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I got a chuckle from the former DNR employee's comment about what opportunities the DNR is providing for non-motorized users....

I would suggest he look at the MILLIONS and MILLIONS of acres off limits to motorized vehicles, for a start.

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I saw the story on the news and thought it didn't bash ATV riders too bad. I do beleive that trails need to be developed for ATV use before shutting down existing trails. Why make all ATV riders criminals when only a few ride irresponsabley? With so many ATVs out there people are going to ride somewhere, give them a place to do it legaly. There are a ton of places for non-motorized recreation and some areas need to be left open for ATVs and other motorized recreation. Most people register ATVs and this can help to fund trail development and enforcement. Walkers and hikers don't pay a registration fee to help fund trail development. Just something to think about. I am not even sure that should have been a news story, seemed to be a pretty isolated area they were looking at, not a whole trail system or region. There should be room for everybody to go out and enjoy the great outdoors, responsibley.

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Well, to me it sounds like election time agen and this guy [Jim] has a personal beef with Gene M. I would like this guy to see my ATV [full snorkle kit 27inch mud tires 2inch lift kit] and 90% of my riding takes place on private property it's sound like this guy wants to blame all ATV riders. you don't blame poching on all fishermen do you?

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Too bad there was no mention of the money the 270,000 plus registrations contribute to the DNR. I think the tone of the story still attempted to put ATV'ing in a negative light.

I wish they would start making some trails down here in Southern MN.

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I agree. I have had my atv since 2001 and have yet to ride on a trail. I just use mine for ice fishing for the most part. If the state is going to charge me to license something they better provide me a place to use it, or get rid of the fee.

The State of MN is great at finding ways to tax you, making use of that tax is another story....

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Along those lines, where does the money come from to fund the many trails we see that forbid motorized vehicles, "except snowmobiles"?

I have another question about these. The old railroad that runs across my property has now been paved through Todd county. I know I am not allowed to ride my ATV on this trail but is there a defined right-of-way? In other words, am I allowed to ride on the shoulder, so to speak, of the pavement? In reality I wouldn't want to run my ATV on the pavement anyway due to excessive tire wear and handling issues. Couldn't this be a partial solution to the lack of trail issue?


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If riders stay where they should be, there would be no problem, it just takes the few knuckleheads to screw things up for everyone. I do have to say, the noise is really annoying in the deerstand no matter how far you are in the woods. Just be responsible and it'll all be fine!

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