Last night I noticed my voltage meter was pretty much maxed out at 18 as I was heading back to the dock. It should read around 13 volts. Correct me if I am wrong, but this typically means the voltage regulator is bad, however, I noticed that when I shut the motor down and turn the key off, the peg on the gauge only falls back to about the 10 volt mark.
Also, when your voltage regulator goes out, usually your tachometer goes out as well and my tach still works. Is it possible that it could be my gauge?
Last night I noticed my voltage meter was pretty much maxed out at 18 as I was heading back to the dock. It should read around 13 volts. Correct me if I am wrong, but this typically means the voltage regulator is bad, however, I noticed that when I shut the motor down and turn the key off, the peg on the gauge only falls back to about the 10 volt mark.
Also, when your voltage regulator goes out, usually your tachometer goes out as well and my tach still works. Is it possible that it could be my gauge?
I have no clue with this stuff! Any ideas?
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