tjm Posted July 23, 2006 Share Posted July 23, 2006 The warranty says use Envinrude oil but any cheaper oils compare at a lower price ??If not anyone know where 1 can buy bulk oil at a lower price Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0 Whoaru99 Posted July 24, 2006 Share Posted July 24, 2006 As long as you get an oil that meets or exceeds the manufacturer's recommendation you'll be good to go on the warranty. Of course they will recommend their oil because they make big $$ on it as an accessory. But, most any oil is as good or better than the factory stuff as long as you stick to the correct rating, i.e. TC-W3 or what ever it happens to be for your engine. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0 PerchJerker Posted July 24, 2006 Share Posted July 24, 2006 Quote: most any oil is as good or better than the factory stuff as long as you stick to the correct rating, i.e. TC-W3 or what ever it happens to be for your engine Sorry, but I completely disagree with this. Cheaper oils are cheaper for a reason, probably the additives and protectants in the oil. And if you have a high pressure direct injection motor you will want an oil tailored to that motor, not any off-the-shelf TC-W3 oil. Oil is cheap compared to just about anything but especially compared to the cost of your motor. On the advice of several knowledgeable mechanics and other people I avoid bargain priced oils, in fact I usually go with the oil my motor manufacturer recommends for the engine even though it of course has their name on it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0 Whoaru99 Posted July 24, 2006 Share Posted July 24, 2006 Quote: Sorry, but I completely disagree with this. Cheaper oils are cheaper for a reason, probably the additives and protectants in the oil. Maybe, but my .02 is that an aftermarket name brand oil of the correct spec is cheaper because it does not carry an outrageous OEM markup, not because it's an inferior product. In many cases you can get an aftermarket synthetic for less than an OEM dino-based oil. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0 mwal Posted July 24, 2006 Share Posted July 24, 2006 do you use your motor in cooler weather. Less than 40 degrees? If so you must use synthetic in a direct injection engine. Di engines use oil differently than standard oil injection. standard oil injection mixes oil in your gas according to your engine rpm etc so it uses more oil as it is burning it. Di sprays a fine mist of oi directtly below your pistion there fore very little is ever burned the motor keep sucking the unused oil back to the resavoir that is why they use so little oil. Using a high quality oil is critical because you are not mixing it in the fuel. If your oil does not flow freely the DI may not be able to mist properly. I had a Ficht and now have an E-tec. Di engine such as E-tec, Opti-max And Yamaha HPDI use barely any oil I go a whole season on 1 gallon of XD-100 synthetic oil. With standard oil injection I would use cheap oil and go thru 3 to 5 gallons a season so It is cheaper to run your E-tec on the proper oil. Why risk your motor and not actually save any money. DI engines are completely different than the oil injection of a stadard motor.Mwal Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0 PierBridge Posted July 24, 2006 Share Posted July 24, 2006 Quote: The warranty says use Envinrude oil In my opinion in your particular case without a doubt you should be using the Evinrude have a $10,000 Outboard why cut corners now it's not worth it, buy a case of oil or look for a dealer that sells bulk ......your going to be suprised how little oil your E-Tec is going to use it's just not worth it to save a few bucks... Good Luck..... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0 Whoaru99 Posted July 24, 2006 Share Posted July 24, 2006 Those OEM's have done their warranty scare tactics well, haven't they. If your warranty will be void by using something other than Evinrude oil, they must give you that oil free according to the Magnuson-Moss warranty law. Regardless if the oil is injected or put into the gas, it still has the same purpose - to lube the engine. So, it would seem that some level of quality is necessary either way. The key is making sure you get an equivalent spec (TC-W3RL) oil for the engine. In case it isn't clear, I believe you can do that for less that what Evinrude charges for oil. Hey, if using OEM oil gives you peace of mind, go for it. But then, why ask the question if you are not seriously going to consider something else. BTW - What does a gallon of the XD100 cost? Do you guys use OEM oil and filters in your $30K cars and trucks? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0 PerchJerker Posted July 24, 2006 Share Posted July 24, 2006 You are still stuck on the idea that bargain-priced oils that sell for less than OEM oils are the same quality. They're not. The cheaper price doesn't just save you money, it also gets you an inferior product.Maybe that's not a problem when you're pre-mixing 50:1 for a 2-stroker that burns a lot of oil and smokes like crazy. But I'd keep it away from any oil injected motor, especially a high pressure direct injection motor. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0 Whoaru99 Posted July 24, 2006 Share Posted July 24, 2006 Yes, I admit it. I am, to some degree. I have never said go buy the cheapest stuff you can find. I have said you can get as good or better oil for less than OEM prices. As much as I am stuck my way, you are stuck that OEM oils are far superior to others. Evinrude, Merc, Honda, Yamaha, etc have never made a drop of oil. There are companies who's main line of business is oil. OEMs farm out their oil bids to the cheapest place that will make it. Like I also said, if OEM oil gives you peace of mind, fine. I'm not an lubrication engineer, but I do have some inside information from a VERY large OEM (not marine). Based on my knowledge of what goes on with their private branded oils and reformulations to get higher margins leaves me skeptical of OEM lubricants. Not saying they are bad, but I truly believe you can do better. Perhaps not in every single case, but I'd say odds are in most cases you can - and for less money. I copied this from the E-Tec owner's manual... "IMPORTANT: Failure to follow oil specifications could void the engine warranty if a lubrication- related failure occurs." Note it does not say failure to use Evinrude oil could void warranty, it says failure to follow the oil specification could void warranty. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0 78cj5 Posted July 25, 2006 Share Posted July 25, 2006 My E-Tec owners manual also states that "If your EMM has been programmed for Evinrude/Johnson XD100, DO NOT use any other oil unless in an emergency. If Evinrude/Johnson XD100 is temorarily unavailable, a one-time use of an oil that meets NMMA TC-W3RL certification standards is allowed". Everyone I know that runs an E-tec is running XD100. Oh yeah... I am one of those people who have all of my service done by my auto dealers, using OEM oil and filters, both on our Acura and Volvo's. Just spent $700.00 on a "routine" 60,000 mile service on my XC90. By-the-way, our XC70 just turned 220,000 miles and still runs like a champ. This car will hit 320,000 without a problem. Not a speck of corrosion either. Must be the free life-time car washes that the local Golden Valley dealership includes with the high price of their cars and service (among other perks)... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0 Mille Lacs Guy Posted July 25, 2006 Share Posted July 25, 2006 If you use anything other than XD100 you have to have the computer changed in the Etec's. Also, the XD100 is more expensive but you will use significantly less XD100 as compared to regular TCW3 oil. If you have a 225 Etec they are expensive. Why skimp on the oil when you have a motor worth that much? I fish a lot and a barely use 2 gallons of XD100 per year. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0 hitthebricks Posted July 25, 2006 Share Posted July 25, 2006 Putting all opinions aside I think we need some sort of survey on this. I have five friends with Merc. Opti's, 6 including me, 4 of us use shipwreck or destitute, (Shipmate or Resolute) and have had no problems, (Knock on wood)the 2 that use Opti Premium have both blown their engines, one of them twice. What do you guys use? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0 tjm Posted July 25, 2006 Author Share Posted July 25, 2006 The ? i was try'n to ask was (is another oil = to xd 100) at a lower price225 ETech uses 1 gal oil per 50 gals of gas basicaly.We used 150 galons of gas on LOW last month.Were headed back up this friday for another week of fishing. So i figured i would ask if it was possible someone made oil = to xd 100 at a lower price that we could usei called several places to buy bulk xd 100 55 gal drum ran from $1700.00 - $1800.00 Anyone know of a place any cheaper??When i got my new sled the dealer told me i could only use certain kind of oil.Later i found out that was not so after i spent double the amount on what i was told to use.This is why i am asking Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0 Whoaru99 Posted July 25, 2006 Share Posted July 25, 2006 Quote:When i got my new sled the dealer told me i could only use certain kind of oil.Later i found out that was not so after i spent double the amount on what i was told to use.This is why i am asking Yeah, it's a little OT, but I used the recommended OEM oil in my sled too. But, I got sick and tired of cleaning the gunk off the power valves. Went with an aftermarket synthetic that was cheaper than the OEM oil and guess what? Cut power valve cleaning at least 50%, if not more. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0 Whoaru99 Posted July 25, 2006 Share Posted July 25, 2006 Quote:225 ETech uses 1 gal oil per 50 gals of gas basicaly.We used 150 galons of gas on LOW last month.Were headed back up this friday for another week of fishing. Is this with the ECM re-programed for XD100? I'm sort of hoping it's not for your benefit, because 50:1 is a ripoff if you need to use oil that's $33/gallon at drum prices (much more I'd guess, by the pre-packaged gallon) I was looking again at the E-Tec manual and it seems that all Evinrude oils, even their entry level XD30, is approved for use in the E-TEC - just not at the reduced rate as with an ECM programmed for XD100. So, I guess it depends if the XD100 at a reduced oiling rate is really any type of benefit to you vs standard rate of a less expensive oil. From a purely warranty perspective, evidently it's not. Now, if they offered a longer warranty for using XD100, that might be saying something. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0 HARPOON-OR-BUST Posted July 26, 2006 Share Posted July 26, 2006 I would recommend Amsoil HP Injector oil. Made for DFI outboards I use it and know many others who do without a complaint. Just a suggestion Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0 ChuckN Posted July 26, 2006 Share Posted July 26, 2006 I've been using Amsoil synthetics for years and I do love the stuff. However, I would be a bit leary with the ETEC and the programmable oil ratios. If someone can answer if the XD100 and Amsoil Injector are so similar they can run off the XD100 ETEC program, then maybe you found something cheaper....for $25/gallon. Personally, I would run XD100 in a new ETEC. I've heard that this motor hardly uses any oil when programmed correctly. But, I don't own one....maybe someday. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0 HARPOON-OR-BUST Posted July 26, 2006 Share Posted July 26, 2006 True, I would so some checking first but I was just throwing another one out there. Don't know anything about the new e-tecs. Saying they HAVE to use a certain brand of oil seems a little farce however. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0 Whoaru99 Posted July 26, 2006 Share Posted July 26, 2006 It would be easy enough for a concerned party to call Amsoil and ask their opinion. And besides, it only $19/gal in bulk compared to $33/gal bulk for XD100. Pay $10 or $20 to become a preferred customer, and it's even less than $19/gal. But again, as I've always stated if using OEM gives you a warm and fuzzy, and you don't mind paying for it, by all means use it. It's your $$ either way... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0 kjgmh Posted July 26, 2006 Share Posted July 26, 2006 I think that anyone who owns an E-Tec owes it to the lakes that they are fishing to run XD-100. When programmed to use this they use much less oil, therefor much less pollution ends up in the lake. Evinrude can not make you run this oil, but why would you not want to? To save a couple of bucks? You have already spent good money for a motor why not let it work to it's full potential. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0 Whoaru99 Posted July 26, 2006 Share Posted July 26, 2006 Because it makes the assumption that only XD-100 is good enough to do that and I don't believe it. I just don't have any way to prove it... Does anyone really think an OEM is going to tell you to use someone else's oil regardless of the circumstances? Especially knowing that parts and accessories sales are typically a MAJOR source of revenue. In fact, I've heard that it's not unusual for companies to be more profitable on parts and accessories than on the wholegood product. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0 Valv Posted July 26, 2006 Share Posted July 26, 2006 Quote:It would be easy enough for a concerned party to call Amsoil and ask their opinion.I would really like to see Amsoil stating you cannot use it for E-Tec, and I would like to see their reply if you show up with a blown motor after you use their oil and ask for a replacement.Evinrude does stand behind the oil and the motor, and they put it in writing when you buy the motor, so why take a chance saving a whopping $ 40.00 in 2 years ?I understand the point that others are making, but since there's a small percent of unknow, why risk it ? That's what I don't understand.If I had same motor I would get XD100 only, I paid for the rig and I don't want to blow it just to prove they are wrong.Whoever wants to experiment, they are welcome to buy their own motor and/or test all sort of oil out there.Please post the results after 1 year, thank you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0 buckfish Posted July 26, 2006 Share Posted July 26, 2006 i found xd100 for $24.00 per gallon in the north metro. and my evinrude does use less oil with it programmed this way. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0 Mille Lacs Guy Posted July 26, 2006 Share Posted July 26, 2006 I completely agree with Valv. Save a few bucks a year and have a risk of something going wrong? Also, I don't think people are considering how much less XD100 oil is used as compared to other types of oil. So if XD100 is $35 or so bucks a gallon and some other oil is $15 bucks a gallon how much are you really saving? I guess the decision was an easy one for me to run XD100 in my Etec. I'm not worried about saving $20 a gallon when a new motor costs $8,000 to who knows what depending on what size motor you have. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0 Whoaru99 Posted July 26, 2006 Share Posted July 26, 2006 Far too many other hobbies (vices??) to spend $10K+ on an engine plus the cost of an associated boat, and still have a roof over my head. I have experimented and continue to experiment with (what was) a new 1994 pickup truck, synthetic oil, and extended drain intervals. Absolutely no oil-related problems and I'm on the verge of 200K miles. I'd drive this truck anywhere on a moments notice if I had to. Not that I'm bragging about 200K because I know plenty of vehicles with high miles. It'll be 300K or 400K before I really start tooting that horn. Yup, completely different situation, but it just goes to show that I have taken a risk on my dime. So far, I'm coming out ahead in less oil/filter cost and disposal hassles and no other higher costs of repair that I could link. In fact, less in repairs than quite a few others I know, but that might just be luck of the draw. All I hope is that the OP got his question answered. If I could get the XD100 for a price comparable to the name brand aftermarket oils, maybe I'd use it too. However, early information tended to imply this stuff was much more expensive than "normal" oil and the OP was looking for opinions and options. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The warranty says use Envinrude oil but any cheaper oils compare at a lower price ??
If not anyone know where 1 can buy bulk oil at a lower price
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