HutchBucks Posted August 21, 2006 Share Posted August 21, 2006 Does anyone know if the "Lemon Law" covers boats? Or does it only cover vehicles? And if it does someone make a claim under this law? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0 LwnmwnMan2 Posted August 21, 2006 Share Posted August 21, 2006 You still haven't gotten your boat back?? I'd try the attorney general's office in St. Paul, do a google of Attorney General Minnesota and it should bring up their HSOforum. You mind saying what exactly is going on with your boat??? Or is it in another post?? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0 HutchBucks Posted August 21, 2006 Author Share Posted August 21, 2006 Long story short...aluminum floor in 2005 Tracker Tundra had a weak spot(would give when you stepped on it). Link Recreational(my dealer) in Saint Cloud said they could fix it and got the OK from Tracker Corp. When it got right down to it, they found out they weren't as smart as they thought they were and towed it out to Link Rec in Minong, Wisconsin(without me even being told about it)...been out there for well over a month now(they're not so sharp there either). First they told me Tracker sent them the wrong floor kit, then the wrong color carpeting(Tracker told me otherwise). Then they said they couldn't find the keys(they were in the cubby hole, right where I told them in the first place). Last week they said they needed more supports, Tracker overnited them more on Wednesday. I called Link Rec on Fri. and they said they hadn't even checked their UPS stuff yet. It sounded like they wouldn't even have it done yet by this next weekend. Tracker sent me the work file on this specific repair---it says on there "Labor time to repair-1 person 5 hours". Hmmmm...just how long is "5 hours"(thinking they misread it and mistook it for weeks)! Oh yeah, they also had to replace the driver's console which somehow got all cracked up while in storage at Links in St.Cloud over the winter. And people wonder why I've been "grumpy"!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0 deepportage01 Posted August 21, 2006 Share Posted August 21, 2006 Dude, sorry for all of this but man I would let them know every day how @#$% pised you are at all of this B.S. I would try to make them give you another boat. Tell them you are going to call the local news chanel on them I sure they would get a kick out of all this. I feel for ya man Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0 HutchBucks Posted August 21, 2006 Author Share Posted August 21, 2006 Their policy--"sorry, we don't give out loaners. Our ins. doesn't cover it." Well, my ins. doesn't cover them towing it out to Minong,Wis. either! Ohhh... and I think my name might be a swear word at the Link Rec's by now! LMAO They get at least 1 call a day! channel...think that would do it? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0 eyepatrol Posted August 21, 2006 Share Posted August 21, 2006 HB - I feel for ya man. My previous boat, I had at least as many problems, if not worse. I had a little bit of an upper hand though in that the boat I got wasn't designed to handle the added weight of an Optimax motor. It was at a time when Optimaxs first came out and when I went to the dealer, he said sure one could be put on the boat. After lots of calls and discussions, I found that the boat wasn't designed to handle the added weight. The moral of my story....I wrote a rather threatening letter to the president of the boat manufacturing company explaining the problems, the mis-representations by the dealer (saying the Opti could be put on there no problem) and at that time I had paid for items I hadn't yet received. Basically, I threatened a law suit against the boat manufacturer and the dealer. A shotgun law suite approach to get as many players involved as possible. In the end, the president of the boat manufacturing company had me bring my boat in to the manufacturing plant and they did a whole bunch of things to it....probably $1,500 or better to help the problem (although one problem was never completely corrected). Anyway, I just wanted to let you know what worked for me. Law suite threats can sometimes work as the cost of serving the customer can sometimes be less than the cost of attorneys and court visits, etc. Your situation is a difficult one, and I hope in the end it works out for you! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0 Try Too Fish Posted August 21, 2006 Share Posted August 21, 2006 I sure wish boat dealers would put as much effort in service as they do in selling!They want and would kiss your $$$ when buying but won't even kiss you goodbye after the sale!! I don't know if its dealers or the manufactures but boat warranty is tough to get!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0 LMITOUT Posted August 21, 2006 Share Posted August 21, 2006 That must be why they went back to wood floors. I was wondering why they made the switch back to wood from aluminum in 2006. It must have been giving them problems such as yours. Sorry to hear about your troubles as I've always thought that the Tundra was a good design in theory (light in weight yet formed to run like a fiberglass) but have been hearing too many problems with them. Is your's an 18' or 21' model?Good luck. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0 Wavey Davey Posted August 21, 2006 Share Posted August 21, 2006 I had problems with the St. Cloud dealer mentioned also.Was buying a used boat last fall based on them fixing a couple things on the motor first. Put money down, they told me about a week for the repairs. Long story short after many delays and phone calls, two months later and still no boat. I wrote the owner a letter documenting all the calls, dates, promises, etc. and asked that they refund my money.They did so, and I bought a boat elsewhere. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0 HutchBucks Posted August 21, 2006 Author Share Posted August 21, 2006 It's the 18 ft. model...the 21 ft'ers have been having problems with the transoms ripping out! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0 LABS4ME Posted August 21, 2006 Share Posted August 21, 2006 and I know of two 21'ers that had there bottoms cave in... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0 LwnmwnMan2 Posted August 21, 2006 Share Posted August 21, 2006 Hutch -I think I mentioned this before, but maybe you should threaten with a letter from a lawyer, saying that you'd like to have the boat back, take it to a different dealer, and have your dealer cover the cost of ALL repairs, whether warranty or otherwise??I can recommend a fine dealer, as was mentioned in your previous post, about 35 miles straight north of St. Paul / Minneapolis. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0 HutchBucks Posted August 22, 2006 Author Share Posted August 22, 2006 Called LR in Minong...complained a lot and told them if this fiasco doesn't come to an end I'd have to get the attorney general and who/what ever else involved, only to find out they didn't receive anything from Tracker. Called Tracker and they told me it took longer than expected to fab the struts/brackets and they shipped them express today. LR should have them tomorrow(filled them in on getting the attorney general involved too). Called LR back and told them they should have everything they need in their hands tomorrow and asked how long after they get the parts it would take...answer:about 20 hrs. Then proceeded to tell me they got this "dumped" on them from LR in SC and should have turned this repair down and sent rig back to Tracker(that's what LR in SC was supposed to do last fall/winter but it didn't happen). Anyway, they said they wanted to get this over and done with and "make it right for me"(I'll have to wait and see what that means). I don't know if that was a "pacifier" line or not, I guess I'll wait a couple more days(what's a few more days after a month and a half) before taking this to the legal experts(maybe I'm too easy)LOL At least to me it sounds like they're coming around...It's a lot more than I can say about my dealer(LR in SC). They don't even have the "intestinal fortitude" to step up to the plate, give me a call and say they screwed up(they have my number, I'm sure of that!) I'll keep you guys posted as to what comes of this...maybe from a rubber room...but, I'll keep ya posted! LOL Sounds like I'm losin' it already Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0 eyepatrol Posted August 22, 2006 Share Posted August 22, 2006 Hope they treat you right and take care of that rig for you HB!!! If it were me, and if they didn't have the boat ready to be picked up on Saturday, I'd be taking immediate action 8:00a.m. Monday morning. But that's just me.Good luck! I'll be watching for that update. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0 upnorth Posted August 22, 2006 Share Posted August 22, 2006 Dude you have way more patience than I. After the run around for a couple of weeks I would have pitched a freakin fit in person, in their show room on a busy Sat afternoon!! Let all their potential customers know what their customer service was really like. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0 LwnmwnMan2 Posted August 22, 2006 Share Posted August 22, 2006 I know you're not supposed to bad mouth dealers or whatever, but if you look LR up on the BBB's HSOforum, you might steer away from them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0 FoolNFish Posted August 23, 2006 Share Posted August 23, 2006 It's a little late for HB to go somewhere else.And he's not the only one with problems, I know of three other boat owners going through heck with the same dealership and not all of them are trackers. I'd call the BBB and the attorney general on this one. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0 chak Posted August 26, 2006 Share Posted August 26, 2006 When I bought a Smoker Craft from LR in Forest Lake last year it came 1/2 rigged. Prop on but nut finger tight,lock washer not even there! Steering sys also w/ just hand tightened nuts on motor. Cables routed by a retard and the list goes on. LR has no service and does everything cheap! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0 LwnmwnMan2 Posted August 27, 2006 Share Posted August 27, 2006 Quote:When I bought a Smoker Craft from LR in Forest Lake last year it came 1/2 rigged. Prop on but nut finger tight,lock washer not even there! Steering sys also w/ just hand tightened nuts on motor. Cables routed by a retard and the list goes on. LR has no service and does everything cheap! You mean Wyoming?? As in right next to Hallberg's or do you mean Forest Lake, as in the old Crystal Pierz dealership?? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0 chak Posted August 27, 2006 Share Posted August 27, 2006 Opps I meant Wyoming,the one by Hallbergs where i should have bought Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0 HutchBucks Posted September 1, 2006 Author Share Posted September 1, 2006 OK...I got the tundra back.The good news: They did a great job on stiffening up the give at all.The bad news: They installed the wrong console(put one in from a walk-thru). Mine is a dual console with rounded corners where the walk-thru is squared. Ever hear of the square peg in the round hole theory..I now have a round windsheild on a square console. It looks like dump(11yr. old daughter even said so)! Also, there's an ugly splice in the carpet under the driver's console.Looks like they(LR) will have some work to do over the winter months redoing it.Here's a link to some pics if you want to see for yourselves. web page Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0 deepportage01 Posted September 1, 2006 Share Posted September 1, 2006 All I can say is WOW,please refrane from beating them with the console it wont do any good.Sorry man this is now past the point of bad sevice. did you call the I team yet? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0 jbell1981 Posted September 1, 2006 Share Posted September 1, 2006 How could anyone in the right mind even think about letting that windshield be on there and giving it back to you like that. It sure looks blatanly obvious that is not the right one. I was thinking about buying a boat from LR last spring. I am sure glad I didn't and now I never will. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0 LwnmwnMan2 Posted September 1, 2006 Share Posted September 1, 2006 Quote: OK...I got the tundra back. The good news: They did a great job on stiffening up the give at all. The bad news: They installed the wrong console(put one in from a walk-thru). Mine is a dual console with rounded corners where the walk-thru is squared. Ever hear of the square peg in the round hole theory..I now have a round windsheild on a square console. It looks like dump(11yr. old daughter even said so)! Also, there's an ugly splice in the carpet under the driver's console. Looks like they(LR) will have some work to do over the winter months redoing it. Here's a link to some pics if you want to see for yourselves. web page You know, it's almost like they're trying to stick it to you now, to see how much you'll take before you say "forget it". Did you track someone down at Tracker yet??? I'd try to get someone from Tracker to take a look at these pictures. I second the fact that I can't believe either that someone would have sent the boat back looking like it does..... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0 78cj5 Posted September 1, 2006 Share Posted September 1, 2006 I'd be raging. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0 ChuckN Posted September 1, 2006 Share Posted September 1, 2006 There is absolutely no excuse for that. Installing the wrong console and chopping up the boat to make it fit??? I would have never accepted the boat back, but I realize how long can you continue without a boat with what's left of the summer?? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Does anyone know if the "Lemon Law" covers boats?
Or does it only cover vehicles?
And if it does someone make a claim under this law?
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