ChuckN Posted January 17, 2007 Share Posted January 17, 2007 Simple question I should have asked and I don't see it mentioned... Is there spark (or power to the plug wires with a volt meter)? If you have spark with those 2 wires disconnected, I have no clue because I don't know where the heck the power would be coming from. If you have no spark, it's likely because there is a "dead" coil mounted on the plastic air box without those 2 wires connected to the power source. The white wire and the black wire are juice for the coil from the CDI from when I replaced one CDI on my old '95 EXT 580, not efi though. If there is an ethanol switch I just think it would be elsewhere, not on the coil itself. Just my opinion. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Meat-Run Posted January 17, 2007 Share Posted January 17, 2007 valv,I don't know much about sleds but I have a picture of my AC 94 Ext 580 EFI of the engine. One problem, I don't know how to post pictures and in my picture it doesn't have the area your talking about. But tonight I will try and get out and take some close up pictures if this will help. Just let me know!????Anything to help.Meat-Run Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ChuckN Posted January 17, 2007 Share Posted January 17, 2007 Ok, I had to look. Valv, you stated it's an '09 sled, but since those haven't been produced yet I assumed it is a '99 Pantera 580 EFI. From all the parts fiche of electrical, your wire is posted as a wire harness to the coil in #1, and it connects to the ECU. The ECU is #8 in the image. I appears there is not a CDI in EFI sleds, it's controlled by the ECU (computer). So, there should be a wire harness with that plug on the ECU. See what you can find or go to browns leisure world or the AC HSOforum for the parts Fiche. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
marine_man Posted January 17, 2007 Share Posted January 17, 2007 meat-run - take a look at this thread for instructions on how to post pictures.If you can't figure it out shoot them to me at [email protected] and I'll get them posted for you.marine_man Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hanson Posted January 17, 2007 Share Posted January 17, 2007 I think Chuck's got it!Looks like you are either missing that piece, or it was disconnected and is hiding out of the way. You'll probably find it where all the wires are coming out of the ECU. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Valv Posted January 17, 2007 Author Share Posted January 17, 2007 Wow, thanks guys, I appreciate the effort.I toke it yesterday to local A.C. dealer and we have same conclusion, it's missing a wire somewhere but don't know where.Chuck you've got it right, I am missing the harness extension from coil 1 (on your picture) and the ECU.There is no places where it has been cut or unplugged that I (dealer too) can see. My only hope is to open dash over fuel tank, I think that's where the missing connector is, or probably underneath motor, which I might have to remove anyway.I will let you know the outcome of this.....Thanks again. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ChuckN Posted January 18, 2007 Share Posted January 18, 2007 Mudslinger, MN Mike and MacGyver all had the right idea. My advice was incorrect at first until I read Mudslinger's to refresh my semi-poor memory, I missed MN Mike's post in the pages (he had it correct, he looked at his sled of the same year/efi to confirm). Giving credit where credit is due. Good luck Valv. Welcome to the constantly wrenching, wallet eating sport of snowmobiling. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Valv Posted January 18, 2007 Author Share Posted January 18, 2007 Quote: Good luck Valv. Welcome to the constantly wrenching, wallet eating sport of snowmobiling. Yeah right, kinda like boating is much cheaper. Remember: "God created the lakes, the seas, and the waters, the Devil created....the outboard" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MN Mike Posted January 18, 2007 Share Posted January 18, 2007 We'll it's a good thing you pulled up that diagram, clearly shows the missing cord, now ........ where did it go and where does it plug into.My sled doesn't have that cord, the coil sets close enough to the ECU ( EFI Controller box as I incorrectly called it ) to plug right into it. I'm a little confused on the ECU pictured in Valvs' pictures, to me it looks like it is of the older generation, like the mid '90s but maybe they used those on the 580's til the end, I don't know. The one pictured in ChuckNs' diagram is of the newer version like I have, in that case I question the year of Valvs' sled, maybe they did still use a cd box on the older versions of the EFI and it's MIA. Guess I just don't know .....Just throwing some food for thought out there, can't believe there isn't someone on this forum that has a 580 EFI.... tons of those made.Off subject but I put new base gaskets in my '98 ZL500 and found out there are 3 different styles of base gasket for that year, got the right ones this time and now I got my 500 back to like it was when it was new. Just goes to show the different combos you can run across in these sleds sometimes.The mystery continues.......Mike Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Macgyver55 Posted January 25, 2007 Share Posted January 25, 2007 Valv, did you ever get this figured out? I was just over at my buddies shop and he had a similar sled sitting there. The coil, the wires and everything looks very similar to yours. I followed the harness from the coil and it goes down and just behind the recoil and behind the radiator hose to a small "pouch" held together with velcro that houses several wires. In that pouch was a connector with terminals just like the ones at the coil. The wires they connect to were also the same colors. So basically, I think the wires you need are just an extension from that junction to the coil. Hope this will help. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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