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Wild Rasberries


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I seem to have some wild rasberries next to my Apt. They were red but are now dark purple. I think they are called black berries. Any ways, there are no poision rasberry look a likes or are they out there?



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Taste one and if it isn't bitter and nasty, it's probably just what you thought it was?

On the other hand, it might be one of those highly poisonous quasi look-a-like raspberries that have been in the news lately and have been dropping unsuspecting berry harvesters like flys!

I mean, those killer Raspberries are so potent that if you look at them to long, at the minimum you will need lasic surgery!

It's all over the news, they slipped in from Canadia and they grow around apartment buildings where they can get lots of people! Tricky they are, they know how to come in under the radar!

Heck, try em and see, just for the Halibut...but, if all of a sudden your eyes pop out of your head, your stomach distends and upon looking in the mirror, you find that you now look like the Comcast turtle, let me tell ya bud, digital voice isn't gonna help!

I'd try it? I've never heard of a poison raspberry? I would think thats a blackberry? We have some trees in the neighbors yard that have blackberry looking berries on em and they are aren't very good.

If you were to eat black nightshade berries, or some of them other round black berries that the birds don't even mess with though, you might be going on an involentary vision quest that ends at the ER poison trauma unit!

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Ebass..."Oh, oh!!! You in trouble now!!! You ate one? My, my, if we don't see anymore of your posts, we'll know that the berry was a bad one! grin.gif

Have you found any of them big red blothes on your skin yet? Big dark circles around sunken eyes? Pimples all over your butt? Tongue as dry as a parrots? Weird people in white uniforms coming and going at all hours?

If you haven't experienced any of the above, have another.

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Yup, thats what they are, Mulberries....I was just checking to make sure you guys were keeping up on your wild berry identifications! (Ahem) I knew what they were all along, I did. wink.gif

They are covering the bed of one of my trailers...I figure that if I let it sit there long enough, I won't have to paint the wood!

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