gorrilla Posted April 24, 2007 Share Posted April 24, 2007 What ever happened to the good old days when a guy just went out hunting to enjoy the whole experience, not to show his buddies he's the best, or win a prize. To me it was never taught to be something like that. Sure it can be fun to razz your buddies if you do better than them one year or another. Its just that I don't get everything having to be a contest or competition when it comes to hunting. Especially if its outside your friends and hunting buddies. Competing against strangers just seems insecure to me. If a persons guage for success is the beard length, spur length, horn measurements, etc. then I think they are missing the point. I don't think there is anything wrong with waiting for something you consider a trophy, or appreciating a heavy bird or high scoring buck. Its just that it seems to me that to many young hunters are almost ashamed of taking an average specimen these days. The one that makes me puke is when the outdoor channel has the competition bird hunters on. They literally run around a field in front of a camera and stopwatch getting awarded points for how many planted birds they can kill quickly. What kind of (Contact Us Please) allows that crud on TV. If any thing misses the point and gives us a bad name its that stupid show!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wanderer Posted April 24, 2007 Share Posted April 24, 2007 Yep, I have opinions about alot of things, so here's another. I used to be an ultra competitive fisherman. I couldn't get enough of the sport so I fished tournaments. Never got good enough to make it pay consistently. Got burned out and almost quit fishing altogether for a few years. Focused on hunting instead. Now I see hunting tournaments too. Huh. Everybody has their different speeds at which they like to pursue things. You'll find the "I can't get enough" crowd in contests for sure, but most seem to be there for the comraderie of fellow obsessors. IMO most contests are won by someone who had a REALLY good day and get to happen into a material reward to go along with the personal satisfaction. And its great place to brag when you have something to brag about Think of it as bowling league And a HSOforum as a surrogate alley to hang out at with people you might not otherwise have the good fortune of getting to know. P.S. Thanks for your comments on the other thread. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cw642 Posted April 24, 2007 Share Posted April 24, 2007 I'm not sure who your comment is aimed at, but if it is at the contest on here I think you are wrong. I did not set it up, but it has been a great way to bring guys all across the states together to talk turkey. Sure I got caught up chasing a large bird, but the thought never crossed my mind that I needed to get a big bird for FM's contest. I believe this Free contest was a very good idea, and because of that I have agreed to make a few calls as prizes. It is all in good fun. Thanks for raining on a parade you didn't attend. As for Tournament hunter TV. If you believe that it is bad for the sporting communities I would call Outdoor network and cancel your subscription. I guess you look at it one way, and I look at it another. I see well trained dogs that have thousands of birds and hours of time in the field. I see an avenue for a dog owner that wants to spend time in the off season with his dog, but doesn't want to compete in traditional field trials. I also see a venue that was started here in the midwest where traditional FT are not readily available. If you can't see any of those things in my opinion you are not looking at it right. You are looking at it as hunting not a game that dog people enjoy playing. These types of venues are becoming more and more popular all across US and Japan. As the lack of habitat and prices of hunting leases go up the need for these types of venues increases. Now to call anyone insecure because you don't participate in the same things is a real top notch move. One thing I hate is those who condemn something they don't understand and are to lazy to look into the facts. I realize it's your opinion and you have the right to it, but to pass judgment on us for having some fun is wrong. CW Owner of Wall's English Pointers and Wall's Calls Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hotspotter Posted April 24, 2007 Share Posted April 24, 2007 Gorilla:You raise many points and issues which I have given great thought to. I can't help but feel much the same way as I try to philosophically sort through those things which I enjoy about hunting/fishing, and those aspects which I do not. I can't help but think that while most of your concerns and comments are directed towards tv hunts, that some parallels can be drawn with the current goings-on here. My feelings were quite strong, such that I pondered not entering the turkey contest this year. While I'm not sure if I made the right decision yet or not, I will share some things I've discussed about with others. In the end, my decision was made based on the interest and draw of such contests, as well as the educational opportunities and fun that present themselves by attracting so many people. Part of the reason I shy away from such contests are for the many situations you offered. I love hunting turkeys because it's not in the same spirit of deer hunting. Any legal turkey is a trophy IMO, and I'm not just saying that. The difference with deer/turkeys, is that it's difficult to accurately judge them on the hoof...err...foot, save the difference b/w jakes/toms of course. You don't have people "passing" on a tom, waiting for a bigger one because the 9" beard with 1/2" spurs wasn't big enough. I am personally sour on the deer head craze, which makes this dilemma even more difficult. Am I promoting the very aspect which I dislike? Personally, I don't like to talk too much smack about turkey hunting, because those birds can humble you in a heartbeat! However, this is fun for many people, and it’s their prerogative. They can eat their words later should the opportunity present itself. Hopefully, the information exchange and educational opportunities that are presented here, more than make up for the competitive nature of the contest. While I know you didn't criticize the contest outright, I'm simply posting this as I feel similarly.In the end, we'll all make of it what we will, and take from it what we put in. Competition can hopefully be completed tastefully, all the while keeping the true reason we hunt/fish in the forefront of our minds.Joel Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Borch Posted April 24, 2007 Share Posted April 24, 2007 Nothing wrong with the way you feel gorilla. The best part of any hunt is the time spent sharing the woods and fields with gods creatures, friends and family. The contest set up here is for fun. Just another way for folks to talk turkey and contect. There will be some prizes offered for those who end up with the best score. But that's not really what it's all about. If you look through the many posts very few will enquire about what the prizes will be or how folks will win that prize.Just some friendly razzing and a lot of support.Have a great season. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
outfishedagain Posted April 24, 2007 Share Posted April 24, 2007 Being new to the FM site and with this contest i have met and found a network of "friends" that all have a similar interest in the outdoors. I'm not trying to run you or anybody down. Your in titled to your beliefs and its good to express your self. But as far as this contest goods, it stats in the Rules that this is mainly for fun. A way for people to share they're stroies, tatcis, swap ideas, ask questions, etc... As far as the hunting show. I've seen the show. But from what i understand is that it is just televised field trials. My father runs dogs and from the field trials i've been too, Yes, its a competition but its the same idea. Most of these people have become friends, these trials are a way they can get together, share tranning methods and ideas, ask questions, etc.... But again i want to express that i'm not trying to run down your beliefs, i'm just trying to show it from the other side. But i'll be the first to admit that there are some people who are over competitive and take it to the next level. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gorrilla Posted April 27, 2007 Author Share Posted April 27, 2007 Like I eluded to in my original post, I do enjoy BSing w/ buddies about the hunts and sure a fair amount of razzing and bragging takes place. I just hate to see hunting(or fishing for that matter) turned into a situation for someone to take the sport and turn it into a competition for competition's sake. This IMO is often due to false pride issues and insecurities. I just want to see people remembering to respect the animals and hunting partners involved. When guys on TV start rushing against the clock to "win" a contest for money or prizes at the birds expense, or "professional" hunters promote their ability to kill the biggest or best animals and lose focus on the quality of hunt or methods used to harvest these beautiful trophies, thats when I think our sport is hurt the most. If I'm offending anyone, or my comments are hitting too close to home, well... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tealitup Posted April 27, 2007 Share Posted April 27, 2007 Its hurting our sport more then:1. hunting from a vehicle2. tresspassing3. poaching4. showing off a deer kill while driving home5. taking too much gameI truely think that the hunting shows by and large are mostly watched by "hunters"not those who disagree with the hunt. They tend to watch Opra. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nate McVey Posted April 28, 2007 Share Posted April 28, 2007 For me this contest (and any other one that I have participated in) is for FUN! I will shoot the first turkey that comes in. Just like I will shoot the first legal elk, deer, bear, whatever it may be. I am out there to enjoy the woods and my immediate circle of hunting friends, but i have met some new people through this site and this contest that I would enjoy hunting/fishing with as well. I don't have anything to prove to anyone but myself. I do wonder why if some of us are not here to promote ourselves and showoff our "trophys", why do so many avatars show us with big fish, deer, turkeys, etc.? Is it to amuse ourselves? Or is it for other people to enjoy? Or is it to show them off? Just wondering Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RodNGun Posted April 28, 2007 Share Posted April 28, 2007 I have always thought that harvesting mature animals has always been the best practice for maintianing the highest quality of genetics for years to come. Nature will weed out the weak. And entering it into a tournament is my decision not yours. Thanks for your opinion though. Oh yea nice sturgeon! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cw642 Posted April 28, 2007 Share Posted April 28, 2007 Quote: I just want to see people remembering to respect the animals and hunting partners involved. When guys on TV start rushing against the clock to "win" a contest for money or prizes at the birds expense, Gorrila, you still don't understand. If you've ever hunted any type of bird you have hurt the wild populations more than Tounament hunter TV. These are released birds that are raised on game farms, almost the same way as the chickens in your Mcnuggets. Like I said before, it is a game that people play with their dogs, in the off season. Don't confuse it with hunting wild birds. As for respect for their hunting partners. You probably dont have hunting dogs. My dogs are my best hunting buddies. I dont know how much more respect I could have for an animal that ran its butt off all day to find me a couple birds, only to see me miss. How could you not respect that? Its all in how you look at things. Quote:If I'm offending anyone, or my comments are hitting too close to home, well... Why would someone be offended? You are just passing judgement on things that you choose not to understand. By being that way it is you who makes sportsmen look bad. ONE QUESTION FOR YOU GORRILA. HOW MANY FISH DO YOU HAVE MOUNTED? Quote:When guys on TV start rushing against the clock to "win" a contest for money or prizes at the birds expense, After re-reading that quote I wonder about the true reasoning for these post. The "at the birds expense" part seems too radical for any hunter. Do you have some sort of hidden agenda? CW Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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