Guest Posted February 11, 2002 Share Posted February 11, 2002 Ok, now I am back to deciding which auger to get and I know what you are all going to say, "go with the one that cuts the hole in the ice". Well, I am down to Jiffy and Strikemaster because I can't find anymore Sharks for under $300. Anyway, how much ice actually builds up on the Strikemaster blade and is it even something that I need to think about when choosing an auger? I know that Jiffy has the D'icer on their blades but how much of a difference does this really make? All you Strikemaster LazerMag users, have you had any issues with ice build up on your blades? Thanks for all your help!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cliff Wagenbach Posted February 12, 2002 Share Posted February 12, 2002 Turtle,I have never had any build up that has mattered.Just make sure you don't lay the auger down where snow can freeze to the blades. This is probably the ice build up some are complaining about.Cliff------------------Cliff's Guide ServiceCliffsGuideService-LakeVermilion.comLake VermilionPhone: (218) 753-2005 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
workingfisherman Posted February 12, 2002 Share Posted February 12, 2002 turtle i have had a lazermag for 4 years now,fished a lot, drilled a lot of holesdid get ice build up about 1 inch thickabout 1 to 2 feet up blade.It still cutvery well.and fast fast!!great auger. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Norsky Posted February 14, 2002 Share Posted February 14, 2002 I bought a Strikemaster lasermag ultra (triple blades & 9 inch cut-it's nice having nine inches!). Anyway, I did get a fair amount of ice build up until I started coating the blades with a little Pam cooking spray before each outing. The unit plows through 20 inches of ice in no time at all. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SportFishin' Posted February 14, 2002 Share Posted February 14, 2002 Bushbunny I don't think that was the response Turle was looking for! What are you all of 13? Do you run your auger up that many dead dogs? The topic was Ice Buildup! If you can't give a educated or mature repsonse this is not the place for you! And I think many would agree!!!! Turtle as for my Jiffy I have never had any problems for 10 years now with Ice buildup or the motor on my Jiffy 30 with 10" cut. I think no matter which one you chose if you maintain it & keep the blade(s) sharp it will give you years of Ice cutting pleasure. Just my opinion. SportFishin' Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted February 14, 2002 Share Posted February 14, 2002 Turtle, I definatly agree with sportfishin respone to Bushbunny's coments. I have a Lazermag 8" and Never to much Ice build up. None that has ever effected the performance. The unit starts well in any conditions and cuts like a hot knife through butter. You will not be dissatisfied with that purchase!!!! Bushbunny must bang his auger on the ice to clear it, which any intelligent person knows dulls the blades in No time!!! Happy fishing!!!------------------ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted February 14, 2002 Share Posted February 14, 2002 My wife bought me a Lazer Mag last year for Xmas. Not being an ice fisherperson she went on the recommendations of the sales person at Gander. Great Auger, cuts fast and minimal ice build up. I always take just a coouple of minutes to clear that away and replace the cover and have not had any problems. I'd recommend it without question. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bob Horn Posted February 14, 2002 Share Posted February 14, 2002 I have a strikemaster and the ice does build up. If you use rem oil(with teflon)or a silicon spray it should solve the problem. Just let the product dry first after you spray it on. Fish On Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Havin' Fun Posted February 14, 2002 Share Posted February 14, 2002 When I finish cutting my hole, I remove slush from the hole with my auger and I hold it until the slush drips off the auger, than lay it on my truck bed to dry. -15 below there is just a slight coating of ice that makes no difference. Just don't allow ice to block the chisle point, or lay your auger in the snow. Just common sense. Good idea about the teflon. I might have to use it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steve Foss Posted February 14, 2002 Share Posted February 14, 2002 I've got a Strikemaster 3 hp XL-3000 that's five years old. I've got the new power-point 10-inch auger. Let's say I'm cutting a bunch of holes in a row. First and second holes are fast and hot. Third and sometimes fourth holes are harder going due to ice buildup (maybe at most a few seconds longer on 2 feet of ice), but by the fifth hole it's cutting like crazy again and stays that way. I never bear down hard. If I were in the market for a new auger, I might go with Jiffy if the minor and temporary buildup bothered me much. Motors are the same on each unit (Tecumseh). But A: it doesn't bother me because I'm not a perfectionist and B: Not having the odd $300 to throw around, I'll probably have this Strikemaster for many years and that'll suit me just fine. I've never found a good sharpening outlet for Strikemaster's curved blades, however. When I call the company, they said the blades were sharpened and polished with a $1 million machine at the factory, and no one else has that machine. So you're left sharpening by hand. But that's not hard. Just carefully use a whetstone, sharpen only on the top side and maintain the existing angle. I'm almost through the second season on one set of blades, and they're still razor sharp (new power point in the center helps take the brunt of the cut, easing pressure on the main blades).------------------Steve ([email protected]) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iceboy Posted February 15, 2002 Share Posted February 15, 2002 I have, on occasion, had a small amount of ice build-up on my 10" 2HP LazerMag. In fact, I trashed my first drill head by trying to crank down on it while drilling to remove the ice build-up - don't do this with Lazer augers! It will bend the angle of the blade mounts and even brand new blades won't cut worth a ****. If your Lazer stops cutting due to ice build-up, then just stop drilling and scrap off the little bit of ice that you will inevitably find on the blades. Since applying a little oil to the blades I haven't had any buildup, though. I love my LazerMag! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iceboy Posted February 15, 2002 Share Posted February 15, 2002 One other thing - no matter what size LazerMag you decide to get (and you should get a LazerMag - they are much faster and lighter than Jiffy's), go with the 2HP engine. It is much more reliable and has plenty of power for even the 10" drill. Plus, it is significantly lighter... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted February 15, 2002 Share Posted February 15, 2002 Thanks for all the great info.!!! I am getting the 2hp 8" Lazermag tomorrow. I just hope I get a chance to get out and use it before all the ice melts away.Thanks again!Keep Fishing! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rngrfshm Posted February 22, 2002 Share Posted February 22, 2002 I had a 3 blade Ultra mag and Jiffy new ones in the past. Before you decide what you want, please check this thread] ion&om=13397I had tried the PAM and Teflon spray and Silicon spray and I have over 22 pictures of my Ultra Mag 3 blade plugged up from ICE where it would not cut at all and sit and sping. I have 4 other friends who also have the 3 blade and all are similiar. Also my can of PAM frooze and so did the teflon spray. Rem Dri-lube seemed to help out the most than anything else. Strikemaster wanted some pictures of what was happening. They are fantastic to work with, but I got tired of taking care of the auger, with my jiffy's in the past I had to do no such thing. I went back to a 2hp, 9" d'icer and have no problems and no ICE what so ever. I do know that Strikemaster is working on a solution for next year for the ICE situation, until then I am with Jiffy.I timed the Ultra mag 3 blade from the Jiffy and I seen 3 seconds difference with them side by side on 20" of ice. Not much difference. Again Strikemaster was fantastic to work with and no complaints other than the ice and like the previous posts mentioned, they too sent me 2 free sets of blades to fix the binding issues with them on serrated ones. The icing only occurs when I had temps below zero and winds where in the 15mph range. Above that it is fine. If below that I would go with the Jiffy. The 2 blade design that my friends have does not have near the icing problems as the 3 blade. The cupping angle on the 3rd blade is what is plugging the unit up.Hope this helps.[This message has been edited by Pwaldow123 (edited 02-22-2002).] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted February 22, 2002 Share Posted February 22, 2002 Well, I got the 2hp 8" Lazermag last Saturday. I went out on Sunday and drilled around 15 holes. I didn't catch any fish but at least I got to try out my new auger. I previously had a 2hp 9" Jiffy. I haven't used the Lazermag enough to be able to do a true side by side comparison but so far, here is what I found to be different.Lazermag:1) Very light, light enough to carry on my should without my shoulder popping out. 2) Very smooth cutting action (my arms weren't shaking after every hole) 3) No binding4) See through gas tank5) Having to replace blades if they ever get a ding.Jiffy:1) D'icer blade2) Not worrying about having to replace the blade if it gets a ding.3) Lots of binding at the bottom of the hole (I have never been able to start and finish a hole without stopping and pulling it out and etc...)4) Heavier than Lazermag5) Can't see through gas tank (last year I got out on the lake and ran out of gas after drilling one hole)6) Ice chips flying everywhere and covering up my mark to drill the next hole.Both engines ran the same. So far those are the differences that I have noticed between the two augers.Thanks again for everyone's help! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted February 24, 2002 Share Posted February 24, 2002 I have an idea.... Get a lazer human powered auger!!!! Stop making all that noise and pollution, and start giving a **** about what you are doing to out lakes and air. Spraying oils and dump on the blades is a bad idea since it adds pollution to the lake, and toxins to the fish we eat!!! If you are not smart enough to use common sense....then stay home and watch fishing on your television.[This message has been edited by Pwaldow123 (edited 02-24-2002).] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kidd Posted February 24, 2002 Share Posted February 24, 2002 My aren’t we holier than thou. I believe the tip was PAM, which is vegetable, based, not fossil fuel based. I'll see you on the lake, I'll know it's you because you'll either be walking or biking to you're favorite hot spot eh! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Uncle Grump Posted February 25, 2002 Share Posted February 25, 2002 GoneFishinI have to agree with you, and disagree with youregarding the Lazer Hand augers. I've got one, and used it for the last two years. A good auger, but......Sorry sir - but consider the fact that in my case, arthritus and tendonitis have set in - and it just plain HURTS to turn the Lazer thru the ice, even just a foot or so likewe had this year.I held off as long as I could, but the simplelittle 2 hp Strikemaster I got is going to make it possible to keep on fishing for sometime to come.I do however, commend anyone who can use a hand auger. More power to them.UG Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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