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most dangerous catch


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They had a few good stories about guys losing it when they get out to sea, referencing an episode last year when one guy put his survival suit and and said he was going to jump over because he wanted off. Sig said that they've heard of other boats that have duct taped guys up and put them in the hold until they get back to harbor. They are so out of it so they just stash them away to keep them out of trouble and injuring others. That was pretty funny.

He also mentioned the Discovery camera crew and that they are a burden at times but they've become better at where to be on board so they stay out of the way and don't get hurt themselves. The younger brother ,Edgar, said that he's gone over 3 days without sleep when they were on crab one time. Sig would tell them to get some rest but they would grab the calculator and start figuring what they are making.....$3000 every two hours during one point!

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WOW i finely got too caught up from the past two weeks... What can you say about the Time Bandit!!! That is so Awesome that them guys save that guys life!!! laugh.gif

I can’t even think of what it’s like to be working 30 some odd hours straight…Glad to see Lenny is back on deck for the Wizard…LOL I think are little buddy Blake got himself in a little ringer in next week episode!!! I can't get enough of this show I love it!!! cool.gif

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Did I hear right when that Phil on the Cornelia Marie said $35000 to fix that prop?

I won't feel as bad from now on when I bottom out my Dad's 6 horse Johnson.


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I fished in AK in the 80's when the quota was huge . Big money made in Crab & Halibut . Back then the Opie season was long , like 3 months long I think , now 2-3 weeks and it might not open again . They might hit two or 3 crab seasons a year now and a one day Halibut Opener and that could be it . So although that 18K check they get , minus 1/3'd for taxes , seems like a lot - the yearly wages might not be . I could be wrong but last time I talked to a guy I fished with he wasn't fishing nearly as much as when we fished together . Another thing is that the dump they do on deck doesn't really happen , thats for the camera , most boats that kind of dump will get you put off the boat . And pulling somebody elses gear to pull a prank could get you shot . At least it could back in the day . Sure was exciting though .

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I have seen both of them, they're OK I guess. It was worth watching the last one to find out Phil's caffine and tabacoo use. Per day 5 to 6 packs of cigs, 10 redbulls, plus he drinks coffee, THE GUYS NOT GOING TO MAKE IT PAST 50!

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Very cool, our own FM looking glass into the world of crab fishing.

Tell us some more stories. Ever get close to going over? Anybody on any of your boats not make it back? Big storms?


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It was different then it seems . We never stopped for a hot sit down meal . We only slept every 2nd or 3rd day and then for no more than 3 - 4 hours . Nobody hardly talked and communication was mainly hand gestures . It was always raining , snowing or blowing wind so you couldn't hear well enough to talk anyways . I fished crab but mainly I longlined halibut . Much more intense and less room for mistakes . The boat I got to fish on lost two guys , thats probably why I got the job . The guys I fished with didn't like to talk about it so I didn't really ask . They were out fishing but at the time weren't running gear when the two went missing . There was no sign of them at all , nothing but the small boat they were supposed to have been in . Very tragic and very sad and anything more said about it would be purely speculation so that will be it for that . One thing we use to do that I haven't seen any of those guys do is hang a octopus in the hold hatch . They are crabs enemies so the crab will try and get as far away as they can , they would climb like a pyramid to get close to the light at the hatch and the octopus would scare them to the far reaches of the hold . The octopus would come up in the crab pots , so would the occasional shark , halibut , skate , cod , all kinds of neat sea creatures . Fun stuff but at the same time very sobering . Every trip I made I listened on the radio , short wave I think , as guys called out their SOS's . We would plot a course to them but it would be hours before we could reach them and more than once I listened as they made their last plea for help . Still hard to deal with some of that stuff .

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