96trigger Posted October 2, 2007 Share Posted October 2, 2007 Deer know what we smell like, just like we know what bacon smells like. Only they run from us, and we run to bacon. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
vister Posted October 2, 2007 Share Posted October 2, 2007 i was born and raised on a farm. after chores i would go out in my barn clothes, no camo or nothing. let me tell ya how close deer get to you then, as long as they don't see ya. To some of ya city slickers who don't mind a little odor, rub some manure on ya for a cover scent. never again will you be winded, they just have to see ya. THEWP Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wanderer Posted October 2, 2007 Share Posted October 2, 2007 Yeah, I'm probably just another knuckle headed follower of the pack but what BobT said holds alot of water. I've experienced it MANY times. But then again, I may have to retract my earlier "iron clad" statement. There's alot of experience here with the FM crew and alot of scenarios presented. With alot of the general habits of deer hunters we see alot of "general" deer. Does, fawns, young bucks, and occasional unlucky big dudes. Hunting is a sport that will forever frustrate control freaks. It is not controllable. Ahh, but it can be steered to tip the odds. I bought into Scent Lok because I wanted to. I don't think I'll try to claim my $.17 if they lose. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bigbucks Posted October 4, 2007 Share Posted October 4, 2007 I can't agree with Bob T's comments either. The other night I had a young 7 pointer at less than 10 yards upwind. The wind swirled, it had been doing that. He wasn't nervous at all prior to that. His head came up, he paused for 2-3 seconds, then turned around & quietly ran off. He never tried to find me, he had no idea where I was, other than TOO CLOSE. Normally that age deer, I'm sure he was a yearling, will pretty much ignore a little scent unless they see you, but not this one. Now it was very windy, so he may have been more jumpy because he couldn't hear I'm not sure, but it was obvious he got a whiff. He never blew, just locked up & then left. I could have killed him before that if I'd have wanted to, but I didn't. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DonBo Posted October 4, 2007 Share Posted October 4, 2007 Okay, here's my 2 cents worth. I think scent loc works to a point where if everything else you take with you is clean, the suit may just block enough of your odor that a deer downwind of you may think you are farther away then you really are, therefore not an iminent threat. Obviously there is no way that the suit can stop every single bit of your scent, but like I said, if it blocks most, then it has done it's job.There are just too many of us who have had good luck with it to say it doesn't work. For the rest of you who have not had good luck with it, you may want to recheck how you clean yourself and everything else you carry into the woods with you. How about your bow, release aid, binoculars that you used all summer with sweat and bug spray on. How about your backpack that was stuck to your back with sweat last time you went out? Ever wear your boots in the truck? This list could go on and on.My point is, the stuff isn't perfect but helpfull. Some deer may still bust you, but not all of them. All deer are different. It is still smart to play the wind, but for the times a deer sneaks up behind you you may get by with it and you will be better off for having worn it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MNRookie78 Posted October 4, 2007 Share Posted October 4, 2007 I agree with DonBo on this one. I have had success with being very close to deer when wearing this product. However, preperation BEFORE the hunt is probably the most important part of the hunt when it comes to scent control. I only own the jacket and pants...I do not own the socks, boots, head covering of any sort etc. To be completly scent free you best be in one of those suits you see chemical lab people wearing that covers your body 100%. Do I feel the clothing I own makes a difference? I'm not positive that it does, but I have been able to be very close to animals downwind (by accident of course) and they did not spook a bit. I took a shower with scent eliminating soap and shampoo, hung clothes outside to let them air out and absorb any sort of natural smell before I went out in the woods (boots, scocks, gloves...BACKPACK, you name it) and I also sprayed down with scent eliminating spray and used a cover scent of raccoon urine on my boots the times I have had that much success though.I'll keep using the clothing because I made the purchase...BUT I will also continue to hunt the wind and use every other precaution I can to keep them from winding me even with this type of clothing. Just my $0.02 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kaz2611 Posted October 4, 2007 Share Posted October 4, 2007 It all boils down to the person that was wearing scent block and shot a dandy buck will say it works great. On the other hand the person that had the big buck get wind of them and spook is gonna say scent block is a joke. Just like most products for hunting they are AIDS to the hunt, there are no guarantees that it because worked for the guy on tv that it will work for you or that it will work everytime. I don't use any scent block or scent cover and I have had success in shooting whitetails during slug season, but there are many factors that play into having a successful hunt. Having as much information as possible on the area you are hunting knowing where food is from where your stand is positioned as well as water source. Weather try and know what the weather conditions are predicted for the area your gonna hunt and if possible get updates throughout the day another one is SAFETY: Don't only focus on your target but also look whats behind it! YOU CAN ALWAYS PULL UP ON ANOTHER DEER BUT YOU CANT RETRIEVE A BULLET MID FLIGHT! Know your surroundings mark your path walking in will make it easier for you on your way out. these are just a few. What it boils down to is if you use scent blocks and you believe they work keep using them or scent blocking clothes on the other hand if you have been using them and it hasnt helped you achieve success rethink possibilities such as were you moving alot because of discomfort, were you quiet did you spill any foreign substance on your clothes such as gas colonge bug spray, coffee etc.if you have went through possibilties and anser no to ypurself then your next plan should be to alter your tactics like new spot or different area all together. This is just my opinion my opinion is based on 27 years of deer hunting and things ive experienced myself over those years that have helped me have some success and provided me with some failed hunts to which I have learned from. IF IT AINT BROKE DONT FIX IT - IF IT LOOKS LIKE IT COULD BREAK BE OPEN TO OPTIONS ON HOW TO CORRECT THE POTENTIAL PROBLEM Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dirtking Posted October 11, 2007 Share Posted October 11, 2007 Quote: A local news channel did an experiment with a dog. They had a person hide with or without scnet blocker spray on them...and the dog found them immediately with no difference. "Watch Bingo catch my scent as he gets downwind from my box." As the news lady said. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hammer Handle Posted October 12, 2007 Share Posted October 12, 2007 I totally agree. We all relate to our experiences. If we get a deer, we think everything we did that year was right. If we don't, we point fingers at what we did wrong.On a hot fall day I was walking to my deer hunting spot. By the time I got there, I was ringing with sweat and thought...I don't have a chance. I was even sitting on the ground. Up walks a 9-point buck. Every time a squirrel make a leaf turn or the wind pushed some leaves, he would stop and look. He was very careful as he walked in the woods and very alert. At 15 feet...yes...15 feet away...I shot him with my bow.Another time I was in a tree stand with my bow. 2 does and an 8-point buck went right under my stand. I let them go for a 14-point buck was 100 yards away. He started coming towards me and I didn't even want to blink. About 60 years away...he stops...looks right at me...and bolts. The wind was even strong from him to me.People think they get a slight advantage with this or that...but most of the time...it boils down to the situation at the time and LUCK. People try to tip the odds slightly in their favor and pay $$ to do it...but most items like scent lock are make to catch the hunter. Whether they really help at all is questionable.Fishing is the same way. Do you need all those colors in your tackle box? People swear by it...but really...it doesn't matter. Use one color all year and you will catch just as many fish. I tried it...and I was surprised to find out it had little effect on my fishing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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