not the only one!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
northerndave Posted October 11, 2007 Share Posted October 11, 2007 it's really for the best that I don't even get started yet.I go loony when it really strikes me. trust me, I'll drive you guys nuts when it happens, it's like someone flips a switch & I loose my mind for about 2 months.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grant Pearson Posted October 11, 2007 Author Share Posted October 11, 2007 Quote:I go loony when it really strikes me. trust me, I'll drive you guys nuts when it happens, it's like someone flips a switch & I loose my mind for about 2 months.... welcome my wonderfully wacky world when it comes to hunting..... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MNRookie78 Posted October 11, 2007 Share Posted October 11, 2007 I've been ready to rock since Dec 31st of 06 (end of last years bow season)! Of course I have been out with my box this year, but due to work constraints, only one weekend. I'm going this weekend for early antlerless on my dads farm in hopes to make some noise. If I'm lucky maybe I'll get a double? Man would that be cool...doe with the rifle in the morning and big ol' buck in the evening with my bow? That's wishful thinking, but if it happens everyone on this forum will know about it. Good luck to all going out this weekend, and to those who have to'll be here sooner than you think so start getting ready NOW! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bigbucks Posted October 11, 2007 Share Posted October 11, 2007 I hung out the blaze orange this morning to get ready for the early antlerless hunt. I think that was a bad deal. I went from psycho bowhunter on the days I can bowhunt to just psycho deer hunter 24 X 7. 14-15 bowhunts in already, no shots taken, passed on a fawn, a 7, & an 8 pointer so far. Anything without horns is getting shot on Saturday per mandate of the landowner (who isn't me by the way). It should be a lot of fun. Try again to whack one with the bow Friday night.Best word in the English language? FALL Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grant Pearson Posted October 11, 2007 Author Share Posted October 11, 2007 Quote:Best word in the English language? FALL I must say HUNTING is the best word. Fall takes second Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
northerndave Posted October 11, 2007 Share Posted October 11, 2007 BANG-FLOP!! BANG-FLOP!! BANG-FLOP!! oh no, it's starting to take hold of me... can't fight it off much longer.... My orange addiction.... woe is me.... Gents, I have a problem... I'm a binge hunter, I binge hunt... a deer hunting binge that will start soon & run well into dec. bad behavior will soon become of my condition. I fear for the forest creatures... the delicious forest creatures... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
vister Posted October 12, 2007 Share Posted October 12, 2007 my blaze is set aside for cock opener Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grant Pearson Posted October 12, 2007 Author Share Posted October 12, 2007 lol, that's funny. uh oh........ Did I just here the click of a safety clicking to the fire position? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
northerndave Posted October 12, 2007 Share Posted October 12, 2007 I’m starting my annual transition from mild mannered news paper reporter to super hunter man. With my blaze orange costume I will fight the evil deer herd, I will single handedly bring down the overgrown deer population with my special deer fighting tools. My trusty grunting tube will trick the villainous bucks into my trap, my bottled female deer urine placed in my trusty day time urine dripper bottle will fool the nocturnal grunty buck into coming out in the daylight. My trusty Winchester boom stick with fixed glass sight tube will deliver the 165 grain copper clad lead slug straight & true. Ah yes, soon I will be in my natural element. If Marlin Perkins were looking on from the safety of his helicopter he would observe the horrifying ritual of the vicious beastly hunter man. He would take note of the beastly man like figure swaggering through the forest ever so lazily. All 5 foot & nine inches of poor postured & seemingly semi coherent beast man covered from head to toe in the traditional bright orange. He makes his way ever so slowly, several foot dragging paces at a time, stopping to hold himself up at nearly every tree in his path. His eyes are red, peculiar odors emit from his body, his breath has the smell of a dogs a$$, his a$$ has the smell of partridge guts. Surely he must be a vicious warrior not to be crossed by the likes of modern domestic up-righticus man. He unzips his orange parka & steam rolls out, he doubles over & heaves a steamy pile of hunter chunder. It appears as though he has been eating from a dumpster or a bear baiting station. He continues on now a bit more swiftly as the sun is coming up & he has yet to reach his hunting station. He arrives at what appears to be a child’s “fort” constructed of random length lumber, rusty bent nails and some green shag carpeting from a 1974 liberty brand trailer home. He climbs like a sloth up into the cobbled structure that sways with the trees in the wind. He sits on an old metal folding chair, it appears as though he has forgotten his “heat seat” just outside the outhouse door back at his hunting shack. He sits with steam rolling out of his unzipped orange parka. The silence sets in, the man carefully scans the area with his eyes, his head does not move. His breathing calms now, it is dead silent and he is now very cold due to leaving his parka open for too long. He reaches for his parka zipper, the noise of his parka shell moving seems to emit sounds equal to that of raking dry leaves with a large plastic fan rake. The zipper noise rings in at just over 100 decibels, it seems to take several minutes to sneak the parka zipper all the way up. With that being done the hunter breathes a deep breath in relief of the zipper noise being behind him. The deep breath causes a loud uncontrollable cough, this goes over with the forest creatures as well as a terd in a punch bowl. Quickly the hunter must cover up his cough, smooth it over, but how? Ah yes, the buck grunt tube! He will follow the cough with a buck grunt, this will fool the deer into thinking it was a deer cough & not a hunter cough. He raises the grunt tube to his lips and prepares to deliver the very best, very deepest buck grunt tone. Little does he know, late last night his young boy was running laps round the outside of the house practicing with his grunt tube, the tube was left dripping wet with little boy spit & the reed inside the tube is now frozen. The beastly hunter man bends & squeezes the end of the tube as he blows confidently into the mouth piece. To his horror the tube blasts out a loud high pitched honking noise rather than a buck grunt. He knows exactly what has happened, he slowly lowers the call & allows it to hang around his neck from the string. His heart is heavy with shame, surely he will not see a deer today. Oh well, with his cover now completely blown he might as well stand up & relieve his bladder over the side of his hunting structure. He stands up & shuffles over to the side of his stand. His long parka extends well below his waist so he must use the bottom zipper of his parka drawing it upwards to gain access to his orange insulated bib coverall zipper, this zipper must go down which will allow access to the blue jean zipper which must also go down This allows access to the insulated long underwear. The fly on the front of the insulated long underwear is far too complicated to try to fish the male urine expulsion tube through, especially because it holds behind it a pair of regular cotton briefs. The elastic waist band on the long underwear must be hooked with the thumb & pulled downwards, this of course exposes the final obstruction which is the plain white cotton briefs. At this time the beastly hunter man’s bladder release valve has been long anticipating the command to release the pressure, a sense of urgency develops as the man struggles to get a thumb hooked over the second elastic waist band, his toes are flexing hard against the bottoms of his boots & he begins a little dance as he finally hooks the second waist band. Now he must fish the urine expulsion tube over the two elastic waist bands & do his best to clear the 5 layers of clothing as the relief valve finally gives way. He is holding his parka up with his chin, pressing the bottom corners against his chest. One of the corners comes loose & the parka swings down like a tent flap blowing in the wind. It’s heading right for the urine stream! He must act quickly, one hand is aiming the expulsion tube & the other hand is holding down pressure on the two elastic waist bands with the thumb. The waist band hand is quickly chosen to intercept the parka just before it swings all the way down. That was close, but now the double elastic waist bands are applying upward pressure on the urine tube which looks as though it has been caught in a victor pan trap. This is a tricky maneuver, the bladder is not yet empty but the stream has been stopped by the upward pinching pressure of the two elastic waist bands. The bands must be drawn downward to reestablish proper drainage flow, but the end of the expulsion tube no longer clears the outer layer of clothing. Not to mention the amount of urine in the bladder now lacks the pressure it will take to produce adequate velocity to end the draining process cleanly with out shoe dribbling & such. Everything must be timed perfectly to execute this maneuver. First the experienced hunter man pinches off the end of the drain tube with one hand, all in seamless sequence now he pushes abdominal pressure on his almost empty bladder, pulls downward on the elastic bands, pulls outward on the drain tube & releases his pinching grip on the end of the tube. The man seems unsurprised at the fact that he has just pi$$ed on his left knee & boot. Just then he looks up to spot a 10 point buck that has been watching the entire episode from 30 yards away. The man freezes, as if he can somehow reverse the fact that the deer is fully aware of his presence. He slowly reaches for his trusty boom stick as the deer begins to walk, he has a firm grip on the rifle barrel leaning behind him. He lifts upward quite swiftly as the deer is walking faster now. The rifle sling hooks the metal folding chair & tips it over as he raises the rifle, the deer is bounding at full speed now & disappears into thick cover just as the hunter finds him in the rifle scope. No shot is fired. The hunter man puts his rifle down, tucks his manhood back into his underwear, zips his 3 zippers, picks up his folding chair & sits down. His hangover has been flushed clean with adrenalin & now he will sit for hours on end perfectly quiet & still, & for the rest of the morning he will see nothing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Donk Posted October 12, 2007 Share Posted October 12, 2007 Bravo, good show old man... I am at work and now have people coming over to my cube to see what I am laughing so hard at. I am telling them, if you don't hunt, you wouldn't get it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
northerndave Posted October 12, 2007 Share Posted October 12, 2007 I warned you guys... I lose it, totally out of control!!!It just gets worse from here!!Tonight we will be at camp, my new hunting shack on a new to us piece of hunting land... we are in a early antlerless area so I am setting up my wife, daughter & nephew to hunt this weekend.I'm going to refrain from blasting smokey holes through unsuspecting does this weekend. Which will probably drive me straight over the edge. Like a timber wolf agreeing to babysit a a newborn calf for the weekend.... If I can make it through the weekend I'll be stark raving mad by monday!!Wooooo Hoooooo!! Deer camp tonight!!!Wooooo!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
luckey Posted October 12, 2007 Share Posted October 12, 2007 northerndave,You painted a very vivid picture! Worst part was I could see myself in every scene. Just add the noise of a miniture candy bar wraper and seeing a second buck as you are half way out of your stand and you got me. Great Post. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shooter_mcgavin Posted October 12, 2007 Share Posted October 12, 2007 Welcome to the neighborhood Dave (beltrami), good luck this weekend! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
northerndave Posted October 12, 2007 Share Posted October 12, 2007 ah yes the candy bar wrappers... how could I have overlooked such an important detail? it's amazing how loud a candy bar wrapper can be... and the chatter of the red squirrel... evil little creatures... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
northerndave Posted October 12, 2007 Share Posted October 12, 2007 Quote: Welcome to the neighborhood Dave (beltrami), good luck this weekend! (elvis voice) "Thankyou..... thankyouvarymuch...." Beltramalami indeed!! Shooter mcgavin, oh man that cracks me up!! yeah we're just barely inside the ole TB zone... the deer extermination zone. Just barely, but we're in it. are you hunting this weekend? were are you at in the beltramalami? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shooter_mcgavin Posted October 12, 2007 Share Posted October 12, 2007 east of the winner silo, also in the extermination zone. Christmas comes early this year for us! Where are you at? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grant Pearson Posted October 12, 2007 Author Share Posted October 12, 2007 Norterndave, Great story, but why leave out the candy wrapper???? and can't forget about the can/bottle of pop. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
big drift Posted October 12, 2007 Share Posted October 12, 2007 Dave, Quit sniffing the copper solvent Your starting to remind me of the Outdoor ad for the man zone on the Outdoor Is the boy coming up this weekend? The best to you and yours on the camp's maiden voyage, have a good one. bd Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
northerndave Posted October 12, 2007 Share Posted October 12, 2007 Drift!! what's up??yeah I was just planning a route for "the boy" from blackduck over this way tonight, he's playing football in blackduck tonight & then heading up this way.He's got a nice little spot ready for him. shooter, we're real close to you, north of the silo on blacks, west on river forest a bit... maybe we'll bump into each other sometime.[email protected] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
northerndave Posted October 12, 2007 Share Posted October 12, 2007 I'm heading for da woods.later dudes, it's deer camp time!!!Wooooooo!Dave Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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